
Back to the leaf.

Land Of Waves:

Rayon and Tayuya finally made it to the land of waves right now they were in the forest near Tazuna's house and Tayuya wouldn't let him go as she continued to stare at him with stars in her eyes. 

"Rayon do you really have to leave me here p...plus we didn't even do anything together". Tayuya said with a light blush and sadness in her voice. 

"I'm sorry but you aren't ready since I love you so much I am willing to wait unlike I did for the other girls understood". Rayon told her with a smile hugging her. 

"Agh why are you so sweet now I can barely yell at you". Tayuya grumbled in frustration. 

They then pulled back from each other as 11 girls appeared infront of them.

"It's good to see you ladies". Rayon said with a smile as he walked up and hugged each of them getting smiles and hugs in return. 

"Now I know it's been a while since we all met but I have a mission for you all and who ever does the best on this mission will get the chance to become the leader when I am no longer around". Rayon said making every single one of the girls listen closely. 

"There is something called the stone Gelel I want you to retrieve it and bring me back those you believe have potential if any understand". Rayon told them seriously they nodded all rolling there eyes knowing that really meant bring back attractive women. 

{Host the stone Gelel is on ground so as the vein right now it is in a small village in the land of wind called Kurio Village you better get there before Haido and his soldiers} 

'Thank you system'.

"It is in a small village in the land of wind called Kurio Village forces will be there to take it themselves you all are to move out and handle the mission by 7 days and report by bird". The girls all nodded. 

Rayon said his goodbyes to them and left right away he had things to do. 

With that Rayon hopped on his eagle clone and went right back to the leaf he had been gone for three days. 


Leaf Village:

A soon as Rayon got outside of the village, he flashed to his bedroom and showered coming out Rayon looked outside and saw the sun out realizing that the day barely had gone by Rayon walked out of his apartment with his regular ninja clothes on. 

Walking down the streets of Konoha Rayon was a bit bored "Rayon!" Turning around Rayon saw Naruko who ran into him with a hug Rayon instantly gave back. 

"It's good to see you Naruko". Rayon said as he squeezed her. "Haha it's good to see you too I really missed you....You are suspected of killing Shakmaru I don't care that you did it but you will be arrested soon". Naruko whispered the last part to Rayon. 

"It's ok I am ready to go Naruko are you going to come with me". Rayon said Naruko looked around with a grin "Only if you let me come back and destroy this place". Rayon nodded "Whatever you need I need to do a few things here and we will get out of this village give me a week ok". Rayon told Naruko seriously. 

"Fine I will be with Tsunade getting what I can about her strength and also try to convince her to hold up about arresting you ok". Naruko said kissing Rayon on the cheek as they both pulled back from the hug with Naruko heading back to Tsunade. 

Rayon quickly headed to the forest of death where he saw Anko doing nothing but siting down on a tree seeing Rayon she smiled and hugged him between her breast. 

"I haven't seen you in a while Rayon you know rumors are going around about you and the Jonin commander Shukaku Nara is after you he is getting a huge report ready, I think he is also bringing up the fact you leave the village". Anko said worriedly. 

"Don't worry I have everything ready I will be leaving before he can come after me anyway first you know you have so much potential but are to weak to be the game changer, I need you to be Anko". Rayon told her seriously.

Anko nodded with a smirk "I been to Ryuichi cave, and I have gotten permission to train not with the snake sage but to a snake learning senjutsu as well". Rayon's eyes lit up. 

"Great I am guessing that learning will take years given how your body is still recovering lost chakra". Rayon said Anko's nodded disappointed "Don't worry I got something to slow it down to two years so don't worry before that why don't we spend some time together". Rayon said with a grin. 

Anko grinned as well licking her lips "Only if you can survive 10 minutes". Naruko said as she ran into her house with Rayon following. 

With Kurenai:

While Rayon was away Kurenai had been training herself hard in Taijutsu still getting to a way more proficient level than she ever was but also just weeks ago she activated her Yin mark and was excited her Genjutsu was different. 

"Ever since I completely unlocked this Yin mark I have been stronger and my Gejutsu have become more realistic I have never been stronger". Kurenai said to herself as she continued to work hard. 

Unkown to her she was being watched by the root. 

Back With Rayon and Anko: 

Two days Later:

Anko was standing Infront of Rayon with a determined face as today she was going to reverse summon to Ryuichi cave. 

"Rayon, I promise when I come back, I will be stronger I will also kill Orochimaru although I didn't confront him before at the chunin exams because I didn't want him to know I didn't have the curse mark the next time I see him it will be over". Anko said seriously. 

"That's good Go on we spent enough time together get stronger for me". Rayon told her as she went through the hand signs and in a poof of smoke was gone. 

"Well finally she's gone she must have talked to Naruko about it given how she didn't go see her once in the past 2 days". Rayon said to himself as for the past 2 days all Rayon did was have fun with Anko well just fucking. 

"Now I bet Kurenai should be getting attacked soon by the root that will help me force her to leave the village she will be the perfect guardian for the girls until I return since I can't choose one of the girls there since no one is so much stronger than the other but Kurenai though disappointing Genjutsu is great even better than Yakumo's right now". Rayon said to himself as he flashed out of Anko's room and headed straight for Kurenai's house. 


Back With Kurenai:

"You are under arrest by order of Lady Hokage we are to escort you immediately". Kurenai was confused as Infront of her were 6 masked Ninja. 

'What is the meaning of this right now what did I do wait these people aren't Anbu'. "You all aren't the Anbu you must be root". Kurenai said as she grabbed a kunai. 

"You know who we are that means you must be brought in by force". The root members attacked Kurenai immediately Kurenai ran in herself landing a swift kick on one root ninja that blocked it with ease. 

'Tch still not enough force'. Going through hand signs Kurenai was caught off guard as she was slammed into the ground.


The root Ninja stepped on the back of her head placing a chakra seal on her back. 

"We have paid attention to you for 2 days after getting tipped off that you knew something about root not only did you know us, but you also developed some interesting symbol that increases your yin release, so the lord has found you useful". Th root member spoke as Kurenai struggled. 

'No what is going to happen to me now where is Rayon even Asuma'. Kurenai thought to herself in distress as she was powerless. 

"That's good". Rayon mumbled to himself in a flash of lightning he disappeared and took the heads off of every single one of them with easy slashes to the neck. 

Feeling the pressure off her head she stood up and hugged Rayon. 

"T,,they are now after me what do I do". Rayon grinned so easy. 

"Seems you got smarter since you didn't want to run to the Hokage well it's easy get out of the village don't worry I will protect you will you leave the village". Rayon asked Kurenai seriously. 

'Why is he rushing me'. Kurenai thought to herself but nodded she didn't have a better choice. 

"Good girl I want you to hurry to the Hokage and take a C rank and run fast to the land of vegetables but make sure to keep genjutsu around your body and tracks to cover yourself understood just ask for Rayon and everything should be fine". Rayon said seriously. 

"Thank you Rayon I will go when will you come". Kurenai asked worried. 

"Don't worry I'll be there later you must know about my accusations so just go ahead of me". Kurenai then remembered the rumors going around nodding she went to go follow what he said. 

Rayon watched the girl go "Now that takes care of them, I should chill for now until Naruko finishes what she's doing then we are out of here maybe on a date'. Rayon thought to himself. 

'Oh, wait system what is the Yin symbol'.

{Just away to increase the power of genjutsu techniques through negative emotions although I am guessing it is special to Kurenai or another ninja would have awakened it before} 

Rayon just shrugged it off he had a sharingan. 


1 Day Later:

Land Of Wind: 

12 Girls were walking through sand though their outfits and weapons even headbands differed they all showed determination in their eyes. 

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