
Ch 43 Meet The Mormonts


It was now four days before my wedding as we ate breakfast In the Great Hall, most of the Lord's in the North had arrived and Introduced themselves already, I sat with Lily on my lap as she fed me small bits of food with her little hands, Rhaella was on my Right, Melisandre on my left, and Myranda to the right of Rhaella as she talked with Lyarra Stark.

We were all eating heartily and the Lords were telling tall tales of fighting bears as big as houses, and singlehandedly killing off a wilding raiding parties with nothing but a dagger while other Lords called bullshit and laughed merrily

I pressed my lips against Melisandre and she poured Spicy Honeyed wine into my mouth as I drank it greedily and some lords stared on in envy.

In the middle of Breakfast the doors of the hall burst open and four people walked in.

They were Mormonts of bear isle from the looks of them.

Jorah walked in front I guess his father Jeor stayed on the island. Jorah wore a heavy studded leather armor and steel pauldrons and a green tabard with the Mormont crest embroidered at it's center.

Maege Mormont walked beside Jorah, she was six feet tall and built like a brick shithouse, she had thick strong arms and broad shoulders, her armor was scratched and dented in different places and dried blood could be spotted on her clothes. A large black steel mace hung at her waist and a large round shield was slung on her broad back.

Her Daughter Dacey walked behind them, she was the same age as Lyanna and over six feet tall, nearly Melisandre's height and wore a thick reinforced leather breastplate with chainmail underneath and a long jagged Mace that rested on her belt along with two long daggers. Her face had Bloody Bandages over the left side but her beauty was still clearly visible.

She had long thick legs and a big ass which made up for her small tits.

The last man that followed was a nameless guard who had dried blood peppering his clothes and armor, he still wore a battered steel barbute helmet.

When the Lord's saw them an out cry went out but Lord Rickard Quickly calmed them down.

"Calm down my Lords!!! Jorah what happened, why are you all so battered and bloody?"

"My Lord Stark....we were ambushed by bandits, they were over a hundred in number and quite well equipped.....out of the forty men that I brought with me only twelve still remain and my cousin Dacey even took a wound to the face." He spoke and all the Lords Clamoured to go hunting and they stood up while shouting that they'd be the ones to kill them.

Rickard waited for them to calm down and asked the important questions

"Where and when were you attacked? we will ride out and slaughter them soon so don't worry about that....justice for your fallen will be had Jorah Don't worry about that." Rickard spoke aloud and when he spoke about riding out the Lords Clamoured for blood.

Then maege spoke up to answer Rickard

"We were attacked forty miles northwest in the wolfswood, we took the trail down from deepwood motte and we're ambushed...if I were to guess they must have been over a hundred men in total."

The Lords grew excited at the thought of hunting a large group of bandits...they each brought their retinues to protect them on the way so about three hundred battle hungry men could be raised with a word.

"My Lords....I could fly out on my dragon and burn those bandits within the hour, no riding needed.....but honestly where is the fun in that? I say we ride out and cut those scum down!!!" I yelled and the Lords went wild and started banging on the table and shouting with fervor....

"My Lords order your men to gather their arms and prepare to ride out within the hour....we have some hunting to do!!!" Rickard yelled and the Lords rushed out of the hall excitedly ....they all relished a good battle after all.

I Pulled Lily off of my lap and walked to the Mormonts, they were shocked when I stood up and they realized my sheer size.

Mormonts we're tall but I had grown a bit since coming to Westeros so I was 6'11 now and extremely muscular.

"My Lord, My Ladies...I am Alucard Von Cathicus....I appreciate you coming to my wedding, I assure you that vengeance will be had for your fallen men." I told them and noticed that Jorah instantly disliked me.....maybe he was jealous but you never know with people like him.

Jorah said his thanks then walked away to speak with Rickard while Maege admired my muscles.

Dacey looked at my handsome face while blushing...only one eye was visible through her bandages however.

"My lady what is your name?" I asked as I took Dacey's hand in for a kiss.

"Dacey Mormont Of Bear Island My Lord...its a pleasure to meet you." she said in a stoic voice but I could hear her pained voice.

"I may be able to heal your wounds with my powers...if you would please undo your bandages I should finish in just a few moments." I told her while looking into her big brown eye.

"I don't want to take them off....I'm too ugly now and nothing will change that." She said in a sad voice while looking down

"We won't know unless we try....come on take them off." I told her as I grabbed her chin gently and raised her head again.

Her mother Maege slowly undid her bandages as Dacey winced In pain to reveal a large nasty gash on the left side of her face, part of her upper cheek was ripped off and half of her ear was missing from a nasty blow to the face....I was surprised at the sheer extent of the damage.

"See...I'm hideous and no man would ever want me now..." She said in a sad voice.

I looked to Maege and asked her "She says no man will have her....I will take her hand if you would give me your blessing, the bride price will be generous." I told her mother and Dacey looked at me in shock.

"Little Bear are you fine with sharing a man? he has many women after all?" Maege asked her daughter and Dacey nodded her head as she looked at the ground shyly.

"Very well you may have her hand....if I find you treat her badly and I'll shove my mace so far up your ass that you will taste my steel in your throat." Maege told me threateningly

I just smiled at the mother bear and softly placed my hand on Dacey's wound.

"MAGNA CURA TOTALIS" I chanted and a glow of golden light covered Dacey's face as it reconstructed itself before our eyes.

She was beautiful....like Victoria justice only far taller and with a strong body.

Dacey put a hand on her face as she felt the change and froze for a second before jumping on me and wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me while crying.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she shouted in my ear.

I just held her tightly until she calmed down and then I gently put her down.

"You can't take her away until your wedding so don't even think about it..." Maege threatened with a hand on her Mace.

"I understand Lady Mormont....I will see the marriage done before the end of the year." I told her plainly

"Thank you for healing my daughter...you have my thanks." Maege then said and walked away while pulling Dacey along.

Dacey looked back and smiled at me sweetly even though she was covered in dried blood and wore armor she still seemed quite cute.

"Our new sister looks so strong....Daddy how'd you know she'd be so pretty after you fixed her messed up face?" Lily asked as she neared me and latched herself to my arm.

"Husband always knows these things Lily.....You blossomed just as much after he brought you in and fattened you up...he could tell you would become a great beauty and you also had a sweet heart.." Rhaella spoke and patted Lily's head.

Lily then let go of my arm and hugged Rhaella sweetly as she smiled and patted her cute head.

Melisandre walked up and brought me in for a long kiss.....

"Hey no fair I'm next." Lily pouted cutely so I gave her a kiss next.

"What about your first wife? husband are you forgetting me?" Rhaella asked in a feigned hurt voice

I snatched her by the waist and brought her in close while shoving my tongue down her throat and savoring her mouth for a few moments.

When I was done with her I looked towards Myranda and her huge cow Tits and brought her in for a kiss as well as I pinched her nipples through her dress.

Soon I escorted my women to the room and Left them there to Watch TV while I went out hunting for bandits.


(a few moments later)

I walked onto the large courtyard of Winterfell While clad in my Demonic armor with my two long blood Red Falx Strapped to my belt and a long Black cape on my back.

The Lords prepared their men and loaded supplies onto their saddlebags.

Brandon Stark walked up in full armor and asked me which horse I wanted to take.

"I have my own." I told him as he looked at me like I was crazy

I extended my hand and a dark shadow appeared on the cobblestones for a moment before a giant black warhorse clad in full steel plate barding flew out and landed on the cobblestones heavily.

The massive Black warhorse with glowing red eyes rose onto its hind legs while neighing loudly and stomped back onto the ground with its thick legs and massive hairy hooves as smoke rose from Shadowmares' nostrils every time it snorted.

He walked up to me and began stomping on the ground while chomping at his bit.

Shadowmare had been at sea for a long time and his only pastimes were fucking Willems mare and getting brushed by Willem so he was excited to ride into battle today.

I mounted him and he trotted around the courtyard as if showing off his strong body to the mares present.... when he rode past male horses he would send them a threatening chuff and they would lower their heads as if acknowledging the alpha.

In no time at all the warband made it's March as we headed north in search of bandits.

Ancalagon was a huge lazy dragon so when I told him that we wouldn't need him in the fight he laid down on the hill and fell back asleep.

His huge body was visible for miles as we rode north from Winterfell, soon I would get to cut some scum in half and drink their blood....I felt my hunger Increase instantly.

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