
Chapter 279

She stared at the vast blue canvas that seemed to have no end, spreading across the horizon with a few scattered white clouds that looked like cotton candies in the sky.

However, as she looked further down, the view changed when the sky met with progress. The towering mountain and the expansive ocean she admired just yesterday was nothing but a memory.

"What are you doing out there?" Her husband asked as he looked up from his desk and stared at her.

Without waiting for an answer, he stood up and walked toward her. Soon enough, he stood behind her, gazing at the same view outside his office window.

"Just admiring the mountains and the ocean." She jokingly said, imagining the same view from their recent trip to the beach.

But honestly, all she saw was the high-rise buildings that seemed to reach the heavens. Then, down below was the busy street of honking cars and buzzing people walking in every direction.

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