
Ch 32 Leaving The Capital

(Lil bit of Yuri👉👈)

(I am considering starting a Harry Potter verse or Marvel fanfic in addition to this one would you all be interested?)

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Just before dawn I awoke with Rhaella And Lily in my arms, I lay there with my two beautiful women while admiring their sleeping faces for a while since I didn't wish to disturb them as they dreamed.

Eventually they stirred awake and I greeted them with kisses and gentle caresses for some time before I had to rise from the bed.

There was much to do and things to prepare before flying out of the city after all.

I collected all the personal items that belonged to my women and stored them in my inventory while they happily bathed in our tub.

Once I was done I kissed them goodbye and headed out as they washed eachother.

Willem had arrived with his new wife just as I exited the room and the girl was clinging onto Willem as they walked down the hall to his room it already seemed like they were already madly in love.

I greeted them both and congratulated them on their marriage. I gave the girl an anklet that would provide broad protection spells if needed and I gave Willem a strengthening potion.

It was similar to the one I gave Kevan except that this one didn't affect libido since I didn't want his new wife to suffer a month on the ship with a wild horny beast locked in the same room.

I headed to visit my maids who were almost finished packing.

Inside the large room with multiple beds were Tysha, Pippa, Erika, Sarah, and Minnie who were all chatting happily as they prepared their luggage for the long trip.

The five of them blushed deeply as soon as they saw me enter so I brought each of them into a kiss before helping them load their things into the chests.

After half an hour the chests were loaded with personal items and the treasures gifted to me on my wedding day.

I led the group towards the docks and had them all get into the flagship of the fleet which was a massive warship with a separate section for nobles who rode on it.

The area reserved for my women was separated from the rest of the ships crew but i still cast intent based spells on each of My maids and Willems new wife in order to keep them safe on the journey since you never know what dirty sailors are thinking.

I also loaded Shadowmare onto the ship, I'd be able to summon him whenever I needed but having him protect the maids while I was away was reassuring.

Shadowmere did not enjoy the idea of a month long boat ride but he would be well fed and brushed regularly by Willem so he relented....he even had Willems gray Mare to keep him company so he'd be fine I'm that regard.

He was extremely capable with his flesh tearing razor sharp teeth and chest crushing kicks, he'd be able to take on a ship full of ironborn if needed.

I said goodbye to my maids and Willem before heading back to the Red Keep on foot as I strolled through the streets and released a small amount of bloodlust to keep the rabble away from approaching me.

On my way to Rhaellas' room I ran into Elia who was taking a stroll with her

childhood friend/handmaiden.

I could smell the arousal grow from Elia when she spotted me walking so I pulled Her into a side room for an hour while I gave her a hard pounding and filled her with my seed.

Her handmaiden waited nervously just outside as she listened to me fucking her Lady into submission through the door.

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When I had finished with the creampie fest I exited the room and adjusted my clothes before walking away.

When the handmaid rushed in to look for Elia She spotted the caramel beauty laying against the wall with her face flushed red while drooling and a gallon of cum dribbling from her from her spread out pussy and asshole.

"My lady let me clean you up we can't have anyone finding you like this~"

The maid spoke as she rushed to Elias side and wiped Elias dripping pussy with a thin silk handkerchief.

The silk handkerchief quickly soaked through which caused The maid to look at her hand that was coated in thick semen and gave it a hesitant lick out of curiosity.

"Ohhh~ Sooo good~"

She moaned at the taste before licking the rest of her hand clean and savoring the flavor and thick texture of my semen..... she was left with a lingering desire to taste more of my semen but I had already left down the hall.

The maid got a naughty idea of how to get a better taste and slowly lowered herself between Elias legs.

"Hold on one moment Princess I have to clean everything out~"

The maid spoke as she lowered her mouth to Elias pussy and began licking and sucking all my cum out while fingering herself.

The maid gulped all the thick cum out of the wet pussy until she got every last drop out then began to gently lick the inside of Elias asshole to get the cum out of there while Elia moaned and squirted all over her face.

The maid was a dornish girl who Elia brought from home, she was also perverted slut like most dornish women.

I sensed all this happening as I headed away from the room.

I vowed that i'd have my way with that handmaiden if I ever saw her again.

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I arrived at the room to Rhaella, Lily And Melisandre who were all dressed for travel and ready to fly.

I kissed the three of them then we all headed out to the rear courtyard since their luggage was already in my dimensional storage.

When we reached the garden we watched as Ancalagon approached in the distance.

Ancalagon roared In the distance as he approached the Red Keep, His massive wings caused the air to ripple as he flew towards us.

He swooped down and landed on the Rear Courtyard before roaring into the air.

I noticed the blood and gore that covered his mouth and claws.

Dried blood coated his entire front end and I could smell all sorts of creatures that he had slaughtered.

"Hello Ancalagon it's been so long since I've seen you!!! You've grown so Big!!!" Lily yelled out a greeting at the massive four eyed dragon.

Then Ancalagon gurgled in greeting at Lily before I helped the Three of them up onto the saddle.

Melisandre and Rhaella could have used their magic and floated themselves up onto Ancalagons back but I preferred to fondle their soft warm bodies while lifting them into the saddle.

My women put on shawls to protect their soft skins from the sun. Ancalagon Lifted off and headed northwest....we had a few hours to reach Riverrun before heading to The Moon Mountains.

I wouldn't fly Ancalagon at full speed because I wanted a relaxing trip in the air and I was letting my women get a good view of the landscape on the way there.

I could have skipped my stop at riverrun but I wished to pay the fish whore a visit before my trip to hunt mountain men and the detour would only add a small amount of time to our travels.

Hoster was on his way back to Riverrun by carriage so the castle should be manned by his idiot son Edmure since he was next in line.

We soared hundreds of feet into the air as Lily sat in front of me while I wrapped my arms around her body, she had gained weight in these past weeks and was filling out nicely.

She now had a perky ass and firm thighs and her tits which were A cups when I first met her were now C's.

Her skin was softer and more supple while her hair had a glistening sheen which reminded me of soft gold strands.

I'd probably marry Lily during my stop at Winterfell so Rickard who was a Lord Paramount would be present at her wedding as a status symbol instead of an isolated wedding in our Northern keep.

She was a Lowborn peasant most of her life but not anymore and I'm sure she'd appreciate the Gesture.

I rubbed her head as she hummed happily and snacked on Spicy Chicken Nuggies from my Dimensional Store.

Rhaella was seated just behind me and had her arms wrapped around my body, I could feel the life force in her belly developing nicely.

My first child in this life would come from such a perfect bride and I couldn't be happier.

Rhaella was chatting with Melisandre about all the things she had seen during her travels from over the years after she learned that Melisandre was from Asshai.

She was born just after the conquest of Aegon and his sister wives so Melisandre had hundreds of stories to regale Rhaella with on our long flight to Riverrun.

Melisandre spoke of human animal hybrids, Fish people with green skin, and a giant ape from Sothroyos which was captured by black mages when she was just a girl.

Melisandre also used her magic body heat to keep my women warm while we were up in the sky.

As a vampire the cold was harmless but still a notable discomfort so her help was much appreciated by me and my women.

Like that we soared over the green covered landscape of Westeros flying over the 'Gods Eye' which contained the Isle Of Faces and then the castle of High Heart.

We passed many farms and villages on our way and I even caught a glimpse of a scrawny shadowcat, this once was small but I heard that they grow quite large in the north it's black and white coat was beautiful and it made me want to take one for myself.

I'd be sure and capture some to give as pets to my women after I magically enslave them and feed them strengthening serum.

Our journey through the air made the bond between the four of us grew stronger as My girls got to know Melisande more closely and began to get along with her.

Before the flight my women were a bit distrustful of my Tall Busty Red Headed Priestess and thought she was a strange woman for her obsession with the Red God ,her magic chants, and obsession with fire but now they saw her as a friend and more like a sister which I greatly approved of.

I could feel my cock tingling as we neared the ugly castle of riverrun.

I could already imagine soiling Catelyn's wet holes with my seed again while she tried in vain to resist.

Although i was sure she would beg me to keep fucking her once I got started.

She was always quite religious so having her sin in the eyes of her Gods was a delight for me.

In the teachings of the seven women are supposed to remain pure until their marriage but I had already shaped her insides to my cock and painted her womb white with my sperm...hehehe

Causing the faithful to stray was quite enjoyable...

Ancalagon Roared out to alert the Castle and town of our presence and immediately I heard screams and a bell started to toll.

The people had seen Ancalagon before but his monstrous size and Black and Red scales was enough to frighten anyone.

My dragon was also quite a bit larger than the first time we visited Riverrun.

All those whales and seals near Kingslanding must have really taken a toll from his feasting if he grew this much.

As we circled the castle a few times I saw Edmure followed by Catelyn, Lisa and their bravest Household guard step out to receive us as we descended to the Drawbridge.

With a heavy thud that shook the earth for a mile around Ancalagon landed and settled down.

He lowered his body as I helped my women down. . . . . . .

When I looked at the group the first thing I noticed was Catelyn looking at me in fear and mumbling a prayer to The Seven.....this... would..... be .... fun. . . .

[Çãshâpp: Kevonejones476AD if you would like to help fund my American spirit addiction]

(I write this novel while smoking on my hammock btw)


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