
Ch 71 The Hunt

The three of us walked to a large fire that had fresh pine needles thrown into it, vast heaps of thick white smoke Billowed from the flames.

"Bears have the best noses in the world, we need to cover our scents a bit so hunting is made easier.".

Dacey spoke as she wafted the smoke onto herself, as she spun I eyed her long thick legs, my cock twitched at the honey flavored nectar that I was sure she had.

She seemed to notice my hungry gaze because she grew very Red as she covered her scent with smoke.

Then she turned away from me and seductively bent over as her fat tight ass stretched her dark leather trousers beautifully.....gods I wanted to shove my face in there...

but I spotted Maege giving me the stink eye.

"Jeor Returns in a month Dragonrider, you may have my daughter for yourself then.....not one second before, although I won't stop you from a little kissing since she is your betrothed." Maege spoke gruffly while covering herself in the pine smoke.

I instantly walked up to Dacey and spun her around to face me as our mouths locked together and our tongues danced methodically in each other's mouths.

My hands wandered to her fat ass and gave it a few appreciative squeezes before it was time to go on.

We all chewed on pine needles to mask the scent of our breath from bears and walked to a shack full of spears.

They were all of different lengths but they all had one thing in common, the massive razor sharp blades on each of the tips.

Two foot long broad blades were at the tip of each spear that glimmered beautifully.

"The sizes depend on the size of the person using them, since you're a big brute you grab the biggest one." Maege said.

I picked it up and appreciated the heavy weight of it.....felt like quality.

Dacey then returned with a large and powerful Ovcharka Bearhound, it had a broad, strong head and muscular body with dense fur.

"This one is the most skilled we have to spot and chase, she is also very easy to work with." Dacey spoke while patting the massive dog.

I reached over and patted her head as I appraised the animal and looked into its mouthnto see the state of it's teeth.

"A beautiful beast, she's the most formidable hound I've seen in any of the lands I've visited." I complemented the dog and Dacey smiled proudly 

Two thick strong women and two burly men joined us in the hunt, we were introduced and found that they were both married pairs and were coming along to help lug back the heavy bear we were about to hunt.

Soon after we walked North and within half an hour we had reached a crystal clear stream and began to walk along it.

I spotted fast deer and hares In the underbrush as we walked while the distant calls of bull moose rang throughout the evergreen forest.

This was truly a paradise on earth, if only winters weren't as harsh here it might be the perfect place for someone who likes the outdoors to live.

We headed upstream for about an hour until the dog stopped and sniffed tracks on the riverside.

We had seen dozens of tracks around here but when I smelled them I realized they were days old.....this one smelled fresh to both me and the Dog.

Dacey pointed and whispered in my ear. "That one is fresh, she can always spot the fresh ones...I'll give her the signal and we follow where she leads." She told me quietly and I nodded while giving her sweet ass a subtle squeeze while Maege was distracted.

The pair of helpers stayed at the riverbank and Soon the Dog began to follow the tracks into the dense Forest as the three of us followed close behind it.

After a few minutes the dog slowed down and her body moved low to the ground until she came to a stop and looked into a certain bunch of dense pine trees.

I had already sensed the best when we were at the riverbank but I wanted to see how hunting was done here.

The dog froze for a moment before releasing a challenging growl into the underbrush.

Instantly a fat bear charged out of the greenery and growled angrily at the dog.

The dog instantly ran back to safety as the shaggy brown bear charged it, Dacey urged me to attack so I pulled back my heavy spear and hurled it at the Fat Brown Bear.

It struck it's side and tore through until it came out gushing with blood from the other side.

The Bear didn't die as fast as I thought it might because it charged directly at me next.

Dacey and Maege prepared their spears to impale the charging best but I couldn't allow myself to be protected by my own woman so I charged forwards as well.

I saw surprise in the bears eyes when I charged forwards and delivered a powerful hook to it's snout.

It's face cracked under my powerful punch as it groaned in pain at having it's face broken.

It stood and swiped at me but I dodged the slashes by it's massive claws and maneuvered behind the big oaf as it lashed out wildly in pain.

I jumped onto its back as it lost it's balance and dropped to all fours as I wrapped my strong arms around it's thick neck and started tightening and cranking on it until I heard a loud cracking and popping noise and the big fat beast fell to the ground as it groaned softly in pain.

I stood and withdrew the long spear from it's side before impaling it's brain with a hard thrust as it lay there with a broken spine.

I turned to look at Dacey who looked at me with hearts in her eyes, and Maege who smiled and nodded in approval.

I walked up to them and Maege spoke. "Horrible technique but God's was that glorious..... In all my years I've never seen a feat like that." She said and patted my shoulder with her meaty hands.

Dacey on the other hand jumped into my arms and started kissing me and squeezing me arms with a blushed face.

She seemed to love my little show of strength.

Soon we called the helpers over and began processing the beast as we prepared a sled and gutted and bled out the monster.

The dog was given it's pick it the organs and soon we headed back to camp while dragging the fat bear along.

This one wasn't particularly tall but it had lots of lard on it which was useful and the fatter the Bear, the tastier it's meat.

. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . .. . 

A few hours later Dacey and I sat cuddled together by the Fireplace while drinking mead and chatting with Maege and Dacey's father Arnulf, he was not a noble so his marriage to Maege was kept quiet but they'd been together since they were teenagers.

Arnulf was a burly common born woodsman with a long braided beard and arms as thick as tree trunks. 

He had an jagged scar on his face that made him look very intimidating, it didn't help that the man was a bit taller than I was so it lent to his scary vibe.

When I got to speaking with him I realized that he was a big softie, a giant teddy bear basically, and Maege seemed to be the dominant one in the relationship.

We started talking about how they met and the Big Bearded man blushed like a schoolgirl and got shy but told us the story anyways.

When he was a young man of about sixteen he was in the woods chopping a pine trees as his father Ordered him to.

it was a particularly hot summer and he grew tired and sweaty so he walked to a nearby stream to cool off.

Arnulf removed all of his clothes without a care in the world without realizing that a bloodied Maege was across on the opposite side removing her clothes for a dip into the stream as well to clean off all of the blood from killing some wildling raiders.

When they had completely stripped and were heading into the stream was when they Spotted each other for the first time.

Maege made fun of Arnulf for screaming like a little girl and trying to cover up his huge privates.

Maege thought that Arnulf was cute so after a bit of calming him down they both climbed into the stream.

After some talking with the shy giant Maege decided then and there that this would be her man.....he was exactly what she always wanted in a husband and she wasn't going to let him go.

Arnulf was innocent and didn't know how to handle women so Maege tricked him by explaining that because he saw her naked that he'd have to marry her.

The naive boy agreed even though he didn't know what that meant.... and they'd been together ever since.

Arnulf blushed during the entire story as Maege patted the Giants head and filled in the details he was too shy to share.

We drank and feasted on the Bear and spent the next few hours relaxing by the fire.

Arnulf asked me lots of questions and when he heard I do magic he shyly asked if I could fix his ankle that broke years ago and didn't set properly.

I cast a numbing spell before sensing into his body... The only issue was a jagged peice of Bone that was running against his nerve so I rounded it out then I cast a higher healing spell on him.

He stood up and was like a child on Christmas with his completely fixed body, then I cast the same on Maege send she brought me into a hug while calling me the best goodson she could have asked for.

Dacey and I kissed often and Maege didn't send me any more nasty looks since she grew to accept me.

We then talked about the Marriage which would take place in a months time when Jeor and Jorah returned from Harrenhall.

Maege and I walked to her office and talked in private about the marriage.

I paid for Dacey's bride price and Maege tried to refuse the ammount but every time she tried to reject I would place a apperate another Gold bar so eventually she relented and graciously thanked me.

Eventually I had to say my goodbyes to the three of them and I returned to my Fortress to see my women as we flew over the choppy cold sea.

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