
A Threat On The Horizon

Entry 51:

Linus Ozias POV:

I roam through my new memories, including various experiences during the Great War, which this body seemingly created towards the end of the conflict.

Frankly, when I saw the devastation and lives lost and its effect on the world, I almost teared up.

So many souls were lost.

So many were dead and left in unmarked graves.

So much pain was dealt on all sides of the war.

Too much chaos.

After taking a deep breath, I use my new ability, which I will refer to as charges, and see that I have four little lights in my soul, but instead of using it to calm my response, I am allowing myself to feel every emotion. 

I have read plenty of fan fiction that involves gamer minds that make most gamers sociopaths high-functioning ones most of the time, but sociopaths nonetheless.

But this is not a game. The things I saw were real. Even if I did not live through them, these emotions are real.

This body watched his God die, and I find it ironic that I look like Sanguinius from Warhammer. Still, instead of the son and the father dying in the conflict, the son had to watch his father fall to another of his children.

The events that led to my taking over this form mean something, and his name means something Anakim has meaning. That means being tall, which is very representative of my new stature.

Michael is 6 foot 2, and I am 8 feet tall compared to the average angel. I am a giant.

But now I need to take inventory, as I have armor and a large spear.

The spear has a name, and it is called Holy Spear Telesto. It is rather plain other than the runes inscribed on it, but the tip is shaped like a flame waiting to be unleashed or an elongated tear as if representing his loyalty to God.

The armor, while ornate, is made of the standard metal that lines angelic armor, which is, while tougher than most mortal metals, will shatter against any being at or above high class.

The area I find myself in is seemingly a field in the Midwest of America, and taking out the spear, I admire it as a flood of memories embraces me. 

I remember the day he received this spear, the same day he was created as one of the last angels God would ever make, at least in this universe.

What made it different was that when Telesto was forged, it was forged irregularly and came out looking like this, but instead of returning it, Anakim kept it.

On that same day, Anakim Witnessed his first battle and could not understand why as while he had the information on why the war had started, he could never understand such reckless loss of life.

And only a couple of years later, he watched his God die.

He saw Lucifer, Asmodeus, Leviathan, and many other prominent Devils surrounding God, and after dealing with the Heavenly Dragons and Trihexa, God was weakened immensely.

In that battle, Lucifer struck the final blow, but before fading away, God whispered something into Lucifer's ear that shocked him, and then Lucifer fell along with his generals. 

I feel my hands shaking, an unknowable rage that would never have happened if I had been there.

But honestly, that is just hubris, as in this state. I would have died immediately as this body, while immense in stature, was only high class and had seemingly plateaued in recent centuries.

Refocusing on the four lights within my soul, I place all 4 of them in different skills, with one going to my intuitive aptitude towards combat, another to my spear skills, another toward my overall mathematical abilities, and another to magic condensation.

As I speak, I feel my body change and grow more robust, and as I focus on the techniques I've seen throughout my life, I thrust my spear, mimicking the movements I have witnessed. 








I repeat these movements in different patterns as if shadow boxing with no one yet; as I continue to fight, the visions of the past are shown to me as I see myself in the place of God fighting the various devil generals.

It was as if I was there myself, and while I felt the rage, anger, and helplessness, I did not let it drown me as I knew the only way to make good on the teachings of the God I now must follow I must not let negative emotion drive me. 

While I may feel all emotions, positive and negative, I must show precision and understanding as I am no longer just Linus Ozias.

I am Anakim as well, an angel of God.

And with the state of the Angels in this universe, I need to do more than help them. I need to save them and help them grasp their potential.

But for now, as I pause in my training, which I have now noticed has gone on longer than I expected as the sun has begun to set.

Yet, in this brief training session, I feel the improvement as within only a couple of hours, I have improved. 

  I have yet to train my holy energy manipulation and magic. Yes, I have actual magic other than my creation magic, which is based upon a subset of human magic that is based on calculation and faith.

It's no imagination magic, but it's close enough, and while my magic pool and creation magic pool seem separate, both are of a decent size at the peak of high class.

As I'm about to wonder what I should do to make my next move, a magic circle opens next to my ear as I hear a familiar voice.

"Anakim, what is your status? As we lost track of you a couple of hours ago after you went to deal with that den of stray fallen angels?" My supervisor, Sandalphon, asks.

In a few seconds, I think of my response, " I apologize, Commander Sandalphon. I was simply observing the surrounding area, looking for other dens that may be connected to the area I shall be returning in a moment."

  But instead of simply saying all right, we will see you later, her response reminds me that I'm now in an anime world: "I keep telling you to call me Sandalphon Senpai, you large meanie."

The anime physics must be getting to me because I almost flip over, but I use my memories of her to craft a response " "Commander, can we please not do this now? You know Michael hates it when you watch that anime." 

Somehow, I can physically see her pouting; how she looks is way too adorable.

I sighed and continued attempting to calm her. " Commander, pouting will not change how I treat you. You are my superior, and I will treat you as such. I am cutting off the communications and returning to Heaven."

(Sandalphon's look will be in the comments)

After cutting off the communications, I teleport back to Heaven in a flurry of white feathers, which I should work on changing because that is way too obvious.

Within a couple of seconds, I find myself in a completely new location within the clouds. I see a grand gate before me. 

As if sensing my presence, the gate opens, beckoning me inside, which I heed and head inside and witness the kingdom of Heaven.

As I gaze upon the different levels on my way to reporting to Sandalphon, I see Angels, Spirits, and even some high-level members of the church. 

Yet, do you know what I felt as I climbed my way to the different levels? I had not gained access to any level higher than the 5th, but on my way, I felt lies and deceit even here.

(If you're wondering how he is feeling this now, it is a part of the essence of empowering charges that grants him the ability to see truth from lie while also fooling anyone that can detect lies.)

Heaven is weak, and the only reason we have not been brought low is because the news of God's death has been hidden so well.

While the religion God created has spread across the earth, many mythologies have suffered because of humanity taking God's word and using it for its own gain.

Before coming here, I had the same problem with the religion that somehow spawned that worshiped me and used it to justify some of their more heinous actions.

It is sickening, and while I understand the imperfections of Man, I know they can be improved. I have seen it and been the vessel that caused their evolution.

But this world is different, more whimsical and dark. While I'll be happy that I no longer have to deal with extra-dimensional eldritch space whales, I now have to deal with Devils, various mythologies, and other threats.

On a more personal note, kill Rizevim Lucifer and Diodora Astaroth as soon as possible.

But for now, I enter Sandalphon's portion of the mission center and find her reading a chapter of Drag-So-Ball.

Father almighty, the author, had no inspiration for that name.

I try to get her attention by knocking on her desk, and she almost falls from her chair.

I just stand there waiting for her to finish gathering herself, and as she dusts herself off and regains a professional posture, I give her a deadpan stare.

"Welcome back, you big lug. How did it go?" She asks while trying to distract me from her previous state.

I waited a couple of minutes, staring at her, and she began to sweat. Once I knew she knew what she was doing, she was embarrassed. I started my report.

"Well, Commander," I begin.

"Senpai!" She interrupted.

  "Commander, the den was empty as if recently abandoned, which was why I searched the surrounding area but came up empty, but I did manage to find some documents on their search." I hand her the documents, and she takes them after reaching as high as she can, as Sandalphon was rather vertically challenged.

She then gives me the stink eye as she reads them, furrows her brow, and says, talking to herself. "Well, it was as we suspected these fallen are looking for sacred gears and seem to have found traces of one in Japan."

This was a heinous offense as the part of America the fallen were in was owned by the Angels, and this can be seen as an undue investigation and espionage on foreign soil.

I almost frown at this as I recognize the names of those on the document.

The most prominent is one named Raynare.

Why couldn't I get a world like Power Rangers or YUGIOH, ROB?!

(Well, my readers, our now very tall MC has begun his quest in, if you had not guessed already, Highschool DXD! I hope the intro was decent. The MC has little time to prepare for canon, so let's see how it goes.)

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