

As the group ventured into the unknown, Gabriel's patience wore thin. He couldn't help but notice the subtle competition between Mirai and Uriel for Azrael's attention. Their glances and gestures, though concealed behind their angelic composure, did not escape his observant eyes.

Azrael, however, seemed blissfully unaware, his attention focused on the mission at hand. Mirai, with her determined stride, kept her eyes on the path ahead, occasionally stealing a glance towards Azrael. Uriel, on the other hand, tried to engage Azrael in conversation, her words flowing with a charm that matched her fiery aura.

The tension between the two women didn't go unnoticed by Mirai. Her resolve strengthened as she walked beside Azrael, her determination to protect him evident in her eyes. Gabriel, caught in the middle of this unspoken rivalry, couldn't help but feel a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

Amidst the quiet tension, Azrael's calm demeanor remained undisturbed. He continued leading the way, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of the sacrificial soul. His focus on the mission was unwavering, his thoughts consumed by the task at hand.

Gabriel pondered for a moment before suggesting, "I have an idea to expedite our search and gather more information efficiently. Why don't we split into two groups? Each group can explore different areas, and later in the evening, we can reconvene at this location to share our findings."

Azrael's eyes lit up with approval. "That sounds like an excellent plan, Gabriel. Let's divide into pairs. This way, we can cover more ground and increase our chances of finding relevant information. We'll meet back here as the day comes to a close."

Both Mirai and Uriel exclaimed in unison, their voices overlapping with determination.

Mirai asserted, "I will be with Az! I am his servant, and my duty is to protect him at all times!"

Uriel, equally resolute, stated, "I can protect him as well, and being an Archangel, my power surpasses yours. I am more than capable of ensuring his safety."

Gabriel intervened, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "Hold on, both of you. Neither one of you will accompany Azrael. He's coming with me, and you two will be paired together."

"Huh? No way!" the two ladies protested simultaneously, their voices overlapping in disbelief and frustration.

Azrael's voice held a gentle but firm tone. "I understand it's difficult, but I believe this is a good idea. Perhaps, after working together, you two will grow closer."

Mirai hesitated, her eyes flickering between Azrael and Uriel. "But Az..."

"Mirai, Uriel, please?" Azrael's request carried a subtle plea, urging them to trust in his judgment.

The two women reluctantly accepted, unable to deny Azrael's plea. Gabriel grinned in satisfaction, seeing his plan fall into place. The group split, each pair heading in different directions, their collective goal urging them forward despite the tension that lingered in the air.


Gabriel and Azrael entered the bustling marketplace, surrounded by a sea of humans engaged in various transactions. The sights and sounds were overwhelming as they navigated the colorful stalls, filled with goods and people from all walks of life. The vendors called out their wares, enticing passersby with promises of quality and affordability. It was a vibrant scene, a stark contrast to the battles and conflicts they often found themselves in.

Azrael observed the interactions with curiosity, his memory still fragmented, trying to piece together the significance of this place. Gabriel, on the other hand, was more focused on their mission, scanning the crowd for any signs or information that might lead them to the sacrificial soul they sought. As they continued to weave through the market, their angelic presence remained hidden, allowing them to move unnoticed among the humans.

As they walked, Azrael's striking appearance drew more than just glances from passing humans. Several girls couldn't resist the urge to turn around, their eyes widening at the sight of his handsome face. Blushing furiously, they whispered to each other, their giggles barely concealed behind delicate hands. Azrael, ever graceful, acknowledged their admiration with a warm smile and a nod, causing the girls to blush even deeper. Gabriel couldn't help but chuckle at the reactions, finding the whole situation rather amusing. Despite the attention, they continued through the market, the air filled with a mix of awe and infatuation in their wake.

Suddenly, a curious girl approached Azrael, her eyes wide with fascination. "Hi, are you new here?" she asked, her voice a mix of excitement and curiosity.

Azrael, ever composed, met her gaze with a gentle smile. "Yes, we just arrived. We're here to make sure everything is safe and peaceful in this area," he explained, his words carrying an air of reassurance. The girl, captivated by his presence, nodded in understanding, clearly comforted by his calm demeanor. Gabriel observed the scene, realizing the effect Azrael had on people, his mere presence drawing them in and soothing their concerns. It was a quality that could prove invaluable in their mission.

The girl said with a smile, her eyes glinting with curiosity. "I can give you some information, but first, may I know your names?"

Azrael nodded, his expression friendly. "I'm Azrael, and this is Gabriel. We're new here and just trying to get to know the area and its people," he explained.

"We appreciate your help, Anna," Gabriel chimed in, also offering a friendly smile. "If there's anything you think we should be aware of, please do let us know."

Anna nodded, a welcoming aura surrounding her. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Anna. This market can get quite bustling, but it's usually a peaceful place. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask. The locals are generally friendly and helpful."

Azrael expressed his apologies, "I'm sorry to bother you, but we need help since we are not familiar with this area."

Curious, Anna inquired, "So tell me, what exactly are you looking for?"

Azrael explained, "We're searching for someone who might know if there's any strange happening in this city."

Considering their request, Anna responded, "That's difficult, but I think I know a person who can help you."

Azrael, appreciating her assistance, requested, "Nice. Can you please introduce us to that person?"

Anna, with a playful smile, teased, "I can answer you, but in exchange, you need to have a date with me."

Azrael, taken aback, questioned, "Huh? A date?"

Azrael, noticing Gabriel talking to another girl, called him over. He whispered, "Gabriel, can you tell me what is a 'Date'?"

" Hmmm. Date??? Hmmm. How do I explain this." Gabriel pondered, considering how to explain the concept to Azrael.

"It's like going out with your friend, but only for two people," Gabriel said, attempting to simplify the idea.

"So, just like me and Mirai? Like that?" Azrael asked for clarification.

"Hmmm. Kind of... Yeah, like that," Gabriel confirmed, trying to convey the notion of a date as simply as possible.

" Hmmm. Date??? Hmmm. How do I explain this?" Gabriel scratched his head, thinking hard about how to clarify the concept for Azrael. In his mind, he believed he was making it crystal clear, especially considering Mirai's feelings for Azrael.

"It's like going out with your friend, but only for two people," Gabriel attempted to simplify the idea, unaware that his explanation left much to be desired.

"So, just like me and Mirai? Like that?" Azrael inquired, trying to grasp the concept.

"Hmmm. Kind of... Yeah, like that," Gabriel replied, still thinking he had conveyed the notion accurately, while Azrael nodded, completely unaware of the romantic undertones associated with a typical date. The miscommunication hung in the air, adding a touch of humorous confusion to the situation.

On Gabriel's side, he thought that he explained it well to Azrael because he knew that Mirai has feelings for him.

But on Azrael's side, he thinks that a date is just like going with a friend and nothing else.

As Azrael agreed to go on the date with Anna, her face lit up with excitement.

"Great! This is awesome! I can't wait for what my friends are going to say when they see me with this handsome guy!" Anna exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.

Azrael, while not fully comprehending the implications of a date, smiled politely, not wanting to disappoint Anna. Unaware of the gossip Anna anticipated, Azrael was just going along with the situation, unknowingly stepping into the whirlwind of human social dynamics.

In Azrael's vast existence, he had never experienced a date before. In his role as a guide between realms, his interactions were always formal and focused on the soul's journey. Romantic feelings and personal connections were alien concepts to him. As he agreed to the date with Anna, a sense of confusion and curiosity stirred within him.

Deep within his memories, there was a vague impression of an unknown girl. A fleeting connection, a whisper of something he couldn't quite recall. It was as if a shadow of an emotion flickered in his consciousness, but every time he tried to grasp it, it slipped away like sand through his fingers.




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