
Chapter 50

In any case, this new Hermione found some very interesting things about herself. She was stronger, faster, more agile, or rather she was closer to using her bodies true ability. She was like the Hermione Jane Granger, only better. The Mr Hyde to the cremated Dr Jekyll. She was also more free to indulge, having lost most of her inhibitions, and all of her morals. Of course, born as she was from the near listless yet negativity seeped subconscious of Hermione, this personality had the urge to destroy. The idea of revenge, or at the extreme end, the vendetta was incredible. Schadenfreude was the name of the game. And following the pattern of all insanity, in the first moments after creation, she was already going through her mental list of targets...er..tormentors, the ones that were marked. True, she was not betrayed in any manner, but even the slightest of mental shifts can exaggerate the perceived slight to near cataclysmic proportions. And at eleven, that level of hatred can be spawned from something as simple and yet so terrible as bullying.

As the individual in question was a walking insanity plea, it is a good thing her first words were never heard or recorded. Gryffindor was going to be an interesting place to live in. Unless of course, your name happened to be Ronald Billius Weasley. Because, he was first on the cull without killing list. But just not yet. Even the insane take time to plot.

Of course, Hermione quickly mellowed out a bit. She was still quite rational, and did not really want to be mad. So she managed to restore her personality somewhat. Visible madness was just poor planning. So she reigned herself in, negating most of the insanity she had suffered, toning down her urges, her desires, her purpose. And from her third week she spent her time in between wandering the castle and the library. Both to occupy herself, and to gain data.

A week later, she hit the jackpot. She found a house elf, an average example of the species, Tiggy her name was, who Hermione began to keep company. A part of her railed against the injustice, the slavery, the inhumanity, but it was silenced before it started. In this world, there was her, and there was them. And Tiggy was not her.

In two days of random conversations, she practically had a minion. The elf was one of the innumerable servants of the castle. She was among the smaller ones there and was not allowed to work as much. It was a stain on her pride and honour. A house elf not allowed to work to her hearts content. Death was preferable to her humiliation.

Hermione suggested the elf worked for her. She needed help in her crusade, and the if the elf was it, she could save the creature without having to compromise her new world views. By the end of said third week, it was done. Dumbledore was positively delighted to free the elf. He had a very tiny idea that the elf was unhappy, and was glad to free her on the understanding that she was going to a place where her work would be appreciated. If one more creature was happier, so was he.

The fourth week of school was the clincher. The come and go room, the masterpiece of magical masonry. It was a treasure trove. It was a sanctuary. It was hers. Tiggy had even helped her to design a 'happy place' a natural setting that was designed to let her relax.

In her sanctuary, Hermione told the elf about her life, her past, her present and her plans for the future. And Tiggy was fully convinced that hers was the worthy mistress. She swore a magical oath to serve her mistress unquestionably till death. And Hermione swore her own oath to do right by her elf.


On the very Saturday that Harry and Tetsuya were doing their "spar", Hermione found something that would change her life. She had asked the elf to gather everything muggle in the room. And then she found 'it'. The thing did not react to the elf, but it did for her.

It was in the come and go room, specifically in the room of that which was hidden. The item in question was a revolver. Well, it certainly looked like a revolver. it might also have something to do with the fact that Hermione was thinking back to her collection of romantic westerns at the time. Except, this revolver was really just a very powerful artifact. A trinket left behind by a bored creature. A creature who in its native plain might as well have been an avatar of violence.

As soon as she touched it, she found herself in a void. A raspy voice asked her,

"What do you seek?"

Hermione, this Hermione responded without hesitation. But she also noted that her answers were far simpler and far more honest than she would have given...


"Who do you seek vengeance upon?"


The images of her tormentors flashed before her eyes. She knew she was being judged.

"Will you sacrifice?"


She felt odd. Something was happening. The idea wormed free that this was not exactly the best of ideas. A chant began to ring in her ears. It was a command and an invocation. She felt her body bend and buckle, but no scream rose from her throat yet. And then she was engulfed by light. Outside wherever her mistresses mind was, Tiggy saw a flash of light before she saw that her mistress had changed. Indeed, she was still her mistress, but she was not human, for whatever this was, it was not remotely human.



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