

Now that the Ecopark had been completed, Yuga felt that his main focus should be on the Ecopark rather than being occupied with trivial matters.

Each day he needed to train his Pokémon, take care of the newborns, and prepare for the breeding of Pokémon to be sold in the future. The tasks were numerous and endless.

Managing the shop and sales seemed like something Yuga should delegate to someone else.

With these thoughts in mind, Yuga decided to contact Ms. Suzuki using the contact information she had left last time. He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello, Ms. Suzuki."

When Ms. Suzuki face appeared on the screen, Yuga greeted her politely.

"Hello, Store Manager."

Seeing Yuga call, Ms. Suzuki already knew his intention. However, she didn't say anything, waiting for Yuga to continue.

"Ms. Suzuki, are you still interested in working at my Day Care?"

Yuga didn't beat around the bush and straightforwardly explained the purpose of his call.

With a smile, Ms. Suzuki replied, "Of course, I've been waiting for your call."

Yuga said, "Great, then please let me know when you're available to come over. We can discuss the terms and job responsibilities."

Ms. Suzuki responded, "Sure. The Store Manager should be at the shop tomorrow, so I can come by then."

Yuga agreed, "Sounds good. I'll be looking forward to your visit tomorrow."

After ending the call, Yuga let out a long sigh of relief. He had made all the necessary preparations, and now he was waiting for both Director Mond and Ms. Suzuki to arrive.

Due to being busy with the Ecopark and taking care of the newly born Eevee, the shop had been closed for most of the day. As evening came, the usually quiet system suddenly had a response.

"System upgrade complete. Host can inquire about the upgrade details at any time."

Upon hearing this message, Yuga immediately summoned 1314520 to ask about the upgrade.

Although the system entity was named 1314520, Yuga found that name quite embarrassing, so he usually referred to it as "system." At the beginning, the system insisted on its name, but over time, it seemed to have accepted Yuga way of addressing it.

[ Hello, host! I'm glad to be of service again! ]

Surprisingly, after the upgrade, the system voice had softened quite a bit. It was no longer as cold and rigid as before, even using the word "glad."

"System, tell me, what changes have occurred after your upgrade?"

The system responded, [ The changes from this upgrade mainly involve two aspects. ]

[ Firstly, the tasks and rewards from now on will no longer apply to the host Trainer identity but will pertain only to the development and growth of the Day Care. ]

[ Explanation: This system is bound to the host identity as the owner of a Day Care, with the ultimate goal of helping the host become a renowned Day Care owner in the Pokémon world. ]

[ Secondly, the Trainer Shop has been opened to exchange items and resources required for the host Trainer identity. ]

[ Explanation: The role of a Trainer is secondary for the host and serves as an auxiliary condition to assist in completing mainline tasks. The system is obligated to provide certain assistance. ]

Hearing this, Yuga shook his head in confusion. "Wait a moment, why don't I understand what you're saying? What does it mean that mainline tasks will no longer apply to Trainers? How could your upgraded functionality actually regress? And where is this Trainer Shop?"

The system clarified, [ The explanations I provided should be straightforward. From now on, the rewards from system tasks will only include qualifications for upgrading the Ecopark and decorating the shop. Previous rewards like Sun Stones, Rare Candies, and gene-repair potions will no longer be given. ]

At this point, Yuga was growing frustrated. "Seriously, how could I not comprehend this! What's the meaning behind tasks no longer applying to Trainers? Why would your upgrade result in a downgrade? And where can I find this Trainer Shop?"

The system responded firmly, [ I'm afraid that's not possible! ]

Yuga responded with a weary tone, "Fine, so where is this Trainer Shop you mentioned? I don't see it anywhere."

As he finished speaking, a light screen appeared before him, displaying a 4x4 grid.

After looking at the grid, Yuga was utterly dumbfounded.

"So, this is the Trainer Shop you mentioned? Inside here, there are only Berries and regular Poké Balls?!"

Yuga was astonished by the simplicity and lack of effort put into this grid. He thought, "Is this a joke? It's worse than having nothing! Besides causing my own myocardial infarction, this thing seems useless."

"Why can't Berries and Poké Balls be bought elsewhere? These aren't even significant items! And to top it off, they're just regular red and white Poké Balls!"

The system explained, [ Yes, this is indeed the Trainer Shop. Let me clarify the specifics of the Trainer Shop for the host. ]

[ 1. The Trainer Shop refreshes daily, and the items within it appear randomly. ]

[ 2. The items in the Trainer Shop are categorized by rarity: white items, green items, blue items, purple items, and the rarest gold items. ]

[ 3. The probabilities of each rarity appearing are as follows:

White items: 99%

Green items: 0.9%

Blue items: 0.09%

Purple items: 0.009%

Gold items: 0.001%. ]

[ 4. There's no limit to the number of times white items can be exchanged, green items can be exchanged up to 5 times per appearance, and blue and higher rarity items can be exchanged once per appearance. ]

[ 5. Exchange items require revenue from the Day Care. Union currency acquired through other means cannot be used in the Trainer Shop. The Trainer Shop will be linked to the host account, and the system will deduct the payment during each exchange. ]

[ 6. The pricing of shop items is generally equivalent to their value in the Pokémon world, with some special items having variations. The ultimate interpretation lies with the system. ]

After hearing the long explanation from the system, Yuga didn't know what to say. Looking at the grid again, he noticed that the Poké Balls and Berries indeed had white frames around them, confirming that they were the white items the system mentioned.

In the end, Yuga couldn't help but say, "Are you saying that the daily probability of green items appearing is nine in a thousand, blue items is nine in ten thousand, purple items is nine in a hundred thousand, and gold items are one in a hundred thousand? And the rest are just red and white Poké Balls and Berries?"

The system confirmed, [ Yes, host, you've got it right! ]

Yuga gritted his teeth and exclaimed, "System, I urge you to be kind!!!"

The system responded, [ ??? ]

"Quit acting innocent!"

Yuga continued, "So you mean I'll have to stare at Berries and regular Poké Balls every day since the shop refreshes only once a day? Is this your obligation to support my Trainer identity?"

The system replied, [ The host can still anticipate it to some extent! ]

Yuga muttered, "Are you happy about this cheeky response? This upgrade was for nothing."

Yuga grinned, "Hehehe... System, let's negotiate. Can we adjust these probabilities?"

The system regretfully responded, [ I'm sorry, host, it's not possible. This system lacks the authority to make changes. ]

Yuga suggested, "Then let's compromise. Can we increase the number of refreshes per day? I'm willing to spend Union currency to refresh it."

The system apologized, [ I'm sorry, host, the shop automatically refreshes at midnight each day. The system lacks management authority. ]

Yuga sighed, "Look at you, no authority here, no authority there. What exactly is your purpose?"

The system hesitated and then replied, [ Perhaps... to keep the host company and provide some entertainment? ]

If the system had a physical form, Yuga would have definitely slapped it with a pie. It seemed that the system had mastered the art of empty-handed boasting, all while lacking in useful upgrades.


Yuga sighed, realizing that the Trainer Shop was practically useless. The benefits he used to enjoy were diminishing, and times were tough.

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