
Chapter 16

"This will not do." "

"I told you I want everything to be perfect."

"I want white tulips. Don't you know the difference between white and cream?"

That was just the preliminary chaos that awaited their busy household when he entered the hallway as his mother's voice filled the entire room with all her complaints.

"How is everything?" He dared to ask, seeing that nothing seemed out of place.

Although he would not know about party preparations, based on what his eyes could see, all seemed almost perfect.

Nonetheless, less than perfection would not do with his mother. She did not accept sloppy work or second best.

"Terrible." Mrs. Frances Hawkins, his mother, announced with an exasperated sigh as she waved her hands in utter annoyance.

"I don't see anything wrong." He expressed confusion as his eyes wandered around the room, checking the expensive decorations, the vibrant flowers, and even the brilliant chandeliers that hung brightly on the ceilings.

"Because you don't know these things." His mother whined as her delicate fingers waved in the air, pointing to the small details that seemed insignificant to him but were a big deal to her.

He guessed he would never understand the complexity of a woman's mind as he gave up dealing with his mother's whims.

"I will not argue with that." He kissed his mother before leaving her to finish her task.

He went straight to his room and changed into pair of shorts and a shirt. Although he did not live in their family home anymore, his mother kept his room as if he had never left.

Then, he grabbed his phone and went in search of his brother. He wanted to talk to him before the celebration started.

"I am sorry, Sir, but Sir Dale left early today." Joe, their loyal butler, informed him.

That was odd because he remembered that his brother wanted to see him. But he guessed whatever Dale wished to discuss with him would have to wait for later.

Besides, it might be better if they did not have another conversation for now, remembering what happened last night.

He was not confident that he was the right man to advise his little brother about love and marriage unless it involved negotiation and contracts.

"Can you just bring me a towel and something to drink?" He asked the older man since he had nothing better to do before the party. He thought a quick swim would be a better way to kill time.

He strode to the indoor pool where nobody would bother him. It was smaller than the one outside, but at least he would have some privacy.

He quickly removed his shirt and shorts, leaving only his underwear. It was only him. He did not see the point of changing into something else.

Besides, he would not mind swimming in the nude since he was confident about his body. But he doubted if Joe would approve. He was a bit of the conservative type.

With a decent jump, he splashed water around him as his body submerged in the chlorinated water. Then, he paddled his hands and feet, going from one direction to the opposite side.

He was on his third lap when he noticed a movement. He thought it would be Joe or a maid bringing him a towel and refreshments.

However, the voice was different but very familiar. It belonged to only one person. And he was not expecting to see her today.

"Can I join you?" Her melodic voice echoed in the walls of the large enclosed area, bouncing from one wall to the other.

He could not pretend not to notice her. It was just them in this entire area. Besides, she was not going away, so he had no choice but to acknowledge her presence.

"I thought you were halfway across the world, Farrah." He finally stopped on the other side of the pool as he looked up to see her face. "Don't you have a busy schedule?"

And just like all the women in his life, she was the picture of perfection as she posed like she was on her way to a photo shoot.

She had her face covered with carefully made makeup while her hair bunched up neatly on top of her head with not a strand out of place.

Even though it seemed she was going for a swim in her teensy-weensy bikini. She looked like she was ready to attend the party.

"Your mother called me the other day and invited me." She explained as she dropped her things on the lounger and strode closer to the edge.

"You know I don't want to disappoint her." She added as she gradually lowered herself on the steps, deepening her feet and legs on the water.

But she stopped and sat on the edge of the wall, probably not wanting to get her face and hair wet by the water. Then, she let her hands play gently on the surface, allowing the water to create a ripple effect.

"Besides, I miss you." Farrah finally dared to move to the water, smoothly swimming toward him while keeping her head afloat.

"Don't you miss me?" She only stopped when her body was just inches away from him. Then, she wrapped her hands around his neck, pushing her body closer, supporting her weight against his body.

"No. I don't." He straightforwardly responded, making sure that he was clear enough.

He would admit that there was a time that he found her fascinating. She was indeed stunning, intelligent, and skillfully talented in bed.

However, he discovered she was clingy and manipulative as she demanded more from him. Then, he learned she was already planning their wedding, with his mother as her accomplice.

That was not happening. Getting tied down in married life was not his cup of tea. Since then, he had avoided her like a plague.

But lately, his mother seemed to be acting the matchmaker again as she started parading eligible bachelorettes one after another before him.

Nonetheless, he was not falling for any of their trap as he extricated himself from her hold and lifted himself out of the pool.

"You can have the pool to yourself." He said as he grabbed his clothes. "Enjoy." But he made guaranteed to make a little splash, sending large droplets of water flying in the air.

As he had said, he was not playing these stupid games anymore. And he was not about to marry someone because they expected something from him.

The only way he was getting married would be under his rules. That was why he already had the perfect candidate for it. And she already said yes.

"Eeeh! Look at what you have done."

He did not even bother to look back, already enjoying the image he created in his head.

Thanks for all your votes and comments.

I really appreciate your help.

I am hoping that my story will be chosen as one of the winners in this writing contest.

Thanks again.

bishop1275creators' thoughts
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