

As they walked out of the manor, Tambudzai suddenly asked Tapiwa, "My lady, do you think that the widows would be able to do it?"

Hearing that, Tapiwa flashed a smile as she responded, "Knowing how tenacious they are. Those women are as ready as they could be. I believe that as long as they are given more chances, they would be able to surpass their teacher."

Tambudzai didn't really understand where her mistress was getting her confidence, but knowing from experience everything she had done until that point, she decided to keep trusting her mistress.

Her mistress was never wrong, no matter what.

Soon the two arrived at the shed where Tambudzai had meticulously prepared a chair for her to sit as soon as she arrived.

When she arrived, the nine people inside the shed all got on their feet and greeted her with a slight bow as they were used to doing.

"It's been a while. Please, be seated!" Tapiwa said with a smile after enhancing greetings.

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