
Past, present and future [1/2]

Hero Syndrome. In manga and anime, the main characters were often made fun of for a number of things. One of them was being a magnet for trouble. The term associated with this was hero's syndrome. 

Basically, for the hero to shine, he had to get into trouble. Saving a kingdom from a monster, slaying a dragon, or averting a catastrophe. These were the stories worthy of someone who bore the title of hero. 

Most people believe that it was natural. Someone who was blessed like a hero just happened to be in the right place at the right time. 

Some went further and believed that it was fate trying to correct the imbalance. But others, especially those who had brains, felt otherwise.

And that was that the mere presence of a hero would set the wheels of fate in motion to create the disaster. This theory undermines the expectations and understanding of many. The hero was not created to stop the catastrophes. The catastrophe happened so that the hero could shine.

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