
Chapter 32


"Of course, no." That was her answer. "You are not going to be a big brother."

Over her dead body!

"Why not?" Her son seemed excited about the idea but confused at her reaction.

"Because..." Suddenly, she had no clue how to answer her son.

How could she tell him that although she did not regret having him, she was not about to make the same mistake again?

"Because... it is time for you to go to sleep." She tucked her son tight, kissed him on the forehead, and told him to close his eyes. Hopefully, this time, he would succumb to tiredness.

Still, her son's words lingered in her mind when she left him in his room.


She kept repeating inside her head. She was not about to get pregnant in this marriage. She even had no plans to sleep with him despite recalling his offer.

So, she was not about to make her son a big brother to a daughter or another son. No! That was not happening again.

"I have no plans of..." She could not even finish the sentence.

She loved that his son was more intelligent than most boys his age. She guessed Oliver got that from his father. But sometimes, he could be mind-boggling and too much for someone with an average IQ like her.

Still, she was glad that her son was returning to normal. Admittedly, she even missed his philosophical sense of humor. It was better than seeing him lifeless on a hospital bed.

But as she stood outside the hallway, behind the door of her new room. She thought of the idea of having another kid.

Of course, she still wanted another child. She remembered how hard it was to be an only daughter with no one to share her ups and downs.

Furthermore, she recalled how happy she was when Kaely came into her life. And now, she had Thalia, who also felt like a sister to her.

She guessed she did not want to see her son growing up alone. Besides, she dreamt of a big, happy family with a loving husband and kids that would fill the room with laughter.

Regardless, "No, I can't have that with Damon." She finally concluded, knowing it was impossible to build a family with a man like him.

Eventually, she walked back to her new room, but as her hand touched the doorknob, it felt clammy, and her nerves returned with a vengeance, driving her slightly to the edge.

She could feel her heart pounding hard inside her chest, wondering if the room was still empty. Or would she find her husband inside, already waiting for her?

"What does it matter if he is inside?" She chastised herself, shaking her hands to unwind the string that seemed to tie her body in a knot.

It was also his room, as she reminded herself. But still, it did not mean that something would happen between them.

This marriage was a scripted show, nothing more than a contract where they would share a room but not a bed.

Meaning she was under no obligation to sleep with her husband. And she certainly was not to provide another child in this union.

"Hah!" She blew air out of her mouth as she dared to open the door. She had to do it eventually, whether she liked it or not.

Without another second thought, she entered the room and gently closed the door. But compared to earlier, the light was already dark.

Therefore, even though she had not seen him yet, she could tell he was already there. Besides, every nerve ending in her body was on high alert as if sensing his presence.

Seconds later, her eyes scanned the room, taking her a while to adjust to the absence of a bright light. But eventually, she saw silhouettes and shadows from the dim light illuminating from the windows.

Was it him lying on the bed? Was he already asleep? She could not tell much since the darkness seemed to cast a shadow on the figure. Besides, it was not moving.

"Come join me in the bed." He suddenly spoke up, making her almost jump out of her skin. She could not help her reaction as he still seemed to make her nervous.

"Don't worry. The bed is big enough for the two of us." He added, which he probably meant to calm her down but had the complete opposite effect on her.

But seriously, why was she so affected by his presence? She never had this same issue with the other opposite sex she had met before.

She was not even this nervous around Dale. But she guessed this was Damon. He was different from the other men in her life.

"I think I can manage on the sofa." She had already thought about it. She even arranged some pillows and blankets that she would use before leaving the room earlier.

But when she looked at the comfortable couch, it was empty. Her sleeping materials were gone. She could only conclude that her husband had taken it.

"I don't think that is wise, Jules. You will not be able to sleep in there." He continued speaking in the dark, but in the peripheral of her vision, she saw that he moved.

Damon was now sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly looking in her direction. Then, she saw him pat the bed as if beckoning her to join him.

"I am used to sleeping on the couch. You don't have to worry about me." Jules could not even imagine sharing another night in his bed.

The last time was a hard lesson that would last her this lifetime, maybe even the next. She was not going to put herself in that situation again.

"Don't be stubborn. You are better off sleeping in the bed. I promise I don't snore." Damon reached for the pillows on the other side and fluffed them to show her how soft and comfy they were.

"I..." She was about to say no when he interrupted her again.

"I also promise I don't bite unless you want me to." His voice suddenly changed, lowering a few octaves. It sounded a bit huskier than usual.

Suddenly, a memory popped up in her head. A vision she thought was just part of a dream. But now, it haunted her, sending goosebumps on her skin.

His voice and his words sounded familiar to her ears. It suddenly brought back feelings that reminded her about a past she would prefer to forget.

It was as if lightning had struck her body. It felt like electricity crawled down her spine. She was paralyzed in place, unable to move or think as that night replayed in her mind.


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