
Ch. 96 - What is Flower?

Now that Elsa and Rapunzel are safe now, Jin's earlier anger has faded, but was replaced with another worry for Tigress and Anna inside. Well, specifically Anna since he trusted Tigress that she'd be able to protect her just fine.

"Do you both have any idea who's behind this?" Jin turned to them and asked, hoping that they either eavesdropped on the two guys or saw something out of place in the ship.

"I don't know. At one moment my face was covered in cloth and the next moment, I found myself facing you here in this ship." Rapunzel shrugged her shoulders and said in reply.

"Before I fall unconscious earlier. I think I heard them talking about 'Time for Distraction?'" Elsa said after a moment of hesitation, since she's not that sure if what she heard earlier is credible.

"Distraction... So that means their sole purpose was kidnapping you and starting a distraction so it would take long to notice that you both were gone and give the kidnappers enough time to escape and get away from Arendelle." Jin placed his finger under his chin and started analyzing the kidnapper's original plan.

"But such a large distraction is too much. Which means that aside from the kidnapping, they still have other purposes." Jin quickly scrutinized in just a few seconds by putting himself in the kidnapper's shoe.

Jin's observation is actually right. After all, too much distraction would only make the Kingdom increase their security and make them wary and cautious which means they would make a large search and find that their princess is missing.

"I'm going back, I need to check on the castle and see what I can do. But first..." Jin said to himself before turning around and grabbing both Rapunzel and Elsa by their waists and said three words before taking off in the air.

"Hold on tight." Jin muttered and before Elsa and Rapunzel could register what he said, their feet left the ground suddenly.

"Oh god." Elsa quickly straddled Jin and put her arms around his neck, as she closed her eyes out of fear.

As for Rapunzel? She was already used to this height, though she was only stunned at first since she wasn't expecting the sudden flying of Jin.

"I'll bring you both to safety for now." Jin said in return, though he felt quite excited by Elsa's legs straddling his waist, now there's no way for him to regret what he just did.

After leaving them off in a safe place, Jin proceeded to fly back towards the castle.

The explosion was so loud that he could see the entrance being swarmed by hundreds of people running out with fear and shock plastered on their faces.

To be honest, Jin wouldn't blame them. They're royalty after all, and he could tell from himself that they're not used to this kind of attack and probably haven't faced this kind of situation which is the reason for their panic.

He also saw Tigress, Anna, Fiona and Shrek running along with the crows, though the people seemed to be avoiding Shrek and Fiona even in the face of death in front of them.

Jin saw that Tigress noticed her and waves at him, he waved back at her before he flew inside. He saw that there are still many people inside that are panicking and running out. Though there isn't much left since the majority of the people here have already left through the front door.

"Now that I noticed. Where are the Kings?" Jin also noticed that among the people who were escaping and running away from danger, he saw no shadow of the Kings that attended the Solstice Meeting.

"That kind of explosion should be enough to at least make them panic and escape as soon as possible right?" Jin wandered to himself before slowly descending on the ground and landed as softly as possible.

"I knew there was much more to this." Jin whispered and started stealthily finding himself back in the Hall where the ceiling was blown off and the entire ground was littered with stones and large rubble, he even saw some severed limbs and corpses. Flooding the floor with not only debrises but also blood.

Jin took flight after seeing this and quietly landed on the door where the Kings last entered earlier.

Using his hearing, Jin heard nothing beyond the door so he slowly opened it and thankfully this time, the door didn't creak like the rest of the doors in this castle.

'Thank God!' Jin sighed in relief before peeking inside through the small gap that he made by opening the door.

Seeing that there are no one in the long hallway, Jin made himself through the next door where he once against used his senses to eavesdrop and that's when he finally heard voices!

"Either you give us what we want or this Kingdom along with you all will be ravished by our horde!" He heared a gruff man speak inside.

"I told you! I don't know any flower that you're talking about!" The person who responded sounds very familiar to Jin.

'That should be Agnarr.' Jin said to himself before deciding to sneak inside so he could see and hear what was happening inside more clearly.

However, he couldn't just barge in through the front door lest he risks showing himself to them. Sure Jin can defeat them all with a simple gesture of his hand but he wanted to know the purpose of the attack and the 'Flower' that they're talking about.

'I don't recall any special flowers that exist in this world. Either my memory is foggy or the 'Flower' that they're talking about wasn't shown in the movies.' Jin remarked to himself before looking around and noticed by the side wall for the hallway, there was an open window that led to the garden.

You see, the meeting place actually looks like a lollipop if you look on the outside. With the lollipop stick being the hallway while the candy of the lollipop is the room here the meeting is taking place.

So, once Jin went outside through the window, he proceeded to search for any open windows that will lead him to the open window.

'There!' After seconds of looking around, Jin finally saw a closed window but it is on the very top of the tower, yes the meeting room actually looks like a tall tower.

If it was any other person, it would be impossible to sneak in through the window since it is very high up in the air but who is Jin? He has two methods of flying, so flight is something that he needs the least.

After taking off from the ground, Jin floated upwards until he reached the level of the window.

"Oh man, this is bad." Jin tried to budge the window a little bit however, it wasn't moving an inch so Jin knew that it was locked from the inside.

"I can't smash it since that would just basically reveal them my intrusion." Jin whispered to himself. He also can't use his telekinesis since the window was literally locked like there's a key cylinder, so it needs a key to unlock it.

"Hmm. This should be good enough." Jin said to himself before raising his index finger and an orange flame materialized.

"Not hot enough." Jin said next before focusing on the flame and used his emotions to further increase the heat of the flame.

The colour of the flame went from orange to red until it reached the blue flame.

"I wonder why Azula's flame is blue... though I'm more confused on why Iroh, who is literally stronger than her, never uses it." Jin spoke in confusion and decided to put this thought on the back of his mind, right now he must get inside and know more information on the attackers, who knows maybe he might help save the world or something.

Jin's lit index finger started to get closer on the window and as soon as the blue flame made contact with the glass of the window, Jin's sharp eyes could clearly see how the glass started melting due to the sheer heat of his blue flames.

"Almost there..." Jin focused as he can't help but let his tongue out in the open as if showing to the world that he's in the zone.

Thankfully, it didn't take long for him to fly inside after successfully melting the entire window.

Using his senses again to eavesdrop, Jin managed to update himself of the recent happenings inside the meeting room.

"Give me the flower or another king dies." He heard the gruff man speak again.

"Just give it to him, Agnarr. You filthy shit! Our lives are at stake here and besides, isn't that just a flower? Why are you so adamant on protecting it?"

"Just kill Agnarr instead of us. We have no idea about this flower thing."

Jin could also hear the voices of the other Kings and their complaints to Agnarr.

'Seriously, what is Agnarr really hiding? Is it just a simple flower?' While Jin was wondering to himself, his feet were already sneaking downstairs.

Soon, Jin finally descended from several floors and finally arrived at the ground floor where he saw a majestic looking room that expands to at least an entire football stadium when it comes to size.

Even the round table was so large that you can play ping pong with yourself just by how long the ping pong ball will reach the opposite end of the table.

There it was, Jin saw two bodies dead on the ground with bleeding chests.

Jin also saw several men with large blades in their hands.

What confused Jin was their appearance. They look like someone who can't even attack a small village, not to mention a summit where several powerful kings of Kingdoms are gathering.

In short, they're bandits.

'Now, I'm a hundred percent sure that there is someone supporting them from behind.' Jin squinted his eyes in suspicion.


"Finally, after days of delay, they would finally face each other." Back to God, he sighed in satisfaction as he spoke.

"There you go again, going crazy old man." Caulius spoke with tiredness in his tone.

"I'm not crazy. I am simply helping a child. My child to be exact." God replied with a hint of mysteriousness in his voice.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 97 - The reveal!]

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