
Chapter 120

"Very well then."

The lady rejoined her two separate swords. She turned around and walked back towards her seat. She then plopped down on it as she crossed her legs.

Her head held high as she appraised her. Her sharp eyes analyzing her every move from under the brim of her black leather hat. It was a bit more intimidating than she would like to admit. She felt like a child standing in front of her angry teacher.

"But milady, before you ask any further questions, allow me to start with my own. Where did you get that blade?"

"The Burial Blade ...", she held it up.

She looked at its fragile-like state yet she knew it was as hard as she makes it out to be. It resembled a wooden branch wrapped in bandages to keep it from falling apart. The blade had served her very well.

"I do not know much of it. I got it from the forges of the dwarves. It was already there. I heard it was the first trick weapon. I did not think I would see another trick weapon here."

"The Burial Blade", interrupted the lady. Her voice with the slightest of trembling as if it held some bad memories. 

"Trick weapon wielded by Gehrman, the first hunter."

A masterpiece that defined the entire array of weapons crafted at the workshop. Its blade is forged with siderite, said to have fallen from the heavens.

Gehrman surely saw the hunt as a dirge of farewell, wishing only that his prey might rest in peace, never again to awaken to another harrowing nightmare."

She introduced the weapons to her. There was more history to this weapon than she knew. All she knew was that it was forged by Andre the dwarf and nothing more. Somebody had wielded this weapon before her or ... after her.

This was at the end of time after all.

"Fair maiden, I hath no knowledge of who German is but he must be a memorable man for you to remember him."

"You have not heard the name Gehrman? I'm rather surprised. The first hunter and one of the most famous hunters in Yharnam yet you do not know of him."

"I'm afraid I come from a time far different than what thy may perceive of me. I am merely looking more into Yharnam. It has some ties with mine home. Can thee bless me with some help?"

The white-haired lady looked at her in silence once again. She appeared to be considering her offer. Another thing to note down was that although the lady seems to be cold and distant she must have been incredibly kind once.

That was a major part in why she sat down to talk to her. She longed to get out from the darkness of the night and to bask in the warmth of the sun. The flame beckons her oh, so sweetly.

"What do you know of Yharnam then, milady."

"Ah... nothing much. I only know of its roots. I know only of the pthumerians and not much of the humans. Also, thou can refer to me as keeper. "

"Well, Ms. Keeper. You can refer to me as Just knowing about the pthumerians is plenty enough. But I assume you wish to know about the humans. You can call me Maria but tell me Ms.Keeper, why I should accommodate your request?"

Hmm.... That was a good question. Why should Lady Maria help her? Just simple kindness would not cut it out. After all, she barged into her nightmare and demanded her help for no apparent reason. They were not very familiar with each other either.

"I could help thee get out of this nightmare."

"Help me get out of this nightmare? I have long been dead in the waking world. I fear that may not be much of an incentive."

"A little girl trapped in her own nightmare. Thy words fail to deceive thyself much less me. Thou ended thyself, that much I can see. Tell me, Lady Maria, what is it that thou wishes to guards so desperately?"

She can see Lady Maria with her own eyes. Her flames tell a story. A story of a girl deceived into hunting innocents as a hunter. She did not know the entire story but that was more than enough for her to find a conclusion.

"And even if those were true, the living has no concern over me, the dead. What factor led you to believe that I am the same as I once was."

She smiled slightly at this. Lady Maria was a wise person and know war and death. She knew blood and iron. But, she has yet to know 'people' or rather 'human'. She walked towards her as she raised her hands to her cold face.

"There are things hidden by thee that even I fail to see yet thou failed to hide thy demeanour." 

She touched her hair as she failed to do it before. She slowly shifted it to the side brim of her head and tuck it in gently. Lady Maria did not do anything but watched her hands as she trifled with her hair.

"Doth thou not see? Even when I trifled with thy hair, thou refused to interfere. That weapon designed for a quick death. The way thee handled mine hand after grabbing it. Thou gentle grace and demeanour stays unhidden from my eye.

I can see thee longing for rest. Allow me to bring thee to waking world once more. Allow me to rekindle that dying flame in thy heart."

Lady Maria slowly took her hand. She did not pulled away and allowed it. She stared at it as she held it tenderly to her face for a while perhaps savouring the heat she has yet to feel in a long time. She simply watched it all happen.

Lady Maria then slowly pushed her hand back and took out her sword once more. She unsheathed it as she pulled up a guard stance. She pointed at her.

"Ms. Keeper I am honoured to feel the heat once more but to know further means certain death. That is and will be the case unless you prove yourself to be of greater strength than me."

It was lady Maria's test for her. She accepted the duel. She have no idea of her capabilities and so does Lady Maria. It was a very fair battle. She took her scythe and raised it by her side as she got ready to charge.






This is Chapter 120.

Some development between lady Maria and the fire keeper. Tell me what you think of in the comments. 

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