
Ch 17 Hello Doctor~

"This may feel a bit strange but it shouldn't take more than a few minutes." I reassured Joanna, she simply nodded at me to proceed so I put my hand on her stomach.

As I sent my magic into her I used the time to increase her pleasure sensitivity to make this a bit more exciting.

As my Magic energy moved slowly around her body I redirected some to her clit and nipples and began to tease them.

I saw her eyes widen and suck in a large breath.

In a few seconds I heard I saw her release a muffled moan while covering her mouth with her hands.

I increased the teasing and she let out a serious moan which I had to address.

"Does it hurt, let me know and I can take it more slowly." I told her

"It doesn't hurt my lord. . . it just feels so strange." She said in embarrassment with a flushed face, I could already smell her juices In the air.

This woman has been pent up for sixteen years after having Tyrion, of course she would be wet as October rain in an instant.

She tried to stop me for a moment but I reassured her.

"Relax....it is natural you need to calm down and let the process happen. It will be over before you know it." I told her In a kind voice.

She reluctantly agreed and covered her mouth with her hands again. Now that she had agreed I had no reason to hold back hehe.

I cast a very minor healing spell so she wouldn't just pass out from the stimulation, I also needed her for enough to get fucked without dying on me.

After a ten minutes of light stimulation to which she moaned lightly in pleasure I began to vigorously stimulate her nipples and clit with magic particles while sending vibration magic directly into her womb.

She began to practically scream and held my hand that was on her stomach as if it was a safety handle.

"I AMMM CUMMING!!!" She moaned loudly while her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Joanna began to vibrate and squirt noble pussy juice all over the sheets which completely ruined the white satin night dress she was wearing.

After cumming so hard she was out of breath and it took her a few moments to realize what just happened and what she just moaned out loud.

She quickly looked away from me since she was too embarrassed to look me in the eye.

I quickly grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze while consoling her.

"It's okay, there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about after all whatever happens in this room will stay between you and me. To tell you the truth , that was a perfectly natural reaction to magic energy." I spoke reassuringly

She turned back and looked at me with a flushed face while slowly nodding.

"I found the reason that you haven't recovered is that a curse was a curse placed on Tyrion while he was still inside of you. Part of the curse remained within you after Tyrion was born." I told her while still holding her hand.

"So this is the reason why no matter what medicine I had taken I never seemed to get better." she spoke her thoughts out loud.

"Is there anything you can do to remove the curse or at least heal me?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course, I can but I don't know if you would like it done." I told her with a hushed voice

"Well why not, surely removing it wont be that horrible right." She asked hopefully.

"It is not horrible. . . it's just that I'm unsure whether you'd allow me to treat you after you heard the method I would need to use." I spoke reluctantly.

"Do the treatment, I can't stand living like this amy longer. I don't care how much I might suffer from it." Joanna told me in desperation.

"Very well I will give you the full treatment." I spoke while removing my shirt and my pants.

She was still full of endorphins from cumming so hard, so when she saw my shirt come off I saw her admiring my body, when my pants came off her eyes widened and I even saw her lick her lips while staring at my stiff cock.

However, Joanna soon came back to reality and realized that she was in a room with a naked man.


She yelled at me as I climbed the bed and made my way over to her legs and proceeded to spread them open and tear off her panties.

"The curse remains deep inside of you Joanna, this is simply treatment. Don't worry though I will make sure i don't hurt you." I told her as I lined up my big cock in front of her pink pussy.

She looked at me for a moment in shock before I heard her whisper

"I .. it's to big.....but I guess I'm not being unfaithful if it's only treatment...." Joanna squeaked out and bit her lower lip.

I just smiled at her words and pushed into her tight wet hole.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" She moaned loudly as I slid in deep and I felt her legs shake when I reached her cervix.

"It's been so long Alucard.... take this curse out of my insides please!!!" She begged me while my cock l kissed her cervix.

I Slowly started pulling back and moving towards, since it had been sixteen years since she was last fucked I would rather not startle her too much.

Joanna's pussy was extremely tight, as slippery as I could wish for it was as if it was begging me to cum inside.

With every thrust she would let out a small whimper, then Slowly but surely I began to speed up and she began to moan louder and louder.


for three hours I pounded Joanna as I rearranged her insides with my meat, she had cum dozens of times but I would cast revitalization magic to keep her from simply passing out.

It had been too long since she had even been out of bed so she needed the energy.

I felt a flood of semen come out of my cock as I thrust myself as deep as I could inside of her and made my way deep into her womb which caused her to squeal like a horny pig.

With her womb open I poured my seed deep inside of her married pussy and painted everything white.

With every thrust her milf Pussy would milk more and more semen, by the end of my thrusts I had splooged liters of semen into this married woman's pussy.

Joanna's stomach bulged from the sheer amount of cum inside of her but I allowed none of the semen to seep out, not wanting a single drop of cum to drop out of her married cunt.

Then I took a rubber plug from my dimensional store then swapped my cock out with it, to keep all the semen inside of Joanna.

She was very exhausted so I didn't wish to disturb her any more.

I cast a higher level Heal spell on her which instantly made her gain lost weight and returned all of the color to her face.

She was very beautiful once she was healed, To finish my treatment I placed a poison protection talisman on her just to be safe, I would definitely enjoy her more In the future.

Tywin already had a modified horny removal talisman so his libido was zero and he couldn't even get hard anymore.

He should thank me for such a thing because now he could focus on more important things.

I would love for her to clean up and slurp my cock with her mouth but I'd rather let her rest.

I cast cleaning magic and removed any trace of our lovemaking then put on my clothes and armor before putting the blanket back over her sleeping body.

I then made my way out of the room, it was about midday by the time I had finished enjoying the Lioness of House Lannister so I was feeling a bit hungry.

Just outside of the room where i was treating Joanna I found Kevan and Gerion.

I knew Gerion wished to speak with me about something by how fidgety he was, Kevan on the other hand looked uncomfortable with his brother being there.

"The Treatment was successful..... Lady Lannister is sleeping right now, and is not to be disturbed by anyone. If I find someone entered the room early and disturbed her I shall have to take their lives, recovery is the most important part of treatment after all."

I told them bluntly.

"Now, I am quite hungry, is dinner going to be served soon my Lords?" I asked them both

"Most certainly, The lady will not be disturbed by anyone of this I assure you. Supper will be served in just a few minutes so we can begin making our way there, please follow me." Kevan spoke quite eloquently and lead me towards the dining hall.

As we walked I told them. "Go bring the girl from this morning she will serve me, my handmaiden stayed with my betrothed to keep her company so I have no one else to fill in." I told them

"Of course my Lord, she will be brought shortly"Kevan said and ordered a guard to go fetch tysha.

Then Kevin continued "In fact, we have several women prepared to perform such a task, after Tywin noticed how your handmaiden performs her duties during meals he notified us to prepare for your preferences."

"Very Good, I appreciate the attention to detail Kevan, the servant girl from this morning will do just fine."

I told him before Gerion tried to get my attention.

"My Lord Cathicus I was wondering if there is any way for you to choose a different girl to entertain you for tonight. You see my nephew Tyrion actually....."

"Gerion!!! Do not disrespect our guest, if he wants the girl he will get her, it doesn't matter if Tyrion likes the peasant Tywin has already warned him not to get close to her." Kevan scolded Gerion before he could finish his pleading.

"Bring the girl I won't accept another. By the way.....Kevan I can see why Tywin values you so highly...if I had brothers I would wish they were like you.

Here is a small personal gift from me since you have treated me so well during my time here."

I said as I Withdrew a small golf ball sized bottle of glowing blue liquid. It was a single serving potion of strength and vitality.

It should make him strong as an ox and breed like a bull....a good gift for a man nearing his forties.

"What is it.... it's glow is very similar to wildfire..." He said while examining the small bottle.

"You will know once you drink it. I Swear on my blood that you won't regret it." I told him with a smile

He looked at me as if judging if it was some kind of trick before he uncorked the bottle and downed it In one go as we walked to the dining hall.

He stopped for a moment and sat in a nearby chair before groaning loudly for a few seconds.

After a moment passed a smile grew on his face, and when he stood up he was three inches taller and he seemed far more muscular with his clothes now being quite tight.

"I feel amazing Lord Cathicus what in seven hells was in that bottle. I feel like I could fight Gregor Clegane himself right now!"

"A strength potion I acquired long ago, you should be as strong as five men on the battlefield.... and as vigorous as ten in bed. If you only have one wife I recommend you acquire a few more." I told him while patting his shoulder.

He smiled at me, and when I said the part about being more vigorous in bed he patted his junk before whispering "Good gods It grew so much."

Gerion meanwhile looked at his brother jealously, he had missed out on such a wonderful thing because he tried to standup for his imp nephew.

no good deed goes unpunished after all

We made our way through the hallways until reaching the dining hall I entered with a Smiling Kevan and a sour Gerion which was exactly the opposite that was to be expected from them.

Tyrion and Tygget awaited us alongside a series of Lannister women who I assumed to be the wives, daughters, and nieces of the men.

Several pretty servant girls lined up against the wall while male servants laid out food on the tables I assumed the girls were there for me to decide on one to feed me. Some looked nervous and others looked eager for an attempt to get in the good graces of a Dragonrider.

I saw Tyrion who had red puffy eyes send a look towards Gerion to which the man simply shook his head as if to signify that he couldn't stop what would soon occur.

We all heard a distant roaring and looked outside through the large windows to see Ancalagon over the ocean in the distance pulling a sperm whale out of the ocean with his claws.

We all took a moment to admire the sheer size of this Black and Red monstrous dragon, Ancalagon is ten feet larger than vaghar now, due to all the poor creatures he keeps devouring.

"An awe inspiring creature Lord Cathicus." Kevan mentioned as we all took a seat at the table. "Those girls were the ones chosen to serve you should you desire it my Lord, if not I shall have them serve dinner." he continued.

"I'll wait for the other girl Kevan." I told him

He simply nodded and waved the girls away.

I then introduced myself to all the people I didn't know at the table. The Lannister women were all charming enough but nothing special.

Soon after we heard the doors open and Tysha came in being escorted by two guards.

She instantly walked up to me with her head down and spoke. "I have come to feed you my Lord." she said meekly

"Good, my handmaiden is still in Kingslanding so I will need your assistance." I spoke as I grabbed her waist and brought her onto my lap and proceeded to remove my helmet.

The Lannister women and servant girls blushed when they saw my face, The Lannister men were surprised at my handsome looks since they expected me to look more mean because of my attitude.

Tysha had tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she brought my wine cup to my lips with shaky hands.

I simply took some gulps and gestured at her to give me other things while my hands rubbed her small plump ass through her dress.

I saw the look on Tyrion's eyes and it made me smile inside but I just ignored him.

I continued to make smalltalk with the Lannister family for an hour as I fondled Tysha all over in front of her true love.

Later on during the meal the family asked about what had happened to Kevan since he looked like an entirely new man.

I just told them it was a token of my personal friendship to Kevan, then I teased Kevan's wife that she might need a few servants to assist her in taking care of him tonight to which both Kevan and his wife Dorna blushed and became embarrassed, most of the other Lannisters laughed out loud.

Soon after dinner was over and I left the dining hall with my arm wrapped around Tyshas waist.

A servant guided us to the room and quickly left.

As I made my way inside I told Tysha to go and sit on the bed as I heard the pitter patter of little legs making their way down the hall.

Tysha heard his feet and she instantly brightened up, she probably thought Tyrion was the white knight who came to save his beloved. . .

oh how wrong she was. . .



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