
CHAPTER 98 - Demands (3)

As Ichiro, Sachiko, and Chiyo followed the intricate patterns of Ayami's magic, the twins were awe-struck by Ichiro's seemingly innate ability to discern Ayami's location. Little did they know, Ichiro's proficiency in utilizing his knowledge affinity exacted a toll on him, delving into the realms of agony. His mind became a battleground of intense magical currents, a place where the flow of information and the strain on his mental faculties reached an otherworldly crescendo.

Ichiro's knowledge affinity was a double-edged sword, providing him unparalleled insights but exacting a price in the form of mental and physical strain. However, he bore this burden stoically, driven by an unwavering determination to rescue Ayami.

Ayami, aware of the potential dangers surrounding her, utilized her magical prowess to discreetly mark her path, hoping that someone with the right abilities would notice.

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