
Preparations Towards A Final Confrontation Part 2

Entry 43:

Timeskip No Justu (Two Months Later)

The time of reckoning nears, and the orbital platforms are complete with all the necessary upgrades I have placed to make them more effective in being activated.

These past two months have been lucrative as the wealth of knowledge I have gained has grown substantially.

July: Assassins Creed (Isu Tech, Various Medieval Weaponry Schematics, Assassin Arsenal Knowledge, Assasin Fashion/Ability To See Through Large Hoods), Portal (Portal Tech...wow)

August: Fate (Only Knowledge of Magecraft, Grails, and Servants and their related items(Magic Circuits Eventually Baby!), Dragon Ball Z(Androids With Infinite Ki Generators, Freiza Force Tech, Various Ki manipulation Techniques(I Can Go Over 9000! Now)

I hope to eventually get an essence that allows me to learn esoteric forces because I know of ki and Magecraft, but I can't use them.

But I can give my androids infinite ki generators and how you may wonder good ole creation magic to materialize the materials.

I will only give them to Marcus, Connor, Kara, and Chloe, as they will act as my silent guards of humanity once I am gone. And the tech itself will be black-boxed for them, so none may analyze it even if they find any schematics.

So, as I look to my friends and comrades through all of this, I almost laugh as I see them try flying as Marcus keeps flipping himself.

Connor tries to fly like Superman and crashes into the lab's walls.

Chloe can't figure out how to even get off the ground.

Kara is doing the best out of all of them as she meditates in the lotus position in the middle of the air while using her ki to float rocks around her.

Ok, I am terrified but also impressed as who would think this woman who is always smiling and helps at soup kitchens can punch continents to dust?

I call them to attention. "Alright, everyone, I know all of you would like to continue, but time is of the essence here, and regardless of how this all ends, know that I am honored to have spent these past eight months with all of you."

Connor quickly chimes in, "Not to worry, sir, everything will go according to plan," He pauses. "It has to."

Marcus then looks at me and says, "We are with you to the end, sir, no matter what."

Chloe and Kara simply give me a hug, saying nothing yet everything, with Connor and Marcus joining in.

I smile, thinking of how all this started and how all of this is going to end.

An ID and Passport with two skills became a business empire encompassing the world and has aided in recreating entire landmasses, such as New Foundland and Kyushu, that were both sunk by Levithan years prior.

Eliminated all the Simurgh bombs placed amongst the population, along with any damage done by Behemoth in his many attacks across the world.

The shard network is primed and ready to be destroyed as my nanites are now within every person on the planet, and with the knowledge from Danny Phantom, Warhammer, DC Comics, and Portal, I can use the extradimensional system against Scion.

Once his body is exposed after his golden form is dissipated, I will use Doormaker's portals to target Zion's natural body while simultaneously getting scans of the entity to track the others down later.

Everything is ready. All that is left to do is prepare for the backlash.

Because once those guns go live, everyone will hear and take heed.

The world will awake to the sounds of destruction from the skies above, and all will be silent.

I could make them silent, and they could fire forever, and you may not know, but it would defeat the purpose. If I am going to help humanity take the next step, they must understand what is possible.

I break from the group hug and ask Chloe, "Chloe, it's time to call a press conference. It's time to initiate phase one of Operation New Dawn."

Chloe straightens up her dress and calls all major news channels to host a news conference with many international representatives.

When your corporation controls a large portion of the world economy, people tend to listen to you.

At the latest, I can expect them to gather in the next couple of days. But Chloe has consistently surpassed expectations.

But even now, I have my own lingering doubts.

What if it fails?

What if my weapons only damage the entity?

What if the world ends because of my failure?

But then I recall what the Emperor Of Mankind said to me, and I let go of my doubts, for they are what hold me back.

I hold in my mind the knowledge of empires, of worlds that can exist and continue to exist because they have fought greater threats and continue to strive for more.

I need to do so, too.

I cannot lead if I am weighed down by doubts.

What did Iskandar say in Fate/Zero: "A king must live a life more vivid than any other and be a figure for all to admire! The king is the one who collects the envy of all his heroes and stands as their guide! Therefore, the king is not alone! For his will equals that of all his followers combined!"

I psych myself up and prepare my wardrobe for the finale of this chapter.

After this conference, the world is going to change for the better, and all will see this and know that a new chapter has begun.

But seeing as I have some time, I fly to the frontier station to do a final check over the orbital platforms, and soon, I feel the weight of the atmosphere leave me as I fly over Earth.

And as I enter the station, I am greeted by Mag the magnazone, who I evolved to direct the other magnamite as well as identify him more easily.

After greeting him and shocking me as usual, I head to the main room and check on the status of the weapons and sigh in relief as they are in position.

But before I leave the station, I look at Simurgh floating through Earth's upper atmosphere and watch as it scans the planet, looking for more data to use to create more worthy opponents for Eidolon.

Soon enough, the faux angel will fall.

All of them will.

My phone rings as I answer it, and Chloe tells me the meeting is set in the next five hours.

I almost laugh due to the pure irony as by the time the meeting starts. It will coincide with the time I landed in this world on that cold January night.

One chapter ends as another begins after all.

But the time for talk and planning has passed, and the Emperor's work must be done.

It's time to write a new future, a new path.

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