
First Pet

November 1981

After the news of Tom's death, I sighed in relief.

No changes to the plot is a good thing. I feared I was in a parallel world of Harry Potter,

but that didn't seem to be the case. At least till now.

At this point I could go out and contract my first pet, but I found a few problem with it.

I didn't had the problem of space, because in the future my beasts could life in 'Dimensional Home'

and I didn't want a big pet as a first contract, so I would keep it at home or in the garden with my parents


The problem was to feed my future pets, I would need money.

The second issue was, that my knowledge of this worlds magical beasts is limited

to a few facts about the species of the plot like the Cerberus Fluffy, Dragon Norbert(a), The Basilisk and Hippogriff Buckbeak.

So I was thinking of learning some knowledge while getting some easy pets, that children can take care of, for sis and me.

My ideas were around a owls and cats, so I talked with my family about it at dinner.

"Mom, dad can I have a pet?"

"A pet?", dad asked.

"Yeah, like an owl or cat."

"I want an owl!", sis yelled beside me.

Mom reacted fast: "Don't yell Nymphedora. Why do you want owl all of a sudden?"

"So I can write a lot of letters once I'm at Hogwarts, of course.", sis answered fast, but sis time not nearly as loud as before.

"That is not a bad idea. And because it needs a little training it ain't to late for your entry in 3 years.

But why do you want a pet Nicholas?", dad argumented, before questioning me.

"I like animals and sis and me don't have friends, so I thought once she's at school I would get lonely, so if I could have a pet as a partner, it wouldn't be so bad.", I try to say in a sad voice. Because it would really suck to do nothing at home, I don't even have to act.

Mom reacts directly: "Oh, Nici. Don't worry we go get some pets this weekend."

Dad wanted to say something, but because he wasn't against it and maybe seeing his wife enthusiasm, he

stayed silent.

""Yes."", we cheered.

This conversation had another consequence that I learned later.


That weekend in Diagon Alley.

This is our first family trip aside a few picnics. I mean which family takes their children out of the house, when there's a war outside?

So we got to the shop of Magical Menagerie, because Owl Emporium is specialised in owls

and we could find one even in this shop, but we also wanted another pet for me, so we naturally ended up

coming here.


After entering the door with a little bell, we saw all kinds of animals and magical hybrids.

The employer was talking to another customer, so we simply strolled around.

Nymph goes straight to the owl corner with dad, even when mom told her she could have another animal and they would get the owl as a family to communicate with letters, sis was stubborn.

Sis searched her perfect owl, which she told me should be funny and elegant, whatever she means with that, I hope they have one here.

In that time I was going around with mom to look for my first familiar.

I crossed out toads from the beginning.

My sister gets an owl and I don't that one would get lonely with all the owls in Hogwarts owlery.

So cats would be the pet to go, but I was more open minded.

If here was a pet I liked, I would take it.

I simply have to learn 'Dimensional Home' before going to Hogwarts and get a pet then.

So with nothing specific in my head I looked around.

I saw a few spiders, but even though I found it cute how Harry talked to Alastair in his cupboard,

I didn't want one as a first pet. Maybe a big fluffy one like Aragog as a walking couch, but that one didn't seem to frindly.

Beside the owls where a few Augureys, better known as Irish Phoenix, but since sis gets a bird,

I didn't see a bird as a priority.

I didn't want something to magical, where I locked knowledge for, like a niffler,

so I concluded something like a cat, maybe a half-kneazle such as Crookshanks, wouldn't be bad.

Then I was going to the cats, we came through the dogs and I found the cutest puppy I've seen.

And belief me if you're bound to your bed and like animals you watch pictures of many puppies.

Before you say a dog ain't magical, I say that would be a muggle misconception.

Remember my few plot pets I listed? One is a magical dog. Or three? Don't know if Fluffy counts as one pet

with three heads or three consciousness with one body. Even if Hagrid knew a lot about beasts,

his knowledge shouldn't be that deep.

Coming back to the puppy of mine. You heard right I would get that puppy however I could.

It has grey long fur and green eyes with a certain intelligence. He had short ears, but was relatively

normal sized for a dog. Your wondering why I call a normal dog a puppy?

Well that would be since his breed is an Irish wolfshound.

Don't know that one? Well let me tell you an adult of this breed comes up to one chest.

When it's on all four paws!

And as far as I belief magical breeds aren't only more intelligent, but grow bigger than their muggle counterpart given enough food.

So a Fluffy with one head. I think I'm in heaven.

Now I only have to buy it. Well, let my parents buy it.

"Mom, I like this dog."

"Don't you want a younger one who grows with you?"

"I like that one and think he's fairly young", I say while holding my chuckle. Belief me he will grow with me.

I must smiled like an angel at that statement, because mom goes to the employer, but dad raised his brow from across the room. I think my smile gave him a little shiver instead. Oh how right he was.

Sis also got her owl, with white-brown feathers and a goofy face. I think it fits her requirements.

So we have both a new friend.

Dad pays for both pets and a toy each. He looks bewildered as I wanted an additional bag of food,

but still payed while watching his happy family.

Time to go home.

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