
Ch 50 Blood For The Blood God

(Timeskip Two Weeks)

(Torture Warning ⚠️)

It was now two weeks later as I sat in my office chair as Rhaella, Lily, And Melisandre all kneeled under my desk as they took turns blowing my cock and drinking the semen before passing it on to the next girl as they fingered each other's squirting pussies.

Myranda was on top of the desk with Her Huge Milk Filled tits out as I drank from her Fat Pink Nipples and rubbed her gushing pussy at the same time....her delicious sweet milk poured down my throat as I had been doing every day since I first gave her a lactation potion.

My girls eventually started drinking it as well as Myranda came and squirted from the Stimulation.

it was just before sunrise as I enjoyed my time with the four of them when a loud and urgent knocking occurred at the door.

I cast a spell so I could hear what was going on outside and asked. "What's the matter....I'm in the middle of important business..." I spoke then latched my mouth back into Myranda's teats and started milking her as I came down Lily's small mouth while Melisandre fingered and licked her pussy from behind.

"My Lord there have been a dozen Pirate ships spotted off the coast of Bardstown....heavy winds were keeping their ships at bay but no one knows the situation now."

I felt my mood completely drop....I was fucking furious....

"I will take care of it shortly....no need to alert the guards just go on about your business..." I spoke with a cold voice...

Myranda's milk would still come out for another twenty five minutes and give me at least two gallons.....but some trumped up sea wildlings called ironborn decided to raid one of my villages.....oh they would pay..... In their Blood and the Blood of their Children and wives would be the price for interrupting Mommy Milky time....I wouldn't settle for anything else.

I rose from my seat and walked with my women to the elevator as I cast illusions so no one saw that I was holding Myranda by the waist as I continued to Drink her Delicious warm breast milk as we made our way down the hallway and into the elevator.

I sent Ancalagon a message to meet me on the Roof and I heard his Monstrous roar resound in the distance as he rushed to the Black Fortress.

I entered our room and walked over to the Armor stands as my women worked quickly to put it on....

"All of you stay here and drink from 'Milk Tits'....I will be back soon." I told my women as I climbed the stairs to the roof of the Castle.

Ancalagon Landed harshly on the Top of my fortress and roared into the air in anger....he was snacking on a shark and those Ironborn interrupted him as well, he needed his vengeance too.

I jumped onto his back and urged him to fly as he nodded with an evil hiss and launched himself off of the Fortress with amazing speed as he extended his wings and caught the Salty Sea Air, He flapped his enormous wings angrily as we soared through the sky.

In these past two weeks Ancalagon would spend his time pulling whales and sometimes sharks out of the waters and ripping into them with delight on the beaches of my town....he became a local celebrity since he would leave some meat for the villagers to harvest once he had his fill.

We flew at Ancalagons max speed towards Bardstown and in less than ten minutes we spotted the Ironborn ships....five were still rowing towards land and the other seven had already landed and the raiders were trying to make their way up the town walls next to the beach as villagers with spears poked at them and Children carried large stones nearby so their mothers could drop them on the Disgusting Raiders.

I had Ancalagon soar over the ships still at sea and light them aflame with his fearsome jet of sticky Black Flames.

The screams of the four Hundred Raiders were only heard for only a moment before their skin melted off their bones and their skeletons charred as the sticky black and red dragonfire splashed on them.

The rest of the raiders saw the Flames and the Dragon and panicked, they tried to run up and down the beach but Ancalagon sprayed his flames around them and trapped them since no sane man would walk through dragon flame.

Ancalagon wanted to eat them alive for interrupting his feasting so I ordered him to land as he neared the Seven hundred smelly Raiders and began to violently snatch them two or three at a time and tear their bodies apart before swallowing them armor included.

There was one bearded man with a beautiful dark red sword who began yelling orders as the Ironborn began throwing spears and axes at Ancalagon but it was of no use since the spears just bounced off of his metallic scales and thick skin.

Once they realized that it had no effect the man ordered them to surrender and the six hundred remaining men dropped their swords and shields into the sand.

I dismounted Ancalagon and walked towards the men with my two Long Falx still in their sheaths.

that's when I noticed the beautiful red tinted sword that the bald bearded man had buried in the sand...

"What is House Drumm doing Raiding my lands?" I asked as I approached the surrendering lord.

"Weve been at sea for nearly three months...and didn't know that a Dragonrider had taken possession of these lands My Lord....we did not mean to disrespect you.." Lord Drumm pleaded as he raised his hands in defeat.

In response Ancalagon Hissed angrily and eyed the hundreds of juicy looking men as thick saliva dropped from his sword like teeth...he could already taste their flesh and blood in his mind.

"Aye....you do speak the truth Lord Drumm....if only you had invaded twenty minutes later I may have spared you....but you shitheads interrupted my delicious breakfast." I spoke as I drew both of my long curved swords.

Lord Drumm saw this and picked his sword back up and charged me as his men grabbed their weapons from the sand and made a hail Mary charge.

I approached the old Drumm Lord and instead of killing him I slapped away his first swing and punched him in the mouth hard and he instantly fell like a sack of potatoes while losing half of his teeth.

I turned towards his charging men and threw myself at them in a whirlwind of blood.

With a raging fury I unleashed my full strength against these scum as with each swing I cut four or five men in half as their blood shot into the air in long trails and stained the sands.

I deliberately aimed at their hands and legs so I could hear their cries as they writhed in pain while on the ground as I continued to slaughter their sons, fathers, friends and uncles around them like a demon on earth.

With each swipe of my blades another orphan and widowed mother appeared in the world as I decimated and tore apart these scum who dared to interrupt my precious time with my favorite pair of breasts in this whole world.

Ancalagon sat back and watched as I unleashed my fury on these sea Rats for interrupting my Breakfast.....once they were fully dead he would extend his neck and snatch up the gored up body parts and chomp on them with his razor sharp maw.

The battle lasted half an hour and midway through Ancalagon had to set the beaches aflame again as the survivors tried to escape from this living nightmare as a monster in human skin tore them apart without mercy....all of this was watched on by the Villagers of Bardstown...I cut their taxes and now defeated a raider army...a god on earth.....the stranger made flesh.....

After I was done the entire beach ran red with blood as Ancalagon chomped on all the bisected corpses while I tied the struggling Lord Drumm up with some rope.

Five seven of the ships that had landed were still usable and this was a port town so I gifted them to the people of Bardstown to be used for fishing since I was proud of the fight they put up.

They all said prayers and thanks to me for being such a kind and generous Lord as the children all looked in awe at The Monstrous Black Dragon just a few dozen meters away as it ate the corpses of bisected Ironborn.

I carried lord Drumm back to my castle after I was done and landed at the base of my black fortress with Red Rain strapped to my back and dragging the struggling Lord Drumm by a rope as his face scraped on every rock and pebble on the way.

I entered the Castle while dripping in blood and gore as I dragged the cussing and screaming Lord Drumm towards the Dungeon where Karl awaited...

The servants looked at my armored and Gore covered body in horror...the children all thought I was an evil sorcerer who would turn them into stew if they behaved badly but could be very nice when they behaved...I carried a pocket full of candies that I gave to the little maid girls whenever I saw them working hard even If they were still terrified of me the candies won them over.

Karl and I had tortured many criminals these past weeks and Karl even got His new fiancee pregnant on their third date....he was a good partner to Mary and kind, but whenever he entered the dungeons he would turn into a completely different person.

As I was entering the stairway to the Dungeon Jormun walked up with his son and asked...."my lord what are your orders?"

"Send ravens explaining what happened....Twelve ironborn longships of House Drumm raiders attacked my lands....they all perished at my blade and dragonfire..... Lord Drumms' skin and manhood will be the only part of him to ever leave my dungeons...A blood debt is owed by all inhabitants of Old Wyk and I will have my pound of flesh."

Jormun nodded and ran off to the rookery where the skinned and enslaved Maester was....he was a shell of a man now...but he was damn good at working with the ravens so I'd keep him longer.

He immediately strapped Lord Drumm to the Torture chair and Force fed him the Yellow potion.....there would be a long day ahead of us after all.

Before long the screams and cries of Lord Drumm Resounded throughout the first floor of the castle as I got more and more creative in taking my anger out on this balding man.

I would skin his arms then salt his flesh before placing the skin back on and casting healing magic before skimming him again, I placed his toes in boiling water with hot coals underneath until his flesh fell off the bone, I shoved hot needles into his gums and ripped his teeth out, I cut his cock in half lengthwise then squeezed fresh lemon juice onto him.....

Once my rage had calmed down a bit I cast greater heal and ordered Karl to keep him alive and suffering for as long as possible....his debt was still not paid after all.

Then I made my way to my women and they all jumped into my arms and asked how everything went...in a few days after fucking the four of them into oblivion I would fly to Old Wyk and burn every Man Woman and Child to death before flying back home.....

I sensed the position of shadowmare and my maids in the sea and saw that they were only a few days away.....by the time I'm done with Old Wyk I'll have my favorite maids back...

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