
Ch 47 Reaching Seadragon Point

(I'm a bit iffy about this Ch but it needs to be released.)

It was now two days after my wedding as I finished saying my goodbyes to the Northern Lords and their wives.

Greatjon was teary eyed and told me to visit Last Hearth soon so I could pick up his niece and hunt some wildlings with him.

I patted the big man on the shoulder and reassured him I'd be there in a few months and we'd hunt all the wildlings to which he smiled and wiped his tears.

Roose Bolton asked me privately if I would take his son as a squire, he was a boy of ten as of now....I told him that I could make him the squire of my first knight Willem, since I fly everywhere and Ancalagon allows no men to ride him it might be difficult to keep him nearby.

Bolton agreed and we shook and before he walked off

Lord Stark told me and my wives that we were welcome any time and said his farewells.

Brandon kept it short but asked that I should visit for his wedding once it took place....I inwardly smiled as I thought about the fish slut.....it was Kevan's birthday in a few weeks so I'd definitely pay her a visit and fill her up on the way.

Benjen wanted to come but I told him he was welcome in my home at any time to which he smiled greatly....he was a good kid and I hoped to keep him from joining the nights watch if possible.

Lyarra and Lyanna said her goodbyes formally since we were in front of other Lords.

Last night I fucked them from sundown until the sunrise this morning and needed to give them copious recovery potions so they could even walk as they lay there filled and covered in semen...but I assured them that I would come for them soon and not to worry.

I said my goodbyes to Dacey, her mother Maege reluctantly agreed that I could give her a short goodbye kiss.

I brought Dacey's pretty face close to mine and our lips touched....after a moment our tongues were stuck down each other's throats and Maege gave me and Dacey a smack to the back of the head while the Lords laughed at her antics.

"NOT UNTIL THE MARRIAGE!!! COME ON BOTH IF YOU!!!" She shouted and even my Wives giggled at the situation.

I managed to get the Ashwood family to transport our wedding gifts to their castle since they were our closest neighbors.

Soon after I loaded Rhaella, Lily, Melisandre, and Myranda onto Ancalagon as the Lords waved us away and we soared into the fresh Northern air.

We flew North West for four hours until we crossed a string of snow capped mountains and spotted the Ashwood fortress, then we turned northwards until we reached my peninsula.

My land was ninety miles across and one hundred and fifty miles in length. There was one road which led to the Northern tip of the peninsula where my Keep was.

I was informed by the Northern Lord's that it was a run down and half abandoned castle.

we flew along the main road for some time and passed four small villages before reaching the tip of the peninsula where my Keep and largest settlement lay.

The smallfolk screamed and ran at the sight of Ancalagons huge body as he soared over the town and circled overhead before landing outside of the Small castle.

I dismounted along with My women and walked up to the castle gates. There were four trembling guards stationed on the Walls and I called out to them.

"Open the gates....you have ten seconds...."

"O...Op...Open....The Gates!!!!" the bravest among them yelled out and I made my way inside with my women In tow as Ancalagon walked up to the wall around the castle and watched as we entered.

I looked at the guards and ordered them.

"Who is the captain? Come here now." and a short young man ran towards me.

"Im the captain sir." he spoke in a trembling voice while looking up at me.

"Where are the Maester and the Castellan?" I asked him and he tried hard to maintain eye contact.

"They....are on their way my lord...." he said and pointed at the doors of the Keep as they opened slowly.

A middle aged man with a few chains walked out along with a large old bearded man with a large scar across his face.

It was the Bearded man who called out.

"So you're the new Lord....good, it's about time we get someone competent around here...." he spoke in a gruff voice.

"Everyone kneel this is the new Lord of Seadragon Point!" he called out and all the people present knelt before me.

"Rise....my first order of business is changing the keep.... honestly It won't do at all so take all your belongings and take them over there." I said while pointing towards a hill about two hundred meters away.

"My lord why do you want us to move our things?" The Maester asked

"Because I'm going to burn the castle to ash and raise a new one.....NOW GET MOVING!!!" I yelled out and it was like a fire lit under everyone's asses as they ran into the keep and began piling their belongings on the few carts that were in the courtyard.

The castellan walked out with boxes of papers and a chest of coins then started loading his personal items onto the cart.

The Maester loaded the Ravens and chests of medical supplies and books into a cart.

The guards loaded weapons and armor into the cart along with training tools and personal items.

I made my way inside the castle out of pure curiosity as my women waited alongside Ancalagon.

I sensed some life in the dungeons so I headed down to take a peek.

There was an ugly looking jailer with a spear sitting while whistling a pretty tune as he slipped on apple cider.

He was guarding over five people.

"What are these sods in for?" I asked the man, he looked at me nonchalantly then his eyes widened in realization of who I was then he dropped to one knee.

"My Lord the first two killed and raped a fisherman's wife, the next one stole a horse, the last committed incest with his sister just this morning....the sister is over yonder." The man spoke and pointed towards another cell nearby.

I nodded at his answers them spoke

"Castrate the rapists, burn their eyes out and cut off their fingers before throwing them into the sea....Hang the thief.....let the brother and sister go....incest as long as it's willingly is no longer a crime in my lands."

"My lord the men have all decided to take the Black.....do you still want to proceed?" he asked gruffly.

"No....taking the Black is now up to My discretion....normally a thief would be given that option but he didn't steal a loaf of bread to eat...he stole a horse so he hangs....after you finish your duties get your things and take them out to where the others are taking them.

I told the man and walked out and left the run down castle.

I set up our magical tent and waited until the people finished moving their belongings out.

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After three hours the Bearded Castellan walked to us and called out into the tent.

"My Lord...all things have been moved as per your orders." he spoke

I walked out and left my women inside, I called Ancalagon who was eating a small whale on the beach, that he pulled out of the sea.

He flew towards us and landed just beside me as the castle staff looked in awe at his monstrous body.....I could smell a bit of piss from the guards but they were all young men so it could be understood.

"BURN IT ALL!!!" I shouted

Ancalagon opened his massive maw filled with sword-like teeth and soon a torrent of sticky black and red flame shot towards the castle walls as he bathed everything In flames.

Within a few seconds the stone of the castle began to ooze and melt as his evil flames soaked the stone.

We all watched on In awe at the power of this Black Dragon.

After the entire castle was in flames he stopped and looked towards me.

I called him to come near and he walked towards me and neared his huge head towards me.

I rubbed his metallic scales while giving him praise. "That was fantastic...you can go back to eating that whale now...God job boy." I said as I scratched his snout and he gurgled happily.

after I stopped petting him he flew into the air and circled the melting castle once more while shooting a five hundred foot long trail of black fire at the burning ruins then flying off towards his meal once more.

The castle servants and the villagers who were looking on stared at me as if I were a god in human skin.

Then I turned towards the workers.

"Wait here for a moment, open a few casks of wine for yourselves as the castle burns, we will talk again in a few hours." I spoke to them and they smiled at the mention of wine.

They started drinking and singing songs to the massive bonfire that was going on while I returned to the tent and laid down as Melisandre massaged my back with her soft hot hands.

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After three hours the fire died down and the entire area where the castle had been was now flattened into a black layer of igneous stone

I reached into my dimensional store and grabbed the most exciting thing yet....a Fortress Seed, it was a pear sized black and red stone with a spike on one end.

There were a few items that were limited in number and this was one of them....I only had three more fortress seeds to use so this better be good.

it felt warm and heavy in my arms as I walked towards the rock platform where the castle had been as I carried the Fortress stone it pricked my finger and drew out a drop of blood which it quickly absorbed.

I reached the center area as I felt the leather on my boots sizzling from the hot stone.

I grabbed the Fortress seed and slammed its spike into the black stone... everything felt normal at first but soon I felt the stone begin to release a terrible magic aura so I walked back to the tent with my women and waited to see what would happen.

after a few minutes the very earth began to shake underfoot as the ground around the fortress seed began changing before our very eyes... a black liquid spread over the area around the seed as it slowly grew in diameter until it covered the entire hill where the old castle stood....a thick black fog began to rise from the black ooze that was incredibly dense in magic particles.

The Black fog rose higher and higher until it reached two hundred and fifty meters tall.

The Black fog stayed in one place as it slowly became denser and denser before our very eyes.... within half an hour we stood before a two hundred meter black fortress with double walls surrounding it, and a spike moat at it's edges.

it was a huge evil looking fortress that seemed impregnable.....It was also connected to me as if it were a sentient being.

I connected myself to the castle's strange consciousness and could instantly see into all the rooms, lock any door and light any torches or fires at my will.

The castle had seven levels and each was specialized.....the first level was for any guests who might visit, the second for any staff of the castle who were responsible for cooking, cleaning and such, the third level was meant to house soldiers and men at arms, the fourth level and up were the private rooms of My family, Dozens of rooms with a separate kitchen and baths, a place to sightsee and a large library.

At it's top most floor was an entire large room with high vaulted ceilings, and a large balcony, it seemed tailor made for me and my wives.....it was perfect in what I was looking for.

I approached the castle after calling my women and putting away our tent.

My servants followed behind us and looked at everything in wonder.

The fortress was already completely furnished and nothing like any castle I'd seen before.

My Winged Blood Banner hung on the walls and paintings of me and my women already lined the walls.

There was a Painting of my killing of Lyn Corbray, My Joust Against Prince Rhaegar, The Day I Saved Lily on that Trail, and The First time I met Rhaella on her Name day Celebration with Ancalagon standing with a bloody Armory Lorch dangling from his teeth.

I honestly couldn't believe my eyes.

I led the servants to a main hall and had them all stand at attention.

I withdrew a Golden Parchment from my Dimensional storage and scribbled a quick magically binding oath for them to follow.

'I swear on my life and my children's lives that I will be loyal to Alucard Von Cathicus and His loved ones, I swear never to work against them in the shadows or in the light, I swear to be truthful and honest to my new leige lord, I swear to never reveal information and secrets either willingly or unwillingly to anyone ever if they pertain to Alucard Von Cathicus and his loved ones, I swear never to willingly or unwillingly harm Alucard Von Cathicus or his loved ones, i swear that i never will and never have been a traitor working in collaboration with any powers against Alucard Von Cathicus or his loved ones...'

The paper was to be signed by all residents of my castle to ensure that I weed out the scum....I had my suspicion of the Grey Rat already.....

"This paper is a magical contract...I will be a generous lord in all things....if any member of your family is sick I will heal them.....if you have problems I will fix them for you....you will never be wanting again.....but I expect loyalty and hard work from each and every one of you. Castellan please read the contract so they know what they are signing."

I called them forwards one by one starting with the Old Castellan. He read the paper aloud for the other people since most were illiterate and could not read themselves.

"You will sign with blood, a single drop is enough." I told the Castellan and he Withdrew a small paring knife from his belt and made a small cut on the back of his hand.

The drop of blood touched the paper and shined with a golden glow.

I raised my hand towards the castellan and cast higher healing on him.

Immediately I heard the popping of bones as he straightened out and stood taller.

"Oh by the Old Gods, I feel young again...thank you My Lord." he spoke in his deep voice and bowed deeply.

"What's your name?" I asked him

"The name is Jormun my Lord I've been Castellan here since I retired as a hedge knight when I took an arrow to the knee....but now I feel even that has healed hahaha" he laughed aloud as he moved his joints freely.

I continued to heal the servants who happily agreed to my conditions and stepped forwards to drop a bit of blood on the golden sheet.

I cast higher heal on all of them and got them to their best possible condition.

I even met Jormuns' wife and son, his wife worked the kitchens and his son was a jack of all trades and studied under his father to be castellan in the future after his father retired.

The Ugly Dungeon master named Karl walked up and placed his blood on the sheet, when I cast healing in him he went through a drastic transformation...turns out he had some strange disease that malformed his face...now he might even succeed in finding a wife.

all the workers stepped up until only the Middle aged Maester was left.

"Maester Calrose come on, it'll solve your back issues." Jormun spoke and tried to pull the Maester but the man pulled back and got a panicked look in his eyes.

That's when I stood up and towered over everyone present, then I spoke

"Maester.....if you confess why you won't sign the paper and don't lie to me I can pardon you.....if you lie however....." I smiled as my eyes narrowed into slits and I took a few steps towards him.

He quickly spoke. "It is against the oath of a Maester to involve himself in sorcery." he lied but I just got even closer and snatched him up by his robe.

"Wait....Wait.....I can't sign it because i..." but before he could finish I punched him hard and knocked him unconscious.

I turned to Karl my dungeon master. "Karl do you have skills In torture?"

He just smiled and pulled a leather roll out of his sack.....when he opened it I saw two dozen different wicked little tools designed to make even the most quiet man sing like a canary.

"Good....very good...Follow the trail of lit torches and it will lead you to the dungeons...lock him in irons, then return here.

Take your things since your room is just outside the dungeons so you can start unpacking." I told him as he grabbed the Maester and dragged him to the Dungeon.

I then spoke to the remaining servants of where they would sleep, their duties every day and the running of the castle.

Then I turned to the guards and wrote them a regimen for training....they would get enough food so it shouldn't be an issue.

The larders were fully stocked from what I could see so food should be no issue.

I then looked through the castle's eyes into the dungeon to see what Karl was doing with the Maester.

He had stripped the old coot and thrown his clothes into the Furnace, he laid out the different phials of what I presumed to be poison on a nearby desk and set aside the hidden coin that the Maester had hidden on him.

The Maester was only covered in a loincloth as he begged Karl to let him go but got no response except for a smack across his stomach with a hazel switch to keep him quiet.

Now that the castle affairs were settled I walked with my women to the magically powered elevator.

It was only accessible to whoever I wished and could carry all of us up to the main rooms with ease.

We entered and my women marveled at the idea of not having to climb hundreds of steps every day.

As we reached the seventh level, the highest in the castle the elevator doors opened to reveal a huge room with high ceilings, large windows overlooking the ocean and waves.

A massive bed capable of holding twenty people stood on a raised platform at the center of the room with large Engraved wooden posts on each corner.

Large paintings of me and my women were on all the walls.

The North quadrant had a set of large leather couches in front of a huge television set on one side of the room.

Instruments stood on the other southern quadrant, a small library and tables stood at the western quadrant.

weapon racks and armor stands with large wardrobes stood on the eastern section.

My women excitedly checked out the room and each found a section they enjoyed for a few moments before something got my attention.

Melisandre seductively walked to the bed while swaying her wide child bearing hips and removed her dress then climbed onto the huge bed with her fat ass in the air as she pointed it directly at me.

She arched her back as I stared at her juicy ass hungrily..... it would be a long night

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