
Ch 64 A Businessman Doing Business

(2 more Harrenhall chapters then we fly north)

(Vicious Raids on Wildlings soon)

I awoke two hours before the sun came up and nudged Ashara awake.

When she opened her big purple eyes I kissed her. "I will be gone for a few hours, I need to see Lyanna, I'll be back before sunrise my Love, go back to sleep and I'll be back before you know it." I told Ashara.

She nodded and kissed me again before dozing back to sleep, I placed a ward on the tent then turned into shadows and floated towards Lyanna's tent.

I soared over the still dark sky over the thousands of colorful tents, the only people who were awake were the guards on night shift and servants preparing for the long day ahead.

I meandered over to where the Stark Section was and came back down as I slithered into Lyanna's Tent since there were guards patrolling.

I Rematerialized and cast A barrier so no one would hear or interrupt us.

I spotted her sweet sleeping face, she was so bright and pretty even now.

I walked towards her and sat on the bed, I gently touched her sleeping cheek and she mumbled my name with a smile while still asleep.

I called her name softly a few times until she woke up....."Alucard, I'm so happy to see you! I was just having a dream about the children we will have!" She said as she brought me in for a hug.

I held her tightly as I took in her sweet scent while I buried my nose in her pretty brown hair.

"I came because we need to talk about things that will happen from now on Lyanna....and I need you to be strong since we might not see each other for some time." I told her as I pulled back and looked into her big brown eyes.

"What's going on are you leaving somewhere!!! take me with you!!!" She spoke frantically.

"Nothing like that Love....it's something more complicated..." I told her as I rubbed her soft cheek

"There is a war coming.....and it's a war fought for you." I told her and her eyes widened.

"How do you know? Can you stop it? and why for me, I haven't done anything?" She asked in quick succession.

"Promise me to hear me out and not interrupt until I finish speaking....there is much to hear after all." I told her.

"Okay I promise I'll listen." She said and calmed down.

"In a few months I will leave for Volantis...My Marriage to Melisandre is due to take place after all. During my time away Rhaegar will kidnap you with the help of his Kingsguard....he believes in a prophecy of fire and ice, he is just as Mad as King Aerys just in a different way.....he believes that a child born between you and him will be 'The Prince That Was Promised', Azor-Ahai reborn... Rhaegar will win the tourney today and name you his Queen of Love And Beauty...you need to accept the crown from him. Do not worry about being kidnapped, he will not treat you terribly since his crazy mind believes both of you are in love,

As long as you wear the bracelet it will protect you from his advances, it will cast illusions on him and those around you so it keeps his dirty hands from my little wolf alright...The Rebellion will break out while I am away and I will return and take you away once the right time comes and I can negotiate for certain concessions from Robert, He will become King When the rebellion ends.....Robert is obsessed with you so I may have to fake your death in the end....I need you to follow through with this." Once I finished speaking Lyanna had dozens of questions for me.

I spent the next hour and a half explaining exactly my reasoning.....in the end she relented and agreed to go along with it.

I didn't tell her that the rebellion will lead to the death of her Father and Older brother but certain sacrifices must be made, and a lie of omission is no lie at all.

I lay with Lyanna In my arms until the sun threatened to rise from the sky then I said my goodbyes to Lyanna and floated back outside and towards my tent.

I floated in to spot Ashara still dead asleep so I gently climbed into bed and snuggled her against me and went back to sleep with this stunning woman in my arms....I'd wake up whenever she did.

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We both awoke two hours later at the sounds of a shout then a low threatening growl from Ancalagon.

I was having a dream of my sweet mother from my first life....the first since coming to this world.....some cunt ruined it.

I cussed at the perfect dream that was interrupted and walked outside while still completely naked with both of my Red swords in my hands.

"WHO THE FUCK INTERRUPTED MY SLEEP!!!" I shouted as I walked out threateningly with my giant cock swinging in the breeze.

I spotted Ser Oswell Whent, One of the Kingsguard and best friend of Rhaegar, and Arthur Dayne who was just looking at my swinging cock...bro was just mirin' so I'll let it slide.

"What the fuck do you want Whent!!!" I ignored Arthur and just cussed at the Black Bat.

"Prince Rhaegar Requests your presence this morning to break fast." Oswell spoke clearly but I saw the fear in his eyes.....my eyes were completely slitted and Ancalagon was still eyeing him with a snarl.

That's when Ashara peeked out of the tent after wrapping herself in a blanket so only her face was showing.

"Get the fuck out of here Whent you interrupted our sleep!!!" She shouted angrily and headed back to bed.

"I really ought to gut you Whent....you interrupted a dream about my mother.....I never dream about my mother....." I told him as my swords glimmered threateningly.

"Please....I'm just a messenger." He managed to squeak out.

"Fine....where is the Prince?" I asked Whent

"The fourth tower...." He responded without looking into my eyes.

"Alright get the fuck out of here Whent...and don't come back....." I yelled as he scurried off then I turned to Arthur.

"You have a broken rib from yesterday's joust, let me fix you up." I told Arthur as I cast a healing spell, He just gave me a curt nod and walked off to follow Whent.

I headed back inside and spotted Ashara sitting on the bed with a pout on her face.

"What happened my Love?" I asked as I approached and placed my forehead against hers.

"I was having a nice dream and Whent ruined it." She said with a pout.

I just kissed her forehead and gave her a hug.

"Do you want to go with me to Break Fast with Rhaegar and Elia? He wants to speak business afterwards so you can spend time with Elia and Rhaenys." I asked Ashara and she nodded.

"Alright love." I told her and we started getting Changed, while we prepared we started talking about our Wedding, Lord Dayne was taking care of the event so it was worry free.... Elia, Allyria and a few Dornish Ladies would be bridesmaids while Rhaenys would be a flower girl.

Soon we changed into appropriate clothes and I called Shadowmare over.

He seemed extra happy today for some reason then when he got closer i smelled the reason why, so I cast a cleaning spell and mounted, while Ashara rode sidesaddle in front with her arms wrapped around me.

Shadowmare trotted the whole way there and we soon got to the massive tower which had been reserved for the Targeryen's.

There were Targeryen men at arms and guards patrolling the outside but didn't date stop us.

I reached the base of the tower and helped Ashara dismount as a Servant girl walked up to us.

"The Prince is Expecting you both, please follow me." She said with a bow and we both followed after her, she was not so pretty and when she turned around I saw that she was flat as a board.....Guess the Prince doesn't know how to choose servants.....

We walked up a twirling flight of steps before entering a room that was guarded by four men in Targeryen colors.

Ashara and I entered and saw Rhaegar and Elia sitting at a sofa while waiting for us, Arthur Dayne and Whent were a few feet away while watching over Rhaenys as she fed her little dragon.

"Greetings Prince Rhaegar your performance was quite moving last night." I greeted the cuck and he smiled and greeted me back then I turned towards Elia.

"Princess Elia.... you look as breathtaking as always, if only you weren't married." I told her as I kissed her dainty hand

I saw Rhaegar's eyebrows furrow a bit.....he didn't love her, and he hadn't slept with her in ages but at the end of the day she was still his wife.....for now.

He also couldn't upset me since he wanted my help, If he had a Monstrous dragon and is equally fearsome Rider then he'd be far more likely to succeed in the Coup.....

Even if this dragonrider seemed to have an unhealthy addiction to women and a violent penchant Rhaegar was sure that he could make it work.

"Lord Cathicus I must apologize for Oswell disturbing you but I had something of great importance to discuss with you....I hope you forgive us." He spoke while being overly friendly.....ughhh I hated when people spoke that way.

I just nodded and we headed towards a different room, I sat with Ashara in my lap and servants began bringing in copious amounts of fancy food.

creamy chestnut soup, crusty hot bread, and greens dressed with roasted spiced apples and crushed pine nuts. Then came kidney pie, honeyed ham cut into chunks, buttered carrots and artichoke hearts, beans and bacon, and crispy roasted chicken stuffed with mushrooms, cheese and spinach....

Ashara served a glass of spiced honeyed wine and began to feed it to me as Rhaegar began to make boring smalltalk.

honestly if it weren't for such delicious food that Ashara was hand feeding me I'd have cut out his tongue, marinated it with garlic and fire peppers before roasting it over a low flame until it sizzled before feeding it back to him.

After an hour of hearing the silver Cuck talk about the Capital, and harvests this year, rumors he'd heard of me, questions on raising dragons and so much more we finally finished eating and Rhaegar invited me to a separate room while Ashara and Elia talked together.

We walked down a narrow hallway before reaching a thick wooden door and walking in, it was a cozy office, with very thick walls.

We both sat and Rhaegar poured us both a cup of wine.

He started on a tangent of the King and issues that have long gone unaddressed due to Aerys.

He spoke of all the attrocities and people burned alive by his father, He spoke of the violence he enacts on his mother as of recently....he said he was completely Mad....and wanted to depose him.

"Will you help me Alucard? I know you haven't been in our kingdom long but you are now a Lord and are married to my aunt....you have much at stake in the Kingdom.

I leaned back in my chair and spoke. "What's in it for me?" I asked as I twirled my wine glass.

"Well what do you want?" Rhaegar asked with his eyes completely focused on me.

"You spoke of Treason..... you want my Dragon and the fear it causes..... you want the fear I cause In the Lords... you want my Magic and the damage it can do both in the light and in the shadows..... you want my backing to steal the throne of the seven kingdoms Prince Rhaegar... and I believe you know exactly what I want....." I spoke then took a slow sip of my wine.

He looked at me for a few moments before putting a hand on his chin and thinking about it.

"But we are married....." He spoke

"Then Anull it..... we both know there is no love between the two of you.... I want her and you only want the political power she gives you." I told him as The idea slithered into his mind.

he took a few minutes of deliberating before giving me an answer.

"I will do it..... but not right now.... give me a few months to prepare...." Rhaegar said.

"But I want her now...I get to treat her as mine behind closed doors from now on or the deal is off...." I told him and he narrowed his eyes

"What if she doesn't want you?" he asked

"There is no woman who doesn't want me Prince Rhaegar...." I told him and he just nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Then we have a deal." he spoke as we shook hands

Hah what an idiot..... like hell I'm going to help him in a coup, let alone a war...I just wanted him to know I'm fucking his wife and am going to impregnate her while he is still alive.....hehehe

perhaps I'll sneak into their room and fuck her while he lays next to us..... no bigger award for someone like this silver prince.

Rhaegar opened the door and called for Elia, she walked over slowly and came inside the room.

I immediately grabbed her and shoved my tongue down her throat to savor her sweet spit as Rhaegar watched awkwardly.... "Can you do that later, we have a tourney to attend Lord Cathicus."

Rhaegar asked and Elias eyes went wide when she realized that her husband was seeing all of this.

"Leave us for a moment Prince." I told him and he left.

"What the hell did both of you talk about?" Elia asked.

"Your husband Sold you to me Princess....you are worth a hundred tons of gold and that idiot let you go for some words." I told her as I started kissing her neck.

"We will continue this later, you can talk with Rhaegar of the specifics....but know that you are gonna get my baby in your belly soon."

I told Elia while putting a hand on her belly and she smiled sweetly then started kissing me a bit more.

Soon we walked out and Elia calmly walked over to Ashara and whispered the good news, they both hugged happily for a while.

Soon we headed out and towards the tourney as I led Shadowmare down the paths.

On the ride there I was already thinking of her Caramel skin and bubbly Ass....

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