
Azurhaven [3]

A few minutes before Lucas comes back to the hotel...

"Where the hell did he go?" Evelyn mutters to herself in the restaurant.

Lucas ran out of the restaurant. Evelyn was wondering what happened that he had to go out in such a hurry, but since he was always acting strange, she didn't think too much of it.

She sighed and looked around the restaurant, everyone eating in silence and she was pretty bored right now so she decided to check things up with Emma

Evelyn held up her AI bracelet and called her.

"...Hey, Emma, where are you?"

—Me? I'm shopping. Why?

Shopping. There were too many shops around. Where was she exactly?

"What shop?"

—I'm buying some clothes.

"For yourself?"

—No, I'm not buying these for me. I already have more than enough for me.

"Who are you buying for then?"

-It's for Adrian.

"...Why would you buy clothes for him?"

Evelyn asked in a confused voice.

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