
Ch 20 Practice With Bobby B

It Was the seven in the morning as I practiced with fellow knights at the tourney grounds as the archery competitions took place. The melee would be in a few hours so I had plenty of time to hone my skills while teaching the other men.

I wore my distinctive Demonic armor but wielded a single blunted tourney longsword instead of my dual falx since I didn't want to hurt anybody during sparring. I had a great height advantage over any of the other people there as I neared seven feet in height which made swordplay so much easier.

I mainly focused on practicing with the poorer hedge knights since most of the nobles preferred to spar with their men at arms instead of spending time with poor landless knights.

I had sparred with a bit more than twenty knights since I got here since before sun up and would constantly give them tips on how to improve their swordplay, and along with the fact that I didn't hurt any of them during our bouts it quickly saw me become wildly popular with all of these lower class men.

They all marveled at my quick and precise swordplay which possessed no extra flair or showmanship, my strikes were all with the intent to kill and the other knights quickly picked this up and a few younger knights imitated some of my movements as time went on.

I always thought flashy swordsmanship is a waste of energy and it wastes time when you can focus on delivering killing blows instead.

I may break my rule to put on a show at the tourney however.

There were almost ten less experienced knights surrounding me as I was practicing with one younger knight that seemed to be a natural swordsman.

The more experienced men were sparring amongst themselves or resting on the sidelines while drinking pear juice and eating dried meat that I brought in bulk for any man who wanted some.

The young lad that I was sparring lacked proper technique as I parried his ill timed thrust to my left then slid my longsword along his blade until the tip of the blunted blade rested against his eye slit. The move was extremely fast and before the young knight knew it I got a 'kill point' and he looked stunned that it all happened so fast.

I then drew my sword away from his eye and tapped him on the head lightly with my sword.

"Again but this time when I parry you should take a step back and to your right, with this you'll be out of my range. try counterattack after you avoid my first attack."

We repeated the process and this time instead of thrusting into his eye the young man stepped back out of my range and delivered a flurry of quick strikes that I easily parried.

He grew frustrated that no hits were landing and when he charged up an angry overhead I stepped forwards and kicked him In the chest.

The young knight fell down and when he tried to get back up again I had my sword at his throat.

"Never charge up a swing like that in a real fight, if you're not landing regular blows a clumsy swing like that will only leave you vulnerable when you take the sword out of the guard zone." I told the young man and he nodded as he realized what mistakes he made

"Thank you My Lord for your guidance." The young knight told me as he dusted off his tabard.

"No matter how frustrated you might be it's better to keep waiting for your enemy to make a mistake.....everyone makes them it's just up to you to find them" I told the young man as I walked over to get something to drink.

I heard loud boisterous noise as I began to pour myself a cup of cold juice to wet my beak.

I turned around to see a man as tall as me wearing yellow and black trimmed armor who had a Warhammer over his shoulder and a wineskin In his hand.

This giant man entered with another skinny man that was just five inches shorter than me. The second man wore no armor but instead a high quality leather jerkin over a gray shirt and a castle forged longsword at his hip.They both had servants following close behind.

I knew who they were in an instant, it was Robert Baratheon, Demon of the Trident and Eddard Stark....I realized at that moment that I've already creamed both their future wives which brought a genuine smile to my face.

They both saw me sitting alongside most of the younger knights who were yapping about one thing or another and sporadically asking 'what if' Related questions.

The duo beelined towards me so I stood and greeted them. "Good morning I am Alucard Cathicus the groom for the upcoming wedding, have you come to spar, there is plenty of practice to be had." I told them In a cordial voice

"We've been looking for you Dragonrider...we didn't see you sparring with the Lords and assumed you might not be competing!!!" Robert yelled out and took a glug of wine.

"You have to introduce yourself Robert, Greetings Lord Cathicus I am Eddard second son of Rickard Stark and this is Robert Baratheon heir of His house and next lord paramount of the stormlands." Eddard scolded Bobby and introduced himself.

"So why didn't you go practice with the Lords instead of mingling with these poor sods." Robert asked with a smile in his face

"I prefer to pass my time with these young knights because if I spend too much time with most noble lords I end up killing them." I spoke with an edge in my voice

Ned put his hand on his sword but Robert stared into my eyes for a moment before bursting out laughing. I soon joined him and we walked over to the table and sat down.

We proceeded to make smalltalk for a while while the young knights spoke of my skill and that I never grew tired even after sparring dozens of times.

When they heard this Robert got a glint in his eyes and I knew he wanted to have a go at me.

"So Alucard if you're so good why don't you and me have a little sparring match between friends." Robert asked while trying to hide his excitement

I looked at him for a few seconds before nodding. "But there should be stakes involved in a friendly speaking match don't you think?" I asked in a friendly tone.

"What do you have in mind" he spoke and then took a swig of wine.

"We have a bout, whoever loses must call the other man uncle for five years." I said while looking him dead in the eyes after which needs interrupted

"That's a bit much, it could put your reputations at risk." Ned spoke with concern

"DEAL!!! 🤝" Robert yelled as we shook hands.

Robert walked in the middle of the field as he called for a servant to bring him his helmet, It possessed no antlers like his jousting great helm but it was equally exquisite... it was an engraved armet with gold inlay, many scratches could be seen on it's well built exterior.

I walked to the weapons rack and traded my longsword for a zweihander (Greatsword) to better counter his Warhammer.

"Thats mighty fine armor lord Cathicus.... there's not a scratch on it!" Robert teased which got a couple laughs

"I may be a big man.... but I'm not a big oaf so I don't usually let the blades of lesser men even reach my armor..." I retorted as I pointed out his scratched up armor. This got laughs from most people watching and even a small smile from Eddard.

This seemed to anger the giant Baratheon.

"We'll see how cocky you are when I bash your chest in!!!"

He yelled as he swung diagonally at me, it was far faster than I'd expect a Warhammer of that size to move.

I simply stepped out of range of his hammer and tapped the top of his helmet with my sword. "How can you bash me if you can't even reach me...." I teased which made him even angrier.

He rushed at me and swung a nonstop flurry of blows at me with his Baratheon Fury feeding his swings.

I would sidestep or deflect his hammerblows and with every missed attack he just seemed to get more powerful and angry.

Robert kept up his offensive for a bit more than a minute until I grew bored of dancing around him so I waited for an opening, I Swing my Greatsword hard against his warhammer which sent it off course, then i dropped my sword and moved in for a judo throw.

One second Robert missed his swing, the next second he saw the sky above as I threw him over my shoulder and slammed him in the ground.

His hammer flew out of his hands and I leapt atop him into a full mount.

Everyone at the practice grounds yelled at the bets they made and began excitedly talking about the move that made a giant of a man fly through the air.

I began to hammer away with my fists at his fancy armet for ten seconds with blows that would knock any other man unconscious.

After a quick flurry I stopped and asked out loud "Call me uncle!!!" I yelled

"Fuck you...you dragon cunt!!" he yelled out, so I started hammering away at him again this time for half a minute

"Call me uncle!!!" I asked him again but instead of responding he spat blood at me through his breathing ports and tried to buck me off to no avail.

I ripped the leather clasp of his helmet and pulled it off his head.

Roberts face was pretty beat up but miraculously he still had all his teeth.

I flipped him over and slipped my hand under his chin and slid into a rear naked choke, it took forty seconds of squeezing for the big brute to turn blue and finally pass out.

I then stood from the ground and called for a young knight to bring a cup of juice while dusting off my armor.

Everyone bunched around Robert while talking about the match and paying up their bets.

After fifteen seconds he gasped in a big breath of air and started coughing, when he sat up I was already waiting for him with a cup of juice which he quickly drank.

"That........That was the best fight of my fucking life, we've got to do it again!!!" He roared out as I picked him up.

"I'd be glad to, you are a very dangerous opponent to any man who isn't me, I'd be glad to help you improve technique." I told him, In reality I just liked the feeling of beating his face quite a bit.

I sat with Ned and Robert and made smalltalk for an hour before we had to go and prepare for the start of the Grand Melee.

I arrived in my tent and used magic to clean both myself and my armor off.

The only people in my tent were Pippa and Tysha.

It was Pippa who I'd been repeatedly going to for her otherworldly blowjobs.

She had the Gluck Gluck 10000 and I had her showing the other girls how to improve.

I had creampied her plenty for a week while she begged me to fuck her daughter as well.

'After my wedding' I would keep telling her while fucking her pussy senseless and filling her with hot cum.

I always thought that there is always the perfect time for a fuck, if it's not the right time then I won't do it.

I'd also gotten a letter from Cersei asking me to visit her room again but I would hold off on fucking that crazy bitch for a while.

I sat in a couch that was in my tent and had Pippa and Tysha start sucking me off, I needed it after all that training.


Half an hour had passed so I came in my girls throats and had them drink it all then slurp my cock clean.

I donned my helmet and made my way outside to Shadowmare who was waiting for me....he knew a battle was coming and I could feel his bloodthirst as he chomped on his bit and constantly stomped his giant hooves on the ground.

"Soon my friend" I spoke to him as I rubbed his lustrous black coat.

He neighed and nodded his giant head yes

"Remember don't eat people unless I kill them personally but you can eat as many horses as you want." He neighed in happiness and nodded again

I had noticed something strange about shadowmare, he would kill and eat male horses whenever he got the chance but he would prefer to just mount and fuck the females.

I had to get separate housing for him with just female horses that he would mount and fuck nonstop. Like owner like horse I guess.

We made our way to the starting point of the Melee as I fiddled with my new heavy, blunted falx blades since live steel was forbidden

I arrived at the designated area with all the competitors and waited....soon the grand Melee would begin....


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