
{Limitless} V4 Discipline System (Spoilers)

In contrast to the multi class system of V3, the Combat system for the {Limitless} in Version 4 returns to roles-based combat styles but grants them unique skills for specific scenarios. Inspired by the Sirens and spiritual successor of the [Combat Shadow silhouette] {Program}.


[Defender] - Discipline created for enduring heavy damage. Blessed with skills for aggression management and protection of either a large army or a specific individual. 

Discipline Special ability: stores {Counter} energy for other disciplines.


[Wall] - Active, {Reinforce} Limitless Version

[Inspire] - Active, grants Siren version of {Rejuvenate} and {Dope} to allies in 100-meter vicinity.

[Vortex] - Active, creates a Void space shield that blocks projectiles

[Proxy] - Active, allows transfer of injuries from target to [Defender].


[Gladiator] - Discipline that excels in solitary combat. Has skills for the ability to restraint and overpower bosses or large armies. 

Discipline Special Ability: Blood shed will infect enemies with {Sin of Seven}.


 [Valiant] - Passive, {Dopes} from injuries, restores stamina to self.

 [Duel] - Active, forces a single target to engage the [Gladiator]

 [Loner] - Passive, increases reflexes, sense and cognitive processing when outnumbered.

 [Student] - Passive, allows rapid comprehension and analysis of opponent's fighting techniques.


[Sky Sentinel] - Discipline designed with agility-based combat in mind. Meant to dominate on both ground and in the air. Skills give increase evasion and survivability in CQB distance engagements and speed burst. 

Discipline Special Ability: Flight and reduced weight.


[War Dancer] - Active, increases agility to full for a single second, allowing otherwise impossible aerial maneuvers

[Combat Tempo] - Passive, {Dopes} per enemy killed. enhances senses per dodge executed.

[Burst] - Active, increases speed to absolute limit for a short period.

[Attuned] - Passive, combined suite of abilities that greatly enhances spatial awareness.


[Heavy Gunner] - Discipline that delivers the strongest firepower available to the enemy in the shortest time possible. Armed with skills for increased accuracy, recoil management and shock value.

Discipline Special Ability: Recoil of {Replicated} weaponry are shifted from weapon to the [Heavy Gunner] 


[Lock On] - Passive, all {Replicated} arms have ability lock on targets and have increased Accuracy. 

[Arsenal] - Active, ability to create a copy of every weapon in [Hellsend's Armory], {Replicated} arms must remain within 200 meters of [Heavy Gunner]. Limit, 10,000 souls worth of {Replicated} weapons.

[Rooted] - Active, increases weight of [Heavy Gunner] to enable all-out assault. increases accuracy of {Replicated} weaponry.

[Shock and Awe] - Active, empowers weapons with {Counter} energy, if [Rooted] enhances accuracy of {Replicated} weapons even further.


[Maestro] - Discipline meant for tactical planning and coordination. Skills included allow better command of soul avatars and drones, as well as empowering them with buffs.

Discipline Special Ability: Gains the Combat intelligence unit named [Maestro], [Maestro] operates independently of the user and specializes in battlefield analysis and tactical planning.


[Squad] - Passive, allows mental coordination of large number of combatants, also grants ability to sense status of each fighting unit.

[Play] - Passive, allows mental/digital telepathy to each fighting unit registered in [Squad].

[2nd Wind] - Active, restores stamina of any biological unit in [Squad], has a cooldown of 30 minutes.

[Overclock] - Actives, grants ability to {Dope} all fighting unit's base abilities to 200% for 5 minutes. Avatars are excluded.


[Executioner] - Discipline made for longer range combat. Integrated skills allow enhanced target acquisition and termination.

Discipline Special Ability: Any target attacked by the [Executioner] will be marked.


[Track] - Passive, marked targets will remain visible to the [Executioner] no matter the circumstances.

[Assassinate] - Active, Special attack that will always find its target. 

[Interceptor] - Active, Special attack that is meant to intercept or stop an opponent's attacks. 

[Scan] - Passive, grants the [Executioner] a mental map, that gives incredible Situational awareness.


[Ninja] - Discipline crafted for infiltration and reconnaissance. Built in skills increase detection, stealth capability and assassination.

Discipline Special Ability: All attacks by the [Ninja] are empowered with {Counter}, once stationary, the [Ninja] will enter [Shadow].


[Shadow] - Active, [Ninja] goes into hiding dissipating soul signature, refracting light and absorbing heat to become visible. Can {Blink} a short distance around the target if desired. 

[Scout] - Passive, increases sight and hearing to inhuman senses, allows users to see and hear through walls and obstructions. Uses {Sonar} and {Insight} to detect targets that are invisible to sight and sound. 

[Danger Sense] - Passive, allows enhanced detection of Death Resonance and killing intent, will trigger if the [Ninja] will be injured in the next 3 seconds. 

[Suppressor] - Active/Passive, silences a target object by 100 decibels. applies [Suppressor] on self every 10 seconds.

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