
Ch. 82 - Farquaad is now far from living!

"Oh no, that poor guy! Shrek! Let's go and help him!" Not knowing who he was, Donkey was worried about him so he tried to convince Shrek to help him however, Shrek was not beside him anymore, instead Donkey found him sitting on the table while drinking the wine bottle.

"Gluck! Gluck! Ahh~ I bet my swamp that they won't last a minute against him." After finishing a whole bottle of wine in one go, Shrek crudely wiped his mouth with his shirt and confidently said.

Just as Donkey was confused and wanted to ask where Shrek got us confidence from. He suddenly saw what happened on the battlefield.

After the first knight entered his 1 meter radius, the knight suddenly found Jin's foot embedded on his head, piercing through the metallic helmet.


"Khaackk!" Blood ran across the battlefield as the first knight was down on the ground with a bleeding face and missing teeth.

The countdown hasn't even reached 5 seconds since the order was given and a knight was already down on the ground with one strike!

"Huh?" Everyone was confused at the scene, even Farquaad who was confidently drinking his glass of wine suddenly dropped it when he saw what happened.

"I-it's just luck. All of you, go at him at the same time!" Feeling a bit of fear, Farquaad quickly ordered the knights who regained their morale.

That's right! What happened must be luck! There's no way you can defeat a trained knight in a single strike! Not to mention, every knight here is not only trained and experienced but since they qualify to participate, then their strength is not your average knight.

"Raaahhh!" A knight carrying a large axe with his two hands started rushing towards him before raising his axe, however he didn't even manage to register what happened next when a swift and fast kick suddenly destroyed his entire helmet and caused him to fall on the ground without any consciousness, don't even mention what happened to his face.

This time, every knight in the battlefield stepped back in fear. There's no way what happened was luck.

"Now that I see him more clearly, he does look familiar to me." One of the knights muttered as he tried to remember where he saw Jin's face.

Everyone including Farquaad and Donkey also stared at Jin's face. Wondering where they saw his face.

'There's no way someone like him is unknown. Think Farquaad, Think! Think who did you just mess with!' Farquaad also tried to remember where he saw Jin's face as he started sweating, assuming the worst, which is that he messed with someone he shouldn't have.

Unfortunately for them, it would be a bit hard for them to remember as Jin's bounty was crudely drawn by hand with a black ink instead of a literal photo where you can see the background and the colors.

"I would be dumb if I just stayed here and waited for you all to remember where you saw me." Jin commented before starting his small rampage.


*Bam!* x6

The participating knights didn't even get to touch even the slightest fabric of his clothes before they all found themselves down on the ground with a broken nose and missing teeth.

"You're next." Jin's fists were bleeding as he pointed his index finger towards Farquaad. No, the blood on his fist wasn't his, instead the blood belonged to all the knights that he punched in the face.

"Hieekk!" Farquaad was now pissing himself as he stuttered and ordered next.

"S-shoot him! I want all those arrows to hit him!" Farquaad said while hiding behind his black masked executioner.

The knights bravely pointed their bows and arrows towards Jin without a slight hint of fear. Sure Jin is strong but in their minds, there's no way he could avoid hundreds of arrows, right?

"Fire!" Farquaad loudly ordered and everyone released their quivers one by one.

*Fwooosshh!* x169!

Looking at all these arrows raining down on him, Jin just cracked his neck but before he made a move, he looked at Rapunzel and Tigress, trying to see if an arrow would hit them. Thankfully, the knights were thinking clearly and didn't target them. But before he shift his focus, he winked at Tigress, sending her a message that took her a few seconds to understand.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Jin's ears picked up every arrow's air resistance sound before opening his eyes with clear focus on them.

Much to everyone's shock, Jin avoided each arrow as if he could predict where the arrow would hit him.

Jin wasn't using any special abilities to do this feat. In fact, he was simply using his sharp senses and quick reflexes to dodge every arrow.

"Impossible!" This time, Farquaad was now pissing himself and was about to run away when he suddenly heard a sound in front of him.

Slowly looking up, Farquaad saw his executioner down in the ground with Jin stepping on his face as he coldly stared at him.

"Where are you going, you little midget?" Jin tilted his head as Farquaad awkwardly smiled.

"W-what do you want? D-do you want money! Here! Take all of it! You can even take my entire town!" At this moment, Farquaad was only thinking about saving his life. This just shows that no amount of wealth or success can replace your life. The moment you meet death, everything becomes worthless.

"I seek no wealth...." Jin stepped forward and crouched in front of Farquaad, facing him eye to eye.

"...Only death." Jin whispered in Farquaad's ears.

"H-help!" Realizing that Jin can't be talked with, Farquaad quickly turned around and tried to ask his remaining knights for help.

However, he was shocked at what he saw when he turned around.

The tanned girl that he saw earlier was now decimating his every knight with nothing but her fists and slightly long nails.

"W-who did I just mess with?" Farquaad muttered to himself as he finally realized just how fucked up he is right now.

"The devil." Jin whispered behind him before grabbing his entire face with his hand, slowly lifting him up from the ground.

"M-mherchii!" Farquaad tried to ask for mercy as he tried to remove Jin's hand that was holding his entire face.

"Mercy is for the weak." Jin muttered next before preparing to smash Farquaad's face with his palm, however he saw that Rapunzel was watching him.

She just reached 18 and he doesn't want her to see the cruel side of the world.

So he sighed and turned around before entering Farquaad's castle.

"W-where are you taking me?" Farquaad asked, earlier he felt that his death was nearing him, however the grip on his face suddenly softened.

Thinking that his life is being spared, Farquaad mentally screamed in joy.

'Haha! Thank the heavens! Don't worry, once I got out of here, I'll make sure to get my revenge on you and fuck those girls if yours in front of you!' Farquaad chuckled evilly as he can't wait to take his revenge.

"This should be good enough." Suddenly, he heard Jin speak and stop in his royal bathroom.

"Huh? What are we doi- schellkk!" Just as Farquaad was confused and wanted to ask about it, the grip on his face suddenly came running back with full force. His face didn't last a second before his head popped off like a watermelon.

"I'm taking you to hell." Jin answered Farquaad's question earlier before he died.


Outside the castle, every knight fell unconscious on the ground with several scratch marks on their armors while some of their armor or helmet were caved in.

Tigress was sitting on the ground, taking a slight rest while Rapunzel was going around the battlefield, poking at every unconscious knight, trying to see if one of them would wake up.

"You really did a good one on them." Rapunzel commented as she realized that Tigress and Jin were literal one man army.

"It's just pure dedication and hard work." Tigress responded to her comment.

"Do you think you can train me? I want to punch and kick bad guys too!" Rapunzel asked as she started punching and kicking the air.

"I would love to but ask Jin first." Tigress nodded her head and said. Just when Rapunzel was about to reply as well, Jin arrived and overheard their conversation.

"It doesn't sound bad. Kung Fu is for everyone but Rapunzel. Are you sure about that? If we train you, we will show no mercy." Jin seriously said to Rapunzel. In fact, he has long wanted to train her but he doesn't know if she would like it.

After all, the way of Kung Fu is never easy and a princess like Rapunzel who grew up in a tower without experiencing hardships in life would probably make her uncomfortable.

"Well, I will try..." Hearing Jin's warning, Rapunzel's decision started to waver, however she still wanted to train so she could reach her dream and take down bad guys with her own hands instead of relying on either Jin or her mighty frying pan.

"Alright then, we'll start once we leave here." Jin said before walking away, he went here to have fun but Farquaad annoyed him so much, so eh doesn't want to stay here any longer, his day is ruined.

"Shrek....Please tell me I'm not dreaming." Donkey stared at Jin's back in shock.


Shrek simply smacked his head, making Donkey act and shake his head in return.

"Alright, that hurts but I'm glad I'm not seeing things." Donkey sighed and said in relief.

"What you should be glad of is that he's not our enemy." Shrek replied to Donkey.

"Well, you're right. I'm a good Donkey and I never mess with people like him!" Donkey nodded to himself.


[It is time to smash me with your stones! Muwahahaha!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 83 - The Dragon's Keep]

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