
Five Finger Discount

Yujie and her little buns… her sons—had accompanied Xu Feng to ransack one, two, three… too many children's stores to count. The Feng Clan had a talent for using the five-finger discount.

It was a talent honed with lots of practice. They had a system so perfect that the boys were at least ten times more efficient than Xu Feng, even with their short legs.

Well, their legs weren't that short for four-year-old buns, but still, anything below waist level was short in Xu Feng's eyes. Even if he had gained a few inches since he... gave birth and, you know, transmigrated back to his "sort of" original world...

Life for Xu Feng had been one thing after another, with barely any time to breathe.

Whenever there was breathing time, it usually felt like the calm before another storm. He had never been one to enjoy fast-paced reality shows, but his life almost top any show he'd ever watched in high school.

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