

Aemond strode through the corridors of the Red Keep, his footsteps echoing against the stone walls. The whispers followed him like a shadow, the murmurs of the servants and the subtle looks from the lords. He could hear the words clearly, each one a dagger to his pride.

"Helaena tamed Dreamfyre..."

"Aemond the Dragonless..."

The whispers had plagued him for years, ever since he had failed to hatch his dragon. Now, with Helaena's success, the whispers grew louder, the snickers more pronounced. His mother had forbidden him from attempting to claim Dreamfyre, citing the dangers of bonding with a fully-grown dragon. Dragons were wilful creatures, she had said, requiring a strong will and a firm hand. His father had echoed her sentiments, suggesting a younger dragon would suit him better.

Aemond's anger simmered beneath the surface, each whisper stoking the flames of his resentment. As he emerged into the courtyard, his eyes fell on Aegon, who was waiting with Ser Criston. Aegon looked up, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What's crawled up your arse?" Aegon asked, his tone mocking.

"Shut up, Aegon," Aemond snapped, his voice dripping with venom. He marched over to the weapons rack, yanking a training sword free. The weight of the blade felt good in his hand, a physical outlet for the fury coursing through him.

Aegon chuckled, clearly amused by his brother's anger. "Touched a nerve, did I?" Aegon leaned back against a post, his smirk widening as he watched Aemond seethe with anger. His own silver-golden hair caught the sunlight, giving him an almost ethereal glow. He was dressed in a fine tunic, clearly having just finished his own training session with Ser Criston. Aegon was always the picture of casual arrogance, a stark contrast to Aemond's simmering intensity.

"Easy, brother," Aegon taunted, his voice laced with mock concern. "You might hurt yourself with that sword."

Aemond ignored him, focusing on his stance and grip. He swung the training sword, the blade cutting through the air with a whoosh. Aegon's chuckle grated on his nerves.

"Come now, Aemond," Aegon continued, his tone teasing. "No need to be so uptight. You know, I've heard even Helaena was surprised when Dreamfyre accepted her. Maybe you should've asked her for tips."

Aemond's grip tightened further, his knuckles turning white. He swung the sword again, harder this time, imagining it was Aegon's smug face he was striking.

Aegon laughed, the sound infuriatingly carefree. "You know, maybe Daeron will get a dragon before you do. Wouldn't that be something? The youngest of us, riding high while you're still stuck on the ground."

Aemond froze, the words hitting him like a physical blow. He turned slowly, his eyes blazing with fury. "Shut your mouth, Aegon," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Aegon just shrugged, still grinning. "Just saying, brother. You might want to hurry up before you're the only Targaryen without a dragon. Wouldn't want to be the odd one out, would you?"

The mockery in Aegon's eyes was too much. Aemond lunged at him, the training sword raised. Ser Criston quickly stepped between them, his hand outstretched to hold Aemond back.

"Enough, both of you!" Ser Criston barked, his voice commanding. "This is not the place for such squabbles."

Aegon raised his hands in mock surrender, still smirking. "Alright, alright. Just having a bit of fun."

Aemond's chest heaved with barely suppressed rage, his eyes never leaving Aegon. He wanted to wipe that smug grin off his brother's face, to make him feel just a fraction of the frustration and humiliation he felt every day.

Multiple dragon roars echoed through the courtyard, causing Aemond and Aegon to look up into the sky. High above them, the majestic form of Dreamfyre soared gracefully, her scales glinting in the sunlight. Next to her flew the smaller, more agile Vermax. The two dragons seemed to be engaged in a coordinated dance, weaving around each other, diving and climbing in perfect harmony. Plumes of flame burst from their mouths, lighting up the sky in a fiery display.

The sight was mesmerizing, but Aemond couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. His fists clenched at his sides, the wood of the training sword creaking under the pressure of his grip.

"At this point, even Rhaenyra's new bastard will have a dragon before you," Aegon said with a chuckle, unable to resist one last jab.

Aemond's jaw tightened, his vision blurring with rage. He threw the wooden sword to the ground with a loud clatter, the impact splintering the edge. Without a word, he turned and stormed into the Keep, Aegon's mocking laughter echoing behind him, only serving to fuel his anger further.


Helaena's heart soared as high as Dreamfyre as they glided through the sky. The wind whipped through her hair, making it dance behind her like a silver banner. Every beat of the dragon's wings sent a thrill through her body. She gripped the saddle tightly, feeling the powerful muscles of Dreamfyre move beneath her.

A roar sounded next to her, and she turned to see Jace riding Vermax. He gave her a broad grin, and she couldn't help but laugh. Together, they flew around King's Landing, dipping low over the rooftops and skimming the waters of the Blackwater Rush. They soared high above the city, looking down at the tiny figures below who pointed up at the dragons in awe.

The two dragons performed a series of intricate manoeuvres, weaving around each other in a beautiful, fiery dance. They flew in loops and spirals, sometimes shooting plumes of flame into the sky, creating a breathtaking display. The exhilaration of flying so high and free was unlike anything Helaena had ever experienced. She felt invincible, like nothing could touch her while she was in the air.

Eventually, they descended back to the Dragonpit. Dreamfyre landed gracefully, her claws digging into the ground as she came to a stop. Helaena dismounted, her legs slightly wobbly from the flight, but her heart still pounding with excitement. She glanced at Jace, who was grinning broadly as he slid off Vermax.

"That was incredible," Helaena said, grabbing Jace's arm as they started walking back to the Red Keep. "I never imagined it would feel so... addicting."

Jace nodded, his face still flushed with excitement. "It's a shame Daella didn't come with us. Though I can't blame her, she said she's experienced enough flying for a lifetime."

Helaena smiled at the thought of their aunt. "She'll get over it one day I'm sure"

Jace looked at her with admiration. "I'm proud of you, Helaena. For being brave and claiming Dreamfyre, not many would have the will to tame such a dragon."

Helaena blushed and hugged him tightly. As they walked through the streets, their Kingsguard, Edryck, and Ser Erryk followed closely behind. The people of King's Landing turned to watch them pass, whispering and pointing at the young dragon riders.

When they arrived back at the Red Keep, they were met by Ser Criston and Ser Arryk. "The King and Queen wish to see the Princess," Ser Criston said formally.

Helaena felt the smile fade from her face. It had been a few days since she had claimed Dreamfyre, and she knew this conversation was inevitable. She felt a tight grip around her hand and turned to see Jace, his expression serious.

"I will go with you," Jace said firmly.

"The King and Queen wish to see the Princess alone," Ser Criston replied.

Jace's eyes narrowed. "Will you stop me from following her, Ser Criston?"

The tension in the air was palpable. Ser Criston's hand moved slightly toward his sword; something that made Ser Arryk look at him incredulously for. Edryck stepped forward, ready to defend Jace if necessary. The courtyard seemed to hold its breath, the guards and servants watching anxiously. Helaena squeezed Jace's hand reassuringly. "It's alright, Jace. I'll be fine."

Jace looked at her, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'll be alright. Wait for me here."

Reluctantly, Jace released her hand. Helaena turned and followed Ser Criston and Ser Arryk into the keep. Helaena's heart pounded in her chest as she walked through the grand, stone corridors of the Red Keep. The torches lining the walls cast flickering shadows, adding to her growing sense of unease. Every step echoed in the vast hallways, each sound amplifying her nerves. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, but it did little to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

Finally, they arrived at the door to the Small Council Chambers. The guards opened the heavy wooden doors, and Helaena walked in, her eyes immediately drawn to her father sitting at the head of the table. King Viserys smiled warmly at her, a stark contrast to the stern expressions of her mother and grandfather standing nearby.

"Come in, Helaena, come sit," Viserys said, waving her over. He dismissed the Kingsguard with a nod.

Helaena walked slowly to the table and took a seat, her fingers nervously rubbing circles on the back of her hand. She tried to focus on her father's kind smile, but the disapproval radiating from Alicent and Otto made it difficult.

Alicent took a step forward, her face a mask of controlled fury. "How could you be so stupid, Helaena?" she shouted. "A child is not ready to tame a fully grown dragon!"

Helaena flinched at the harshness of her mother's words. She opened her mouth to respond, but Alicent continued, her voice rising. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? You could have been killed!"

Viserys raised a hand, trying to calm his wife. "Alicent, please. Let's not be too harsh." But Alicent ignored him, her eyes blazing. "No, Viserys, she needs to understand the gravity of what she's done. Dreamfyre is not a toy, Helaena! You can't just climb onto a dragon's back and expect everything to be fine."

Helaena's eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them away, refusing to cry in front of them. "I'm sorry, Mother," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Otto Hightower, who had been silent until now, stepped forward, his expression stern. "Your mother is right, Helaena. Dragons are not to be trifled with.

Viserys leaned forward, his eyes softening as he looked at his daughter. "Helaena, why did you do it?"

Helaena remained silent, her eyes downcast. Alicent, impatient and still fuming, shouted, "Answer your father's question!"

Helaena's head snapped up, her eyes blazing with sudden anger. "It's her fault!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the chamber.

Everyone in the room fell silent, shocked by her outburst. Helaena took a deep breath, her hands shaking. "She tried to separate me and Jace, but now you'll never be able to."

Alicent stood there, stunned, for a moment before her face twisted with rage. "This is all because of Jace?" she demanded, her voice rising again. "He needs to be sent back to Dragonstone immediately!"

Viserys shook his head, his expression firm. "This is his home just as much as it is any of my children's. I will not force him to leave."

Otto interjected, his tone measured but concerned. "Perhaps it would be better for the family if they were separated, especially considering the presence of all the great lords of the realm."

"Enough!" Viserys shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber. "We are family. I find myself in disbelief that we argue about separating children for the crime of loving one another. Whether that love turns into something more than familial is a question for down the line." Helaena, who had tears in her eyes, looked at her father with gratitude, barely stopping herself from rushing to hug him.

The door to the Small Council Chambers slammed open with a loud bang, cutting off any further argument. Aemond stormed inside, his face twisted in fury. Everyone in the room turned to face him, their eyes widening in shock.

Before anyone could react, Aemond rushed over to Helaena. "You bitch!" he shouted, his voice almost maniacal. He shoved her out of her seat, sending her sprawling to the ground. She let out a cry of pain as she landed hard, and before she could recover, Aemond kicked her in the stomach.

"Aemond, stop!" Viserys shouted, his voice filled with both shock and anger.

Alicent rushed to her daughter's side, her face pale with fear and fury. "Aemond, what are you doing? Stop this madness!"

Ser Criston Cole burst into the room, grabbing Aemond and pulling him away from Helaena. But Aemond struggled against his grip, still ranting. "She stole what was rightfully mine! That dragon was mine!"

"Cease this madness at once!" Viserys commanded, his voice booming through the chamber. He looked to Ser Criston. "Take him away!"

Ser Criston nodded, dragging a struggling and shouting Aemond out of the room. "Let go of me! She stole from me!"

Viserys, his face lined with worry and anger, limped over to Helaena, who was curled up on the floor, clutching her stomach in pain. He knelt beside her, gently brushing her hair back from her face. "Are you all right, my dear?" he asked, his voice soft and filled with concern.

Alicent, tears streaming down her face, held Helaena's hand tightly. "We need the Maester," she said urgently, looking up at Viserys.

Viserys nodded, turning to a nearby guard. "Fetch the Maester at once," he commanded.

The guard bowed and hurried out of the room, leaving the family in a tense silence. Helaena, still in pain, looked up at her father, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, Father," she whispered.

"Shh, it's all right," Viserys said gently, his heart aching at the sight of his daughter in pain. "You did nothing wrong."


Jace, accompanied by Cregan, Sara, and Daella, made his way through the bustling streets of King's Landing. The group moved at a measured pace, with the guards ensuring their safety and keeping the enthusiastic crowd at a respectful distance.

Sara and Daella, who had unexpectedly taken a liking to each other despite their contrasting personalities, walked side by side. Sara, loud and extroverted, chatted animatedly, her voice carrying over the din of the marketplace. Daella, quieter and more reserved, listened with a shy smile, occasionally interjecting with a soft comment. "Did you see that sword back there? Absolutely magnificent!" Sara exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Daella giggled, shaking her head. "I much preferred the stall with the perfumes. The lavender one smelled heavenly."

Sara snorted. "Lavender? What good is smelling nice when I'll just sweat it off in training?"

Jace and Cregan walked a little further ahead, their conversation more serious. Jace found himself reflecting on his friendship with Cregan. It was strange how quickly he had taken to the Stark boy, and how much he trusted him. It felt natural, as if they had known each other for years instead of weeks.

"This building will be the first of many businesses I plan on owning and opening," Jace explained to Cregan. "It's part of a larger plan to ensure the well-being of those in need."

Cregan nodded, his respect for Jace growing with each passing day. "It's a smart move. Diversifying your interests will make you more resilient."

They eventually reached the building Jace had purchased. Hugh Waters was sitting by the entrance and stood up to greet them. "My Prince," he said, bowing his head.

Jace nodded in return. "How is the construction going, Hugh?"

"Very well, my Prince. Everything is ahead of schedule. There are many looking for work, so we've had a lot of manpower," Hugh replied, opening the door to the main entrance.

As they stepped inside, the group was taken aback by the lavish decorations. Daella's eyes lit up as she took in the sight. "It's so beautiful," she said, her voice filled with awe.

Sara, on the other hand, had a different reaction. "Bloody hell," she muttered, clearly impressed despite herself.

Cregan gave a nod of approval. "You've done well, Jace. This place is impressive."

The workers, who had been focused on their tasks, stopped and looked in awe at Jace and Daella. The Targaryens, with their ethereal beauty and power to command dragons, were seen as more than men, closer to gods. The workers all bowed deeply.

"Rise," Jace said, his voice commanding but kind. "Continue your work."

Daella walked over to a bouquet of flowers placed on a table and inhaled their scent. "These smell wonderful," she commented.

Sara rolled her eyes but smiled. "Of course, you'd notice the flowers."

Hugh gestured around the room. "We've been able to source some of the finest materials, my Prince."

Daella and Sara wandered around the shop, and eventually found themselves in the courtyard, marvelling at the expansive space and the fountain in the centre. Meanwhile, Jace and Cregan sat in the main shop, discussing the broader implications of Jace's endeavours. "Why are you doing all this?" Cregan asked. "You're a prince; you don't need to get involved in things like this."

Jace leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "If I only relied on my title, I would be weak. In Valyria, my title didn't matter. It didn't stop me from nearly dying. I want to be great, prince or not."

Cregan nodded slowly. "What's this got to do with King's Landing and these buildings?"

"It takes lots of gold to do what I have planned," Jace replied. "I need to make a lot of it. At the beginning, this was just to help the families of the men that died for me. But now, I see there are more people that need help, so many in King's Landing. The fact children could be taken and sold into slavery right in the heart of the kingdom attests to that."

Cregan frowned. "That is just a part of life. There will always be scum and criminals."

"Just because things are a certain way doesn't mean they always have to be," Jace responded firmly. "Flea Bottom is the hub of all the crime. I'll start there..."

Their conversation was interrupted by Daella and Sara returning, excitement evident on their faces. "Did you know you have a fountain in the centre?" Daella asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

Sara chimed in, "It's fucking massive!"

Hugh clarified, "We expanded the fountain so it can be used to cool off when it's hot."

Daella rushed over to Jace, grabbing his arm. "Can we come back here and swim?" she asked, her enthusiasm contagious.

Jace smiled and nodded. "Of course."

As they prepared to leave, Jace stayed behind to speak with Hugh. "Keep recruiting more people, buy up the surrounding buildings. When the front of the shop is ready, visit Arun in the Merchants' District. He'll supply the store. I have twenty bottles of Bloodwine ready; I'll have twenty more by the time the tournament is here. Don't sell any before then."

Hugh nodded. "Understood, my Prince. But we've been having a few problems with criminals lately, those connected with the Muddy Prince."

Jace frowned, handing him a pouch of gold dragons. "Hire sellswords. I'll get the Gold Cloaks to patrol around here some more."

It was a short-term solution, but until he could find a person willing to train him some loyal men, he was stuck.

As they headed back to the Red Keep, Jace noticed people watching them. He kept his hand on his sword the entire time, only relaxing when they crossed through the gates. Upon their arrival, Edryck was waiting for Jace. It was his day off, but by the look on his face, it didn't seem like a pleasant one.

"What's the problem? The whores finally realize you have no gold?" Jace joked.

Edryck didn't respond in kind, his expression serious. "Let's speak alone."

Jace said his goodbyes to the others and followed Edryck to a secluded corner of the courtyard. "It seems that it's been agreed upon by your family to keep this a secret from you, but since I'm not a Targaryen, I don't care to," Edryck began.

Jace frowned. "What's going on?"

Edryck sighed. "Earlier in the day, after you left Helaena, she was attacked by Aemond. She's okay, but Aemond managed to get a few good hits, and they think she may have bruised her ribs."

"I see," Jace replied, his face blank of all emotion.

Edryck found himself disturbed by Jace's dead expression. His bright blue eyes made his stoic face even more eerie, sending a shiver up Edryck's spine. "I see? Is that all you have to say? I was under the impression you love the girl."

"I do, but like you said, she's okay. I'd only get myself in trouble by getting angry and doing something rash. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and check on her."

Edryck watched as Jace disappeared into the Red Keep and shook his head. "I'll never get that kid," he replied before going back to lazing around.

Jace stormed into the Red Keep, his mind set on seeing Helaena. He reached her room, finding Rickard Thorne and Steffan Darklyn standing guard outside. "Move aside," Jace commanded.

The guards stood firm. "Ser Criston has instructed us that we are to let no other but the Queen and the King in to see the Princess."

"Oh, I see my mistake. I must've missed the coronation," Jace said with fake laughter.

"Coronation, my Prince?" Steffan asked, confused.

"The coronation for Criston Cole as King, because I can see no other explanation on why he would be allowed to command members of House Targaryen."

Jace then stepped forward. "Your duty as Kingsguard is to protect the Royal family, and who am I?" he asked.

"Prince Jacaerys..." they both replied.

"Yes... now step aside or be prepared to break your vows," he said, gripping the handle of Starfyre.

They hesitated but eventually stepped aside, allowing Jace into Helaena's chambers. He rushed over to her bed where she lay. "Jace!" she said with a smile as he approached.

Jace's face softened with worry. "I heard what happened. Are you okay?"

"It hurts a bit, but I'll be okay, especially now that you're here," she replied.

Jace sighed, guilt washing over him. "I'm sorry for not being there."

"It's not your fault," Helaena reassured him.

Jace's expression hardened with determination. "This won't happen again," he promised.

Helaena, knowing Jace well, cupped his face and said, "Please, don't hurt him too much."

Jace chuckled humorlessly. "Am I always this transparent?"

"To me, you are," she replied.

When Jace moved to leave, she held his hand. "Stay until I fall asleep?"

He nodded, sitting beside her bed, holding her hand until she drifted off.


Aemond lay in his bed, the events of the day weighing heavily on his mind. He had been confined to his chambers ever since he hurt Helaena. He didn't understand why he was being punished for what he saw as righting a wrong. In a few more years, they would have let him claim Dreamfyre. But she had ruined it all.

A clicking sound broke the silence, and Aemond sat up in bed. "Who's there?" he called out, but there was only the sound of the wind.

He got out of bed to inspect his room. "Come out!" he shouted, but no one replied. He sighed, realizing it must have only been the wind.

"Is everything okay in there, my Prince?" a Kingsguard called from outside.

"Yes, I'm fine... it was nothing," Aemond replied. But as he turned to get back into bed, something hard struck him in the back of the leg. He fell to his knees, and before he could yell, his mouth was covered and a gag was stuffed in. He tried to struggle, but another blow made him fall to the stone floor, his head fuzzy.

When his vision cleared, he saw he was being dragged to the balcony by Jace. Anger flared in him, and he tried to yell, but the gag was forced deep into his mouth, making it impossible.

He tried to get up, but his arms were tied behind his back. When he was dragged onto the balcony, Jace lifted him up and pushed him to the edge.

"I don't like you, Aemond. I don't like the way you look, the way you talk, the way you act, the way you laugh and snicker at me and my brothers," Jace said coldly, his face devoid of emotion. Aemond saw the cold, dead expression in Jace's eyes, and it scared him deeply.

"But you're my uncle, you're family, so I can live with not liking you," Jace continued. "What I can't live with is you hurting people I love. That is crossing a line."

Jace let go of Aemond, leaving him standing on his own before grabbing a fire poker. He swung it into Aemond's ribs, hitting him where Helaena had been bruised. Aemond screamed in pain, but it was muffled by the gag. Jace hit him again and again, in different places, each blow calculated to be painful but not to break anything. Aemond curled into a ball, trying to protect himself. Jace dropped the fire poker and lifted Aemond up again, pushing him even further against the edge of the balcony. Aemond's feet lifted off the ground, and he feared he might fall.

"Umbagon gevie Helaena, nyke gimi jāre ao," Jace said. (You ever touch Helaena again, I will kill you.) His voice was cold and threatening.

"Nyke ūndegon ao hen ñuhoso tolī rȳ bēkūn se ūndegon iā bē aegio lōgor hen aōha āeksio," he added, his voice filled with deadly intent. (I will throw you from the tower and watch as your body splatters against the ground.)

Jace whispered "Mēre ao ūndes, Vūjigon?" (Do you understand me, Uncle?)

Aemond nodded, terror evident in his eyes.

"Good," Jace said, letting him fall to the ground. The last thing Aemond saw was Jace's foot connecting with his face, and then darkness claimed him.

(AN: So this is more just setting things up for later. Jaces plans to make Flea bottom a better place, Daella and Sara blah blah blah. Jace starting his own Sellsword company (spoiler) anyway the tournament is starting next chapter. It'll include a time skip. I'm gonna skip his birthday. He's turning 11 there's cake whoopty fucking dooo, you know what I got for my birthday? A shift at work. Oh yeah also Maegor next chapter.)

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