
I know just the thing [1/2]

"KYA!!!!!" "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MAN? !!!!" "George..." "..."

When the rest of my party saw the retched state of the corpse in front of me, their reactions were quite different. Pixie and D responded in a way that was understandable. Nyda murmured a name while wearing a sad expression, Leo remained stoic but held his wife's hand,

"Blargh!" "D! A-are you okay?"

'How amusing... despite being younger, Pixie is the one who managed to survive the shock," Lilly remarked disdainfully.

I couldn't blame him though, if you weren't used to such scenes, D's reaction would be normal. It took a special kind of bastard to remain unmoved by such a disgusting sight.

'I think it has more to do with her not understanding what she saw than anything else,' I replied casually.

'Hmm... you may be right, dear.'


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