
Ch 10 Taming the Lioness. xxl chap

[This chapter is dedicated to ALPHAZEUS enjoy buddy]

Walking through the halls of the red keep while wearing nothing but a silk robe and covered in blood caused people to run but peek out from around corners or through cracked doors.

They also saw a crying Lannister soldier carrying a fruit basket filled with five severed heads filled them with fright.

I came across a group of five servants and stopped to speak.

"Hello ladies, I have something which requires assistance. Outside of Princess Rhaellas' room there are five corpses which need cleaning.

I would be most appreciative if you all would take care of it for me."

I said with a charming smile which caused them all to blush up a storm 'damn even covered in gore I've still got it'.

Then I reached into my storage and tossed them a bag filled with gold dragons, winked at them and continued onwards to the tower of the hand.....

Outside of Tywin's solar, two guards looked at me covered in blood and the young soldier shaking and crying, and were about to pull their swords until they saw what was in the basket, which caused them to turn pale and freeze.

"Open the door"

I commanded, then one guard knocked quickly and did so.

The room was marvelously decorated and none of it was gaudy…Tywin had good taste, I thought. Inside was Tywin Lannister himself, only forty years old and healthy with all of his hair. He looked formidable just from his eyes.

I can see why many feared him even in old age.

He stared at me with steely eyes as I stepped forwards and sat across from him.

Tywin didn't even blink at the sight of his man carrying a basket of heads or at my body and mouth showered in blood. After I sat I spoke to him,

"Lord Tywin your subordinate here has something to say….don't you boy."

the young man nodded and began to stammer out while shaking and having tears in his eyes

"Lo…. Lor..... Lord Lannister..... Capt…. Captain Markus and the men disrespected Lord Cathicus....he also delivered a wrong message, by saying that you summoned Lord Cathicus.....when clearly you humbly requested his presence at his con….convenience…then Markus Tried to force the issue..... I'm Sorry, my Lord…"

Tywin never took his eyes off of me before speaking.

"Out boy" in a stern voice before continuing.

"Lord Cathicus.... I must apologize for my subordinates' disrespectful actions. I will see to it that they are trained better in the future…"

I could sense his anger, but he had purposely asked them to be forceful as a show of power just that he didn't expect for it to backfire in such a manner.

"However Lord Cathicus that is not why I called you here at this time of night..... I called you here to discuss the killing of my most loyal and helpful Bannerman Armory Lorch who was killed by your monstrous dragon yesterday,

His death will cause me great loss as he was second to none in rendering his service.

I require compensation for my losses.....just as you don't take disrespect nor do I….therefore I called you here to discuss terms."

he said with a determined voice

"Very well I recognize your loss and am open to reparations….state your terms Lord Lannister"

I responded and leaned back in my seat before summoning a high quality rosé wine and serving both of us he seemed to enjoy the wine and i made note to leave him with a few cases of the stuff once I left.

"Yesterday at the tourney you stated that Rhaella would be your first wife….which means you will take more than one, am I right…"

I nodded at his words before he continued.

"In recompense for the death of my Bannerman I would like you to marry my daughter Cersei."

he saw the apprehension in my eyes before pandering

"She is one of the most beautiful women in Westeros comparable to your fiancée and Ashara Dayne, in addition after marrying her I will gift you a castle in the westerlands, not under my control of course you would not be required to pledge yourself to my house"

he finished and took another sip of wine

"these are all wonderful terms Lord Lannister…some might see it as you rewarding me, but that is of no consequence….but first I would like to meet this beautiful daughter of yours have someone call her over."

He quickly called a servant and told them to fetch Cersei, I then pulled out some cigarettes and began to smoke before offering one to Tywin which he accepted after I told him their effects and so we waited for Cersei to make her appearance while making small talk with Lord Tywin.

About half an hour later Cersei appeared in a red and gold dress wearing jewels and liberal amounts of makeup.

Cersei looked shocked at my appearance since I was covered head to toe in fresh blood and my mouth was also covered by it, but I could tell she was interested in my handsome face even though I knew she loved Jamie and was still infatuated by the Prince, they really did the full nine yards to make her look good…not that she needed it she was truly beautiful…but Ultimately I didn't wish to marry her as I disliked her attitude.

I took one look at her as she was walking up to introduce herself, but I asked her to sit on the other side of the room on a coffee table before erecting a sound barrier around Tywin and myself. I then turned back to her father and spoke.

"She is truly beautiful as you said Lord Tywin....however she has lost her purity already…."

I could see Cersei nervous since she could not hear our voices, and she was unsure of what was happening, but she pretended to be perfectly calm.

"Impossible!!! And how could you know you have only just met her"

I then proceeded to tell him how I was born from blood magic and the origins and effects that a magical birth had on me, causing my superhuman and magical senses to miss nothing.

"If she were pure I would accept the marriage immediately. . . but she has been tainted and the surprising part is that I sense the man who took her purity is consanguinate to her...…her twin brother most likely"

I saw panic in his eyes before I continued

"Worry not Lord Lannister I have nothing against intra-blood relations I am my own mother's first lover after all incest is a matter that I don't even care for.....what I do care for is the fact that her purity is taken.

In Aedirn where I'm from a noble woman tainted before marriage would see her shunned and exiled.

If she were promised to a man and allowed herself to be deflowered she would be boiled alive or beheaded as per our customs,In my country one may only marry an impure woman if she is a widow after her husband has died. . . only then is it acceptable…. however I understand that this is Westeros not Aedirn so I must adapt and may be able to make an exception."

he nodded his head before sipping some more wine

"I do understand that a debt is owed to your house so I have a proposal. . . If I refuse this marriage I will make recompense by paying your family in two things….firstly, by gifting your family a Valyrian steel Greatsword",

I spoke while pulling out a giant sword nearly as long as 'Ice' belonging to house stark but this one was thinner and easier to use.

The beautiful blade had gold scrollwork all along its length and lustered beautifully in the lamplight.

I saw Tywin's eyes widen at the sight of the sword.

"And the second thing is something far more valuable…"

I spoke which made his eyes twinkle in greed, but his face remained stern as ever.

"I offer to heal your bedridden wife, I hear she is only 29 this year and cannot even walk after her birth to the Imp, she would be up and about within the week…there is a condition however and since Cersei has already been spoiled I see no harm in this course of action. . ."


Tywin said coldly.

"I will bed your daughter tonight and if I find Cersei pleasing in bed I will take her as my second wife, after which I will pay for her bride price by using my previous offer of the sword and healing your wife, if I don't find her pleasing however I will only give you the sword and the healing and we shall put the matter of losing your portly Bannerman behind us."

Tywin nodded and did not look displeased at my offer, he probably assumed I would be charmed by his daughter as any other men would surely be. . .

However, I was not like other men and I had no interest in giving this trumped up whore the Cathicus name 'I just wished to take the car for a test drive, but had zero intention on actually buying it'

"My final condition, however, is that your son Jamie should guard the door when I sleep with Cersei which would surely cause a break in their taboo relationship(I just wished to torment him a bit ngl) these are my terms, and they are non-negotiable....so Lord Lannister do we have a deal?"

I spoke, and I could see his apprehension, but I reached out with mind magic just to see what he was thinking

'it is a good deal, and Cersei has already been deflowered so what would be the harm in letting another man do it as well . . . he would surely find her pleasing then, I would gain a powerful son-in-law with a dragon and magic at his beck and call. . .

I also need to break the relationship between Cersei and Jamie before it causes an issue which I know it will in the future. Cathicus is even better looking than Rhaegar I'm sure she would fall for him….then there is that beautiful sword. . . even for tens of millions of dragons I couldn't get a Valyrian Steel sword for my house and now one sits before me so close I can already feel it in my hands. . .very well I might as well accept.'

"Very well I am amenable to your conditions.... If you will excuse me Lord Cathicus I need to speak to my daughter and fetch my son from the Tower of the Kingsguard... all preparations will be ready in a few hours at the latest farewell Lord Cathicus."

"Goodbye lord Lannister of here is your sword and a few cases of wine since you seemed to enjoy the bottle, should you ever wish for more let me know and I will give you more for free as a token of goodwill between our houses."

I saw the corner of his lip rise ever so slightly.... well I guess he really did like the wine and I know that's as close to a smile as I'll get out of Tywin Lannister....

Shortly after I left he called Cersei over and spoke to her.

"Daughter I have worked a very important deal with that Dragonrider....I intended to betroth you to him as recompense for the death of that bastard Corbray."

"....We came up with a deal that would benefit our house greatly if you are married to him however, the only way he will accept is if you can satisfy him in bed.

After you leave this room you will bathe and wear your best dress. . . this marriage and the magical bloodline he possesses is something we need for our family."

Cersei became angry at his statement

"But Father!!! I don't love him and you want me to bed him!?!?!"

"SHUT UP GIRL YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER AND YOU WILL DO YOUR DUTY!!! don't try to act smart with me girl you've already shamed me , he used his magic to sense that you have already been deflowered....if you were pure we would already have a marriage arranged so you sleeping with one more man won't be an issue. You simply have to please him and we will be rewarded greatly. Do it for our house Cersei."

"But Father you saw his 'thing' out on the field it's as big as my forearm...he's going to split me in half."

She muttered and Tywin just stared at her in disbelief.

"Go now....Out!!! and go get prepared."

"Yes father." she said with wet eyes and ran out of his office. Tywin walked back to his desk before sitting down and pouring another cup of wine and swallowing it all in one go....'good stuff' he thought them rang a small bell to call a servant....

A few hours later after taking a nap with Rhaella and lily I sensed two people approaching our room then soon received a light knock on the door.

When I opened it there was a portly but pretty maid called Pippa and Jamie Lannister. Pippa quickly spoke while looking at the ground

"Lord Cathicus my Lord Hand has prepared a room for you....Ser Jamie has been assigned to guard the door during your time inside...."

she said with utmost professionalism and a steady soothing voice. I can see why Tywin sent her, she is good at her job unlike a lot of other servants.

"Very well lead the way Pippa."

as we were walking to the other end of the castle an awkward silence came over our little trio and Jamie tried to break it by asking.

"Lord Cathicus do you know why my father woke me at this hour just to guard a door for you....he even sent a letter with the official seal of the hand..."

"Just a bit of business between our two houses Jamie nothing too serious. And I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

Soon we reached the designated room, it was far away from most other rooms and was down some complex hallways as if hidden in plain sight.

I went in and brought out a bottle of chilled Moscato for Cersei to drink once she got here and pulled out a few scented candles from my world.

Unlike Catelyn I didn't wish to leave a bad impression on her, I wanted her to yearn for my touch once I was gone but never be able to hold me for very long.... after all, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Just outside my door Jamie stood there confused with a hand on his sword wondering why he was here.

Soon enough he heard two sets of footfalls coming towards him and he saw the curvy milf maid Pippa escorting his twin sister... Cersei was dressed in provocative low cut dress reminiscent of those worn by loose dornish women and he was in shock as to what he was seeing

"Sister what are.....what are you doing here."

She just looked at him with wet eyes and hugged him tightly while whispering

"I'm Sorry."

in a voice only he (and Alucard with Vampiric senses) could hear.

Then she separated and Jamie saw a tear running down her cheek and it caused his heart to ache. After they separated she wiped her face put on a fake smile and walked into the room. As I saw her walk in I greeted her halfway and introduced myself.

"Greetings my Lady I am Alucard of House Cathicus, former Prince of Aedirn ,The Bloodborne and son of Aelith the Sorceress.

It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance my lady."

"As it is to make yours my Lord.... my father informed me that he wished to wed us but you found out that I am no longer pure....I hope you will still have me I would be forever grateful to marry a man such as you..."

she said as she looked me in the eyes however, she was lying. she was physically attracted to me but when she spoke about marrying me she grew angry and resentful.

I took steps towards her until I was inches away from her before hissing out

"I can even hear the blood running through your veins girl. . . it is a foolish thing trying to deceive me."

I said in an angry voice which frightened her.

"You know I didn't even intend to bed or marry you I simply wished to speak to you and gauge whether or not you would like to marry me or not before making my decision. . ."

to which she sighed in relief.

I gave her a moment to believe I had no intention on using her body before continuing with my words

"After all who would want a used whore like you who fucks her own brother....But now that you have insulted me with your deceptions I've changed my mind."

"Your father has given me free reign over your ruined body so I guess I will have my fun as a way of teaching a haughty noble whore like you some manners."

I spoke before grabbing her throat with one hand and ripping off her dress with the other.

She screamed at my violent action but I could smell her arousal, she was leaking like a faucet and when I looked at her her face was flushed and had love juice running down her thighs.

Since Cersei entered the room I had cast a spell that would allow Jamie to hear exactly what was going on in the room clearly as if we were standing just next to him.

He had heard what was going on inside but when he turned in anger to open the door and check inside he felt a chill run down his back and felt as if death was standing just behind him so he reluctantly turned around and remained guarding the door with a trembling hand.

I increased Cersei pleasure receptors and began toying with her body.

She was in perfect shape for a slender girl. Her breasts were c cup and were perfectly firm, the nipples at the tips were light pink like cute buttons that made me want to suck on them.

The only hair on her body was a narrow landingstrip of beautiful golden hair just above her pretty pink pussy.

Her lips were drooling and squirting as I toyed with her sinful body and every time I twisted her nipples she would spill more juice out, god I loved this girl's body.

After having her cum and scream repeatedly for ten minutes I threw her onto her knees on the edge of the bed and took my robe off to reveal my massive 11 inch cock that was dripping in precum.

I slapped it on her face and she tried to move back but I held her throat.

"Suck it."

I ordered to which she tried to protest

"N....no. . . I am a Noble Lady of House Lannister and I would nev.....ahhhhhhh!!!!"

she squealed as I pinched both of her nipples hard, when she opened her mouth to scream I shoved my cock into her mouth and had to hold her face in place so she wouldn't try to escape.

After a few seconds of struggling I got tired of her antics so I took my cock out of drool filled mouth and pulled her over my lap.

"What are you doing. . . you can't spank me not even my father has spa...."

*Clap "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" *Clap "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!". *Clap "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!"

I spanked her hard and in no time she started squirting hard. . . little by little she was moaning more than she was screaming and her legs were already trembling.

Cersei had tears streaming down her face but also had a smile at the same time like a good whore should have.

"Call me Daddy"

I ordered to which she shook her head 'no'

So after a little while I shoved a finger in her ass and she yelled


Then she squirted again.

When I was certain she got the message I brought her back to her knees and she instantly attacked my cock with her tongue. from the glazed look in her eyes I could tell she had lost all sense of dignity and was just drowning in pleasure.

She was bobbing up and down on my cock taking about half of it in right away.

She didn't care for the fact that couldn't breathe it was like my cock was the only thing I'm the world for her so I grabbed two handfuls of hair and began facefucking her without remorse.


The sloppy slobbering Cersei eventually managed to take my entire cock down her throat and I could tell she was born to pleasure a man.

Once you got rid of her pretentious and arrogant shell all that was left was a cockhungry slut looking to get fucked I almost felt bad for Jamie that the woman he loved was born to be fucked by better men.

After ten minutes of facefucking, my monster cock swelled and I jerked forward hilting my meat into her mouth and grunted heavily while unloading a pint of creamy semen down Cersei's throat.

Cersei just swallowed as much as she could and I kept unloading for a half a minute until I was finished and began to slowly withdraw my cock from her mouth which left trails of thick saliva forming a bridge between my cock and her little pink mouth.

After fully withdrawing she rushed to start licking it all over to clean it from the leftover semen. Cersei even tried milking the cum still left inside the shaft while moaning and fingering herself

since she worked hard I decided to give her a break so I started gently massaging her pussy and asked her.

"Who's cock do you prefer slut, mine or your brothers."

"Yours daddy... yours is more than twice as big, you cum so much more too and it even tastes good, also Jamie has never made me cum before. . .I just pretend to cum when I'm with him." she said with a glazed look in her eyes as if she just responded out of instinct, not even thinking about the question.

"You're Daddy's little slut aren't you."

I asked while playing with her tits

"Yes Daddy I'll always be a slut for your giant cock 💋 and I'll give you cock kisses whenever you ask"

"Good now it's time for me to reward you get on all fours on the bed slut."


If only she knew that Jamie was hearing everything we were saying and doing clearly I'm sure she would've kept her mouth shut. 'hehe it's good to be bad'

I looked at Cersei on the bed Doggystyle and my cock grew another inch and swelled even more. She had a perfectly round heart shaped ass with just the right amount of fat and muscle for a slender girl.

Another thing was that Both her asshole and pussy were a light pink... I knew the insides would feel heavenly.

I slowly approached and saw her clam dripping love juice all over the bed it smelled sweet as well.

When I grabbed Cersei's waist she gave out a gasp and gave out a little moan so I gave her a hard spank and she moaned loudly while squirting all over my waist then while she was still in shock I touched her entrance with my cock and I saw her shudder in excitement.... she expected me to hilt it right away but instead I asked.

"Who do you love more whore, me or your brother."

She looked shocked and bit her lip refusing to answer so I gave her the loud spanks.


I quickly obliged and Shoved my meat deep inside her until I reached her cervix and pressed on until I broke into her womb.

Upon reaching her womb Cersei made a strange moaning shriek and her eyes rolled back and started trembling.

I saw this as a good sign so I slowly slid out and slammed back into her womb again.

Cersei was in absolute bliss getting fucked like there was no tomorrow and I kept pounding her hard for an hour before I finally came and filled her womb with a giant load of semen which caused her stomach to rise a bit... I stayed hilted I'm her so as to give her a bit of time to rest... then I pulled out and my cum gushed out of her hole like a geyser.

she just lay there with a smile in on her face and bliss I'm her eyes.

I stood from the bed and walked to the door before opening it wide.

Jamie was standing guard and the old maid was sitting in a chair just across the hall.

"Pippa go and fetch some iced lemon and honey water for the lady she is thirsty."

I spoke while ignoring the red eyed Jamie.

He looked past me and into the room and saw his lover/sister splayed out on the bed with a smile on her face and buckets of cum leaking from her pussy and his heart seemed to break.

I just smiled at him and spoke.

"Ser Jamie...your sister has a beautiful voice doesn't she. Well no doubt you've heard it before haven't you.....well maybe not like it's coming out tonight." I said with a charming smile.

He just stared at me while trembling in anguish then I just closed the door before he could respond.

I hopped back onto Cersei after giving her the lemonade I ordered and I kept her moaning all throughout the night. . . . . . . . . . .

*Clap *Clap *Clap **Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap *Clap*Clap


It was four hours later just past midnight when I was done with Cersei she was mentally and physically spent and I got a bit bored of playing with her so I decided to call it a night.

I strolled over an sat down at a desk and began to write a letter to Lord Tywin.

'Lord Tywin I regret to inform you that our arrangement will not follow through as I believed it might.

However know that I am rejecting the marriage proposal simply because me and your daughter are incompatible in our goals and wishes in life... she wishes for more than I may be able to provide and I wish to see her happy with a better man than I.

- Alucard Von Cathicus, former Prince of Aedirn, the Bloodborne, son of Aelith the Sorceress.

Ps. I felt remorse for partaking in your daughter without us becoming engaged.

So if you ever require a one time service from myself in my magical capacity, or my dragon in his destructive capacity you need only ask.

[I plan for the Next chapter to be mostly gore since there hasn't been enough In these past few chapters. please enjoy and let me know what you'd like to see in the Future. Author-san Out]. [ next ch will release around 6-8pm cst on the 20th]


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