

Benard said, Sarah, come meet the leader of the Florida pack," which made me leave Nate on the dance floor. My name is Todd.

I said, "Hello," as his lips touched mine.

"Princess, I was eager to meet you. A Gemini baby hasn't been born in hundreds of years. If you'd want to dance with me, I'd be honored, Todd remarked, his golden eyes glistening. While stepping into the crowd, I took his hand. He placed his right hand on my waist while holding my hand with his other. We danced all over the space. Todd was a better dancer than me, something I didn't have.

You traveled all the way for me, right? He laughed as I softly questioned

He smiled and said, Yes, Princess," making me flush. " You have the power to determine who lives and who dies. Todd piqued my curiosity when he said, "You may not be an Alpha, but you have more power than you realize.

I said courteously, "That's very kind, but Benard is in charge."

Todd unexpectedly said, "Ethan sent me to see you," which caught me off guard. He was found, and now he's coming for you, as he always does.

"Why would he put his life at risk for me?" Looking around to check if anyone heard, I demanded. The fact that no one seemed to hear us made me sigh with relief.

He said, "That answer should be obvious," as I continued to look at him bewildered. He genuinely cares about you. He was going to use his knife to kill you, Sarah, but he disobeyed his clan instead.

I hurriedly walked away while whispering, "Tell him I'm okay, to protect my brother at all costs, and to try and give him the normal life I'll never have. Panic flooded my body as I looked for Nate. Nate reached out and pulled me in. He was able to read the emotions that were about to engulf me.

He muttered, "Calm down," as visions of Ethan raced through my head. His embrace would instantly make me feel better. While Nate embraced me, he affected me more than anyone I had ever met. Unsure of who I liked the most, I felt myself being pulled in two directions. I only realized that nowhere was secure for me.

I mumbled, "Nate," my voice stopping in my throat.

Nate said, "I love you, and I think we are mates," which made tears well up in my eyes. I was unable to respond because I didn't consider us to be friends.

I ran away from him and into the party crowd, gasping, "I don't think I can do this with you right now." I found myself running upstairs as my face was dripping with tears. I entered my room and locked the door. I sobbed and fell onto the bed. Although Nate was courteous and sweet, I don't feel the connection I should with a partner. Easton was the only one I had a connection with, although it was obvious that he was acting. I noticed that I was reaching for my brother's connection. I stood up from my chair and removed my crown. A door knock woke me up. I moved closer and opened it.

The question is, "What the hell was that?" I attempted to close the door after Nate yelled. Nate pushed his way inside and blocked it.

"Leave now!" He crossed his arms, and I snarled. You can always ask me to leave.

He yelled, "You owe me an explanation," which made me sigh.

"Fine. I don't believe we are friends. I had no questions about the relationship my parents had told me about, but I do. Instead of doubts about you, I said, "doubts about my feelings." Tears streamed down my face.

"I can't stand it because I love you so much!" Nate grabbed my arms and shrieked. I retreated, but he restrained me.

I said, "Let go," as he fixed his gaze on me. Nate, kindly leave.

His words, "I can't leave you," made my blood turn cold. I wriggled free of his hold and punched him.

I wailed, "I can't do this anymore," as he scowled at me.

Why do I seem so repulsive to you? Even though others told me you were a monster, I still welcomed you," Nate remarked angrily. "Now I see that they're correct!" I fell to the ground as he roared. I destroyed his heart, but he deliberately crushed my soul.

I screamed, "Ethan," as pain shot through my body. I asked, "Where are you?" His gentle eyes flashed through my head as I closed my eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Todd murmured, kneeling next to me, "Princess." "What's wrong?" you ask.

I sobbed as I thought about Ethan once more: "I was called a monster by the man who claims to be my mate." Without Ethan, I would be unable to breathe. Nate was supposed to be able to help me forget and move on, but I can't stop thinking about Ethan. What are the chances of dating a witch?

Todd said, "Yes, it is possible," with a penetrating expression. "My wife is a person,"

Is this how individuals feel after losing their partner? I questioned Todd as he carried me to the bed in his arms. He pulled my heels off as he laid me on the bed.

"Ask you, father?" Todd muttered.

I screamed as Todd took out his phone: "I need Ethan, but there's a chance that his safety is in jeopardy."

Todd handed me the phone and said, "Hey dude, she worked it out.

Ethan said, "Sarah, calm down," as I exhaled.

Todd came closer to the glass, and I gasped, "I don't think I can handle this without you."

Ethan firmly hung up the phone and added, "You have to just wait a little while longer, and then I'll come for you." As I gave Todd the phone, I exhaled. I've discovered my soul mate, but there's one catch: we're supposed to be rivals.

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