
Iron Monger

AUTHOR'S NOTES; Also, y'all, it's been like half a year 😭 I'm sorry!

But! In my defense, I took a little vacation for almost a month and the newest installment of this series took way longer to write and post because it's very technical! Like, it took me a month and a half to do the first 2 chapters of A Survivor's Will! But I think it will be easier now that I have a good start on how I want to handle the mechanics of it. And now there are 8 parts to this series and I wrote over 45k since you guys last saw me!

Still… I am sorry 💙 you guys are my dear readers so I feel bad for the wait.

Anyway! I officially posted my walking dead gamer fic, so check that out if you're interested. I know gamer fics aren't for everyone, but it's not a traditional one, so you might enjoy it anyway.

Y'all know how this series works by now, but if you're new, hi! Welcome! Each part of this series can be read independently or in order as part of a soul's journey through the cycle of reincarnation.

Side note, I started school again, so expect a slow down in updates again. So sorry.

As always, thank you guys for showing your love for my work. I hope yall enjoy!




The little robot hands over an arc reactor in a display case to his master just as Loki and I kneel next to Tony. I scoop up the arc reactor, smash the case, and shake it free of glass before helping Tony slip it into place. "Good boy, Dum-E. Tony, can you hear me?,"

The mechanic looks at me with dazed eyes, one hand, reaching out from my face. I lean into the touch, cradling his hand against my cheek. "–N-Nova?"

"Hi. Deep breathes, darling. You know the drill." I guide him to a sitting position as I begin to check him over with my magic as Loki places Tony's free palm on his chest and helps him through some calming technique, all of which he'd learned from your truly for his own coping methods. Finding his heart strained and thoracic cavity inflamed, I try not to snarl too audibly, focusing on weaving threads of magic around his organs and reversing the damage caused by the shifting of the sharpenal.

After the shock wears off, Tony has a panic attack of epic proportions, actually blacking out for a short while, but somehow he manages to bounce back relatively quickly, his brown eyes sparking back to life gloriously. "You back with us, Tony?"

"I'm here, " the billionaire rasps, his voice croaky. "Fucking Obadiah."

"Yes," I know dryly, turning to a fretting Loki who was doing his best to look unconcerned by the near dead mortal we'd taken under our protection. "We have it under control, the mortals said! We don't need your help, they said!"

Tony's gaze is as incredulous as it is embarrassed. "Are you actually telling me 'I told you so' right now?"

"I never miss an opportunity," I drawl lazily, but I can't quite resist the urge to pull him into a tight hug, relieved he's okay.

"Enough. Where is the enemy? I'd like to rip his heart out of his chest before dinner," Loki intervenes coldly even as he gently uses his magic to clear away the blood and sweat on Tony's skin.

Tony groans. "Shit. Obediah has an arc reactor! I need to go!"

I peer at him. He's really not in a condition to fight. I could stop him, but I also know how terribly that would go over. "Fine. But we are coming with."

Loki and I help him up just as Rhodey enters, alarmed by the sight before him. "The fucks been going on here?"


"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen," Rhodey says as the iron man suit pieces itself together over Tony's body.

"Not bad, huh" Tony grins.

I smirk, shaking my head as I let my silver-blue magic out around me, enchanting my armor to withstand greater impacts and damage, conjuring a mask to cover my upper face completely, not even bothering to leave eye holes since my eyesight is terrible on this planet anyway.

Next to me, Loki is doing much the same. "Must I wear a mask, Star?"

I shrug. "You don't have to, but I find it more convenient so that we are not constantly recognized later on."

Loki sighs but creates a lovely verdant and black mask that I had a feeling is reminiscent of Jormungandr's scales. The metal curved upwards into-

"Hellloooo, Rudolph," Tony teases from where the last of the armor is fitting into place and I blink, surprised to note the slight nickname change at the sight of the horns on the mask, but then again, 'Reindeer Games' had been a double reference to both Loki's helmet aesthetic and his assholery during the chitauri invasion. "Why the reindeer antlers?"

Loki, despite my near certainty that he has no idea what Rudolph, or a reindeer, even is, promptly scowls, somehow getting the gist of Tony's meaning and taking offense as he makes a rude gesture at the mechanic being suited up. "They are not antlers, but horns, or spines if you will. Like a dragon."

"…are dragons real?" Rhodey asks, founding, both horrified and fascinated.

I hum. "There are probably no more left on earth at least."

I feel my face soften involuntarily as I cup Loki's jaw briefly, taking in the stubborn set to his chin as he holds his head up, proudly displaying the mask. "Soon."

His eyes lock with mine, glowing emerald orbs shining out of the darkness of the eye holes of the scaled mask. "I know. I trust you."

I smile softly, bumping our heads together for a moment before I usher us to Tony. Together, Loki and I take a moment to carefully weave our protective magic over Tony's skin. Not his suit, because we had no idea if it would be able to handle our form of energy, and not as much protection as we'd like, but it would give Tony enough protection to survive several fatal or crippling blows if his suit couldn't guard against them.

"Keep the skies clear," Tony states to his best friend and Loki and I share a quick grin between us and just as Tony blasts into the sky, Loki and I leap, magic swirling around us, wings unfurling from nothingness as we flank the only slightly startled human.

Today, we'd both opted for a more dragon like form, all smooth leather and subtly shimmering scales. I had a feeling after seeing his mask that Loki would want to take on a form to honor his son, Jor, the giant serpent that was really more dragon than snake. My wings appeared a dark blue that lightened to silver in certain places, matching my armor, Loki doing the same with his own wings that glinted between black and green.

"Your wings are different this time," Tony notes as we rocket through the air towards Obadiah Stane.

I nod. "The spell allows us to choose."

"Spell? The wings aren't… a part of you?"

"No. Asgardians do not have wings naturally…" Loki trails off, his silken tones unusually awkward, making me wince. Loki was at least half Jotun, if not full, but since we didn't actually know who his parents were, we didn't know for sure. It was much the same for me and while I was half Asgardian, we had reason to suspect my other half was going to turn out to be something unexpected. In theory, we might have naturally had wings and just never found out our entire lives.

"How messy our family drama is," I murmur bemused, too quiet for our mortal companion to hear, startling a laugh out of Loki.

"Obie's mine," Tony blurts suddenly, tone harsher than I've ever heard it. 

My answering hum is noncommittal.

"I'm serious, Nova, Loki. He's mine."

I sigh, taking in the sight of him ahead of us, the city lights below glancing off his metallic armor. Loki, flying next to me, is coiling, muscles bunching, and I can already hear the sharp retort building on his tongue, so I decide to cut in before they start ripping into one another. "I will attempt to restrain myself to keeping the damage contained and civilians safe. Loki will watch and not interfere unless you look like you're about to be murdered."


"Oh, absolutely not!" Loki hisses, displeased at the thought of not getting to rip into Stane. As much as he liked to bitch and moan about my pet Midgardian charity cases, I can tell how much the genius has grown on him despite the relatively limited interactions the two have had. And Loki is viciously protective of those he considers his own. Obediah is very lucky he was escaping the wrath of the god of mischief and chaos.

"Let him take his revenge, Lucky. You know you'd be the same in his place," I remind gently.

Loki sulks.

"Thank you," Tony states, "For letting me face him myself…. And for coming to help. Every damn time."

I smirk, letting my eyes shut as the night air kisses my skin and tugs on my hair. "Always."


I swoop down, snatching the car up and bouncing out of the Iron Monger's way as he tries to throw it at Tony. The family in the car shrieks and the driver is trying to floor it to get away despite me holding it clear of the ground. "Hey! Knock that shit off!" 

Hilariously, they obey and I carefully set them down and direct them to evacuate, wings extending to block rubble as I use my magic to contain the damage the fight is creating. Cursing, I wrap my magic around a motorcyclist that Stane sends flying when he snatches up his bike to beat Tony with it.

I set the stunned biker down next to me, releasing the glowing blue magic wrapped around him. I scratch my head, realizing I'll have to put on a bit of a show now. I raise my wings high, extending them and letting my magic swirl around me, my hair begins to float around me as I glow like a lighthouse in a storm, catching as much attention as I can. "This way, please! That big guy doesn't care who he hurts! Everyone needs to clear out!"

"A-Are you a…. mutant?" Someone asks as I erect a giant shield, transparent and glowing starkly against the darkness around us.

"Eh, something like that," I shrug. "This way, everyo- Oh, shit!"

Stane fires a fucking bazooka that I only just manage to shield a bus from.

I focus upwards only to feel Loki, pretending nonchalance, is seated in a floating conjured arm chair and sipping tea from a porcelain cup, startling a laugh out of me. It's even funnier since I can feel the pounding of his heart in his chest, and the way his magic boils with unease as he watches Stane absolutely kick Tony's ass. Still, he is keeping his word and letting Tony try his hand at defeating his foe on his own.

Tony and Stane take off for the sky and I huff. With a quick scan, I note that there doesn't seem to be any serious injuries and that everyone is evacuating. After I bark out a few more orders on helping one another to safety, I leave the civilians behind, shooting into the sky, heading to check on Pepper since we only saw her briefly earlier when Tony got thrown into a highway.

"You know, I gave you that bracelet for a reason," I deadpan as I land behind the frazzled ginger.

"Novahna!" She shrieks, whirling around.

"Are you hurt?" I ask, concerned as I touch her forehead, my magic soaking beneath her skin briefly.

"No, not really," she says with a strained smile.

"Good," I note, promptly giving her whack over the head, having to get on my tiptoes to do it since Pepper is nearly a whole foot taller than me in those heels. "We're almost ready, they say! We have it handled, they say! And why the fuck have you not summoned me with your bracelet when a giant robot man tried to squish you?"

I glare, the normally powerful, confident, and fiery red head shrinking sheepishly under my gaze. "…I forgot?"

I sigh, tilting my head to the man lurking in the shadows. "Coleson? Are you well?"

The agent melts from the darkness, one arm cradled in the other. "Well enough, Lady Novahna. I didn't realize you were connected to all this."

I snort. "Liar. I'm pretty sure Tony mentioned something about a mysterious woman rescuing him from Afghanistan and I doubt you lot didn't put it together."

Coulseson's lips curl into a tiny smirk, his aura bemused. "Perhaps."

I reach out, ignoring the way his muscles tense, and heal his burned arm, much to his surprise. "Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you'd escort the lovely Miss Potts away from here. There are also some civilians that could use your help on the road that way," I say mildly, sensing two figures landing on a nearby roof quickly followed by a much larger one as battle starts up again. Looks like Loki's finally joined the fight.

Ignoring their questions, I spread my wings again and launch myself into the air. Once I'm a few hundred feet off the ground, I end the spell, wings vanishing and begin to fall. With a thunderous crash, I smash feet first into the back of the Iron Monger, sending the whole thing to the ground face first. "Hey, you guys started the party without me? Rude."

Loki scoffs, looking utterly unruffled, but Tony's suit looks notably worse for wear. Still, I find myself a little proud that Loki managed to mostly keep himself from interfering. It was crucial for Tony to face his traitorous godfather, both for his mental state and his future growth as a superhero. But, he'd gotten a crack at Stane and now it is time for teamwork. 

Beneath my feet, the Iron Monger screams in fury and begins to rise. I glance down with an annoyed look, driving my foot into the back of the armor again, causing Stane to crash further into the roof, now half buried into it. Tony's hysterical little giggle is enough to make me eye him with concern, but there is still a threat so I set it aside for now. 

Without hesitation, I wrap cords of light around one of the giant metal arms, Loki doing the same without us having to coordinate a thing. Together, we begin to pull in opposite directions, using our strength to start ripping the arms off the suit.

Stane's incoherent wails make my ears ring. Somehow, the armored suit around his upper body had been opened at some point in the battle, either in an attempt to gloat or a result of the damage done to it. I duck a missile fired at my head, slipping a bit, but keep hold of our enemy, Loki and I's combined efforts pinning him in place as we struggled to rip him apart. "He's all yours, Tony!"

"Jarvis, divert all power!" Tony yells as I hear Loki curse, a few bullets grazing his side as Stane desperately tries to pull free from us while firing all his weapons, though he seemed to have something wrong with his aim. There is a blast of the arc reactor and the scent of burning flesh , Stane's howling dying out as the Iron Monger finally powers down. 

Letting the suit fall, I rip out the stolen arc reactor and turn, just in time to see Tony collapse. Thankfully, between our magic and adrenaline he manages to stay awake long enough for us to swap his damaged arc reactor with the one we took back from Stane. Then we're hauling ass to Tony's house where I know Yinsen will be waiting to help.

"So, how are you enjoying earth, Lucky, dear?" I call sardonically, smirking at the gentle way Loki is cradling the unconscious human.

"Well, I must admit, I wasn't expecting things to be so interesting among the mortals," he deadpans, making me laugh. "But,… I don't hate it."


"The truth is… I am Iron Man."

I snort, shaking my head. I hadn't been sure if this would follow the MCU route, considering how many differences were already showing between this world and the canon MCU, but I wasn't really surprised either. Tony just really wasn't the type to hide behind the bodyguard story. While Coulson next to me looks like he is in the middle of having an aneurysm, Loki is utterly delighted, but that is no big shock either considering how much chaos the conference room had just erupted into. That, and the God of Mischief is just as much of a dramatic bitch as Tony himself. 

"That arrogant, prideful, idiot-" I laugh as the normally unflappable SHIELD agent next to me openly rubs at his temples.

"I'd like to introduce some friends of mine," Tony calls out. "Novahna? Loki?"

I shrug and saunter forward in all my armored glory, Loki right behind me as we ignore Coulson's cursing and whispered protests. Neither of us were supposed to debut today either, just stay hidden in the side room, but this is as good a time as any to make our existence known.

I lean a hip on the podium and raise a hand in a lazy wave to the crowd, mask on and glinting. "Yo."

The confused silence nearly has Loki purring in pleasure next to me.

"You all remember me mentioning a mysterious savior that helped rescue me from Afghanistan? Well, this is Novahna and her companion, Loki. You might recognize him from Norse myths of the god of mischief. Although, they aren't really gods-"

"I disagree-" Loki interrupts haughtily.

"-but more like aliens from outer space," Tony continues without missing a beat.

"Do you really expect us to believe that?" Some blonde reporter that I think Tony called Christine, demands. "Is this some kind of joke? Are they mutants or something?"

The crowd yells more questions at that, the idea of mutants sending them into a frenzy, and not a wholly good one.

Tony tenses for the first time during this press conference, something sharp and protective in his aura that has me smiling softly and patting his shoulder, stopping the, likely ruthless, retort on his tongue. "Peace Tony. It is of no consequence if they are unable to believe us now. We are not mutants, but considering we are friends with quite a few and find them most lovely, we find no offense in being mistaken for them. If you, or Earth, require our help, we will do our best to assist," I state simply, my voice silencing the ravenous crowd, but my words only addressed to my friend. I pat his arm once more and step away. In a casual, almost careless move, I flick my hand, ripping open a portal much larger and eye catching than my normal ones.

Eh, who am I kidding? I love the theatrics just as much as these two.

The crowd gapes and gasps as from within, the exquisite sight of the rainbow bifrost appears. Heimdall himself stands with his sword in full, golden armor, watching with amusement, and in the distance, the gilded palace of the royal family shines under the sun. "Bye, Tony."

"Bye, Loki, Nova!" Tony calls over the yelled questions and shock as the crowd finally loses its damn mind, Loki bodily shaking with laughter as he follows me home once more.


It's a few weeks after that that Loki and I manage to escape to Vanaheim for a short visit with Bucky and Freya. The assassin shows a touching amount of relief when he finds out that we are unharmed, and everything went well. Then, he promptly demands that we allow him to fight with us, genuinely taking me off guard.

"Wha-" I blurt, eyes wide.

Becky crosses his arms defiantly. "I said I want to fight with you guys.."

"Why?" I ask incredulously. "I thought you were enjoying the peace of Vanaheim. Did something happen?"

Truthfully, while I had strongly suspected that Bucky would not wish to remain on the sidelines permanently, I had not at all anticipated that he would want to return to the line of action so soon, and especially not for the sake of Loki and I. It's not that I didn't consider us all friends, I knew we were and that we were important to him, but I think I might've underestimated just how much..

"I don't want to be safe when you guys aren't."

It is a straightforward explanation, but one that says quite a lot. It made sense really. Loki and I were Bucky's only real companions. Sure, there were plenty of healers that attended to him, including Princess Freya herself, and a great many Vanir who were happy to talk with him on occasion, but that was hardly the same thing.


Bucky twitches at my blunt reply, face closing off and body going stiff, and it makes me wince guilty. "Why not?"

I do my best to soften my expression. "Loki and I are strong. You don't need to protect us. And we don't want you to fight only for our sake."

Loki sniffs haughtily. "As if we'd need a mere mortsl's protection."

I slap the god of deceit over the head, but Bucky actually scowls, a striking amount of emotion for him. "It is not just for you guys. I want to fight. It's all I know, all I'm good at."

I frown. "Even if it was true that fighting is all you're good for, something I don't agree with after having known you this long, why should that matter? Why can't you take this time to become good at something else, something you're proud of and like?"

Bucky looks down, brows furrowing, "I used to be proud of it, though. Back then, back in the war, I remember being proud of my strength and skill. Because I used those abilities to fight for what I believed in, and to protect innocents… HYDRA took that away from me. I want it back." When his eyes meet mine, they are blazing with more emotion than I've seen from him since we met. The sight of it is enough to fill me with conflicted emotions.

I sigh, realizing it's not actually up to me. Despite everything, it's still Buckys's life, and his right to choose. " I won't try to stop you from getting back into the field at all, but as you are right now, you are not ready. HYDRA is still a threat and the trigger words can still be used against you." Bucky twitches, but doesn't try to protest, still uncomfortable with the thought of interrupting others, a habit from his time as the Winter Soldier, but I can see the discontent in his aura. "However, I do have some friends that might be able to help remove that form of brainwashing from you. Should they give you the clear, I'd be happy to bring you in on missions if that's what you still want."

Bucky perks up, his expression almost hopeful and it's near painful for me to put a damper on it. "Still, it will not be an easy or comfortable process for you, nor a short one most likely. I plan to take you to Professor Xavier, a mutant friend of mine with telepathic abilities."

Bucky's expression completely freezes, but the roiling discomfort coming off of him would've been hard to miss even without empathic abilities. "… You think he can help me?" 

I nod seriously. "But I won't force you."

"You aren't giving me much of a choice, either," he points out.

I try not to grimace, but I can at least acknowledge that he's not entirely wrong. Bucky was genuinely too dangerous for me to allow him anywhere HYDRA could get to him. I couldn't make him accept the help, but if he didn't, I would not let him off of Vanaheim anytime soon, if ever. It is messed up, and I feel guilty about it, but at the end of the day, it is the only decision I think is right.

Bucky grunts, running a hand through his hair "… Alright. I trust you."

The guilt nearly swallows me for a single moment before I manage to push it away, offering him a strained smile. "Oh! By the way, there is a man there named Logan, who used to be one of your comrades. He's actually having some memory issues as well, but it might be good for you to rekindle that bond."

Bucky's surprised yet happy little smile somehow manages to be as healing to my heart as it is cutting.


"You should know better."

I glance at Queen Frigga in confusion, but she merely pats my head and settles next to me on the cliff I was dangling my feet off of. "My queen?"

Frigga scoffs, hiking up her silken skirts to kick her legs next to mine, having shed her shoes just like me. "Silky girl, you should know better than to let the guilt eat at you."

I sigh. "I know, and yet…."

"Are you not doing your best for us all? To bring us peace and prosperity and keep our hearts beating and the air in our lungs even when you yourself do not fear death."

I nod, yet find myself unable to shake the bone deep tiredness from myself. "I regret none of my decisions, for they were ones made for good reason and to help as many as possible, particularly those I cherish. But forcing and manipulating those that I care about, and allowing them hardships without interfering,… I had thought I had long since accepted that this is an inevitable consequence of my powers and presence, that the ends will justify the means, but some days… Some days…."

"Some days you stumble under the heavy burden you carry," Frigga articulates for me, gently tugging me to lean against her side, her golden hair spilling down my shoulder as she rests her cheek against my head. "I know, child. I understand."

And truly, she is one of the only few that could. It isn't only the fact that I had essentially given Bucky an ultimatum to let Professor X root around in his head or remain on Vanheim for life, (a prison sentence in some way, no matter how nice the prison may be). It is also the fact, now that Stane was defeated, I'd have to tell Tony about Bucky and hopefully convince him not to go apeshit. Additionally, I had not yet been able to catch any visions of Bruce Banner. Well, I could get Tony to track him down for me, but without my foresight, I did not want to interfere in his path lest it lead to severe consequences farther down the line. 

On top of that, it wouldn't be long before Thor's coronation, and despite the fact that Loki now knows he is adopted, my visions, what little I could see of them, were all ominous.

I grit my teeth and tug on my magic. -Loki, beautiful, green eyes dulled with agony, hand outstretched, our fingers reaching towards one another. And yet, he falls and falls and falls-

Frigga's lips against the crown of my head bring me back, but her motherly warmth doesn't chase away the ice in my bones. At first, I thought the visions would change after I told Loki the truth. And yet, it never did. Hundreds of new plans, new decisions, and new schemes were made and discarded, not one seeming to have any significant impact on this blasted event.

Loki always fell off the Bifrist and Thanos always found him.

And I had no idea why.

"There is a future that refuses to change," I mutter to the queen. "How do I make it?"

Frigga pulls away with a frown. "You cannot,"

I flinch, recoiling.

Frigga sighs, but does nothing more than nod to acknowledge Heimdall as he settles on my other side, his golden armor clanking as he takes one of my hands. I give him an alarmed look, hoping he'll contradict the other god of sight, but he doesn't. Frigga's voice is sympathetic. "Something's are fixed points in the timeline. They cannot change."

I sneer. "I do not believe that."

Frigga squeezes my shoulder tightly. "Dear girl, time is a tricky thing. Trying to change it could collapse the universe."

I scowl. "I'm aware. But such things do not apply to me."

My companions hesitantly share a glance and Heimdal speaks for the first time. "It is true that Fate does not flow around you normally, but Nova…"

I lift my chin defiantly, "I know of the fixed points of this universe, but as long as there is a possibility to change the dark future I see, I will. Even if I have to piece this damn place back together myself."

The gods had given me free reign here and no matter how much Fate hated me, there was only so much she was able to interfere with me because of my relationship with all three primordials of creation. Additionally, my mere existence is already something outside of this universe's flow. By Hellheim, my reincarnations always served one purpose above all. 

Changing fate.

If I was here, it meant one thing. I am an exception to the rule of not changing cannon events and fixed points in the timeline. Otherwise, this world would have already unraveled.

It means the only real thing that's stopping me is my own limitations. If my visions aren't changing, it means I haven't found the answer yet. I need to work harder. 

Of course, there were times I'd failed to change things. By Helheim, it was only recently that I was unable to stop Tony's kidnapping because I couldn't pinpoint the exact timing. I hated that I couldn't protect Tony from suffering. I'd done my best, but Tony had created his own fate, made his own choices, and his actions and inactions were all the things that set him on the path to becoming Iron Man. 

Loki falling felt entirely different, though. I knew I couldn't protect the people I cared about from everything since those experiences, in a twisted sense, had a purpose. But Loki falling to Thanos? That was no reason Loki should endure that, no wisdom or personal growth to be gained, no happiness or strength to be found, and worst of all, even how it would end up happening.

It is senseless and it is setting me on edge.

I couldn't let it happen. 

And yet, it seems like I won't be able to stop it either..


I blink, shaking my head from the thoughts that went round and round yet always managed to settle into guilt and helplessness. "I really should know better," I reply wryly, referring to the darkness over my head that I just couldn't shake off today.

Frigga softens and pulls me back to her embrace. "All we can do, lovely Star, is our best."

I knew that. But I also knew that our best isn't always enough.


AN; I will try to get some more updates done over break, but I can't promise anything besides an update for A survivor Will, the next part of the series, and the new walking dead fic. 

However, even if my updates are slow, I want you guys to remember that I always appreciate every comment, follow, bookmark, or kudos. You guys are honestly the best and as always, I really want to hear what you thought about this chapter. Honestly, there was a little bit of an issue with this chapter. I ended up writing a good portion of the next chapter before I realize the timeline was off, so at the very least, you know that the next update won't take as long as it might've. 

Let me know what your favorite part of this chapter was down below!