
How NOT to make a First Impression

There was a certain decorum that must be followed while standing within the court of royals. Something Alex was aware of, but did not know the exact specifics. Because of this, he exercised caution for the first time in his life. Something that would be deeply surprising to anyone who knew him, for he was. 

Alex stood on the sidelines and watched the Saudi King announce himself to the many guests who had arrived for the yearly celebration, and in doing so, surprised Alex with why such an extravagant party was being held. 

"I would like to thank you all for coming today to celebrate my beloved daughter Aisha's 18th birthday. It means a lot to me to see so many diplomats from foreign nations stand here in my palace for such a minor issue, and your gifts are most welcome. Please enjoy the food and wine. There is plenty enough to go around..."


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