
Two Halves Make a Whole

Maybe she ended up getting it all wrong once again after all…

"Did you manage to find her?" I asked as I sat up straight in bed the moment the door opened.

I knew instinctively that Bradon had finally arrived. After staying up practically all night the night before, I was wide-eyed to greet Bradon, although it was very early in the morning.

"We've picked up her trail but we've yet to secure your sister," Bradon replied.

I was hit with a sudden wave of disappointment, although I told myself that Bradon wasn't at fault. It would probably take a little more time in this game of hide and seek. It did surprise me a little that Diana managed to evade Bradon's search, even if it was only for a night.

"Does this mean that she's desperately hiding from me?" I asked before finding myself frowning while trying to figure out Diana's intentions. I honestly did not think that she would take her teasing so far just to get back at me because I was sure that Diana wanted to see me as well.

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