
Chapter 65: No one become rich without windfall!

"Indeed, good fortune favors the prepared mind," Kahn sighed, reflecting on the phrase.

In the past, he had encountered some luck, like capturing pirates, aiding Alabasta in facing off against the Shichibukai, and extorting Whitebeard. However, the combined value of these exploits, when converted to wealth points, didn't surpass 100 billion Berries.

But now, in less than an hour, he had amassed over 500 billion Berries.

Undoubtedly, it was a tremendous fortune—a sum that could potentially purchase a medium-sized country.

Kahn couldn't deny feeling exhilaration; after all, this money could buy him out of his current suitation.

However, now wasn't the moment for such contemplation. He needed to address the matter of Sky Island.

As for Enel, Kahn had a plan.

He intended to dispatch Enel directly to Whiskey Peak, where the locals would teach him a lesson in humility.

But accepting him as a subordinate? That notion was laughable. Kahn had no inclination for such a proposition.

Enel's personality wasn't conducive to being a subordinate. Additionally, he would be challenging to manage.

Better to consider Robin for that role.

She was both captivating and powerful—a perfect candidate to serve as his skilled assistant.

Concerning the World Government, Kahn felt secure.

His reasoning was simple: he was rich and unrestricted.

With ample resources, he felt a newfound sense of freedom.

Dealing with the situation on the empty island was also uncomplicated.

Making his way to the temple's highest point, Kahn retrieved a massive golden bell from his pocket dimension.

In the next moment, the resounding chime of the golden bell resonated across Sky Island.

Every inhabitant was taken aback, particularly the Sandia family who recognized the significance.

While uncertainty lingered, the bell continued to ring.

Kahn's profound knowledge and imposing presence allowed him to perceive all of Sky Island's responses.

The island's population was puzzled by the bell's tolling.

Yet, the Sandia family recognized the signal.

With confirmation in hand, they mobilized.

Kahn then stowed away the golden bell.

In the subsequent moment, intense flames surged from Kahn's hand.

After a brief interval, Kahn nodded contentedly at his creation.

Before him stood a line of large characters composed of flames, their meaning succinct.

Kahn had vanquished Enel, extinguishing Sky Island's divine pretensions. The Sandia and Shandia clans had fulfilled their mission. Both groups were prohibited from harming each other, lest their actions engulf the island in flames.

This message was emblazoned before the immense flame pit, and the decimated palace provided tangible evidence.

With his task completed, Kahn ventured to his prior destination—a colossal pit.

Within the abyss, Enel remained unconscious, his eyes white and his body bruised.

Kahn strode forward, seizing Enel's foot and lifting him.

Gradually, Kahn transformed into a gigantic flame dragon. His wings unfurled, propelling him from the ruins of the palace into the sky.

Bolstered by his mighty wings, Kahn soared over the entirety of Jaya Island at an incredible speed.

His velocity stirred powerful winds, toppling the giant trees along his path.

The Sandia clan, diligently making their way to Sky Island's forbidden zone, witnessed the astonishing sight.

They watched in astonishment as a massive flame dragon emerged from the shrine.

It wasn't just them—the entire island's inhabitants observed the awe-inspiring display.

The flame dragon seemed to rupture the very sky, its might shaking the entire Sky Island.

Ultimately, the flame dragon soared beyond Jaya Island's forbidden zone, vanishing into the expansive open sea.

Wherever the dragon passed, a vortex of destruction ensued.

The witnesses on Sky Island struggled to comprehend the spectacle.

On this day, news of an explosion reverberated across the entire island with astonishing swiftness.

The once-feared Enel had been defeated by a fiery dragon.

The island's inhabitants were liberated.

Initially, incredulity greeted this news. After all, how could the world's god be vanquished?

However, the appearance of the original priest confirmed the truth of the matter.

The chief of the Sandia clan, upon witnessing Kahn's fiery message, fell to his knees in reverence.

Henceforth, the tale of the Dragon God's salvation of Sky Island became a cherished legend.

Sky Island embarked on a new era, although this development occurred later.

Kahn's descent was swift.

He soon arrived at his previous level.

Once again, the old woman of Sky Island observed the passage of an even larger flame dragon—surging past the clouds before vanishing.

The flame's intensity diminished as Kahn passed through the clouds, gradually returning to his regular size.

"This should suffice as recompensation for taking the gold," Kahn mused.

His actions had been relatively straightforward.

His considerable power deterred any likelihood of conflict on Sky Island.

The retrieval of the historical inscription satisfied the Sandia family's mission.

Kahn bore no guilt; rather, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

However, Kahn had no intention of lingering to provide explanations—too troublesome, in his estimation.

His speed was impressive, and he reached the warship in less than ten minutes.

To his surprise, the warship was engaged in a pursuit of pirates.

Yet, the opposing forces seemed numerous and formidable—no mere group of small-time pirates.

The sudden appearance of Kahn elicited astonishment from those on the warship.

Their shock quickly transformed into elation.

"Lieutenant General Kahn has returned!"

Without hesitation, Kahn unleashed a torrent of fire from his mouth.

The ensuing explosion shattered the surrounding pirate ships. A screams of terrified screams echoed as the pirates faced their doom.

Kahn reboarded the warship once his task was complete.

"Vice Admiral Kahn!" The marines' excited voices resonated.

Kahn's recent fiery assault had ignited their enthusiasm.

However, their attention was drawn to Enel's prone form on the deck.

Pochi stepped forward.

"Lieutenant General Kahn, you've returned! Who is this?"

Kahn casually deposited Enel on the deck.

"He's a pirate I apprehended. Fetch a pair of seastone handcuffs; he's a Devil Fruit user!"

The navy personnel reacted with awe.

Lieutenant General Kahn was undoubtedly a model for the navy. He had swiftly captured a Devil Fruit user who, by the looks of it, was a significant pirate.

"Of course, Lieutenant General Kahn."

A sailor promptly retrieved seastone handcuffs and secured them on Enel.

"Pochi, address the pirate situation according to our protocol. Notify the higher-ups once you're done," Kahn instructed.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn," Pochi agreed without hesitation.

As Pochi prepared to depart, Kahn halted him.


"Lieutenant General Kahn, what can I assist you with?"

"Send a report to Sengoku in the name of the higher-ups. Inform him that the Whitebeard Pirates have moved quickly. Marco, the First Division Commander, and Diamond Jozu, the Third Division Commander, have arrived on Jaya Island. A major clash happened, and they've managed to rescue Ace."

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