
The sound of freedom

My mind was already crying uncle from all the shit Lilly just casually shared with me. I suppose it made sense. If many jobless, uninvested people suddenly got rich, there'd be skepticism. Not just from your relatives, but even from the government. 

Money laundering usually follows a simple process. You buy something worthless. You hire an "appraiser." They say it's worth a lot. Then, you sell the item. If anyone asks where you got your money from, it would be from the sale of that worthless item. 

Paintings and real estate are both subjective in nature. Thus, it is very easy to create value out of nothing just by borrowing the words of an expert. 

In today's world, crypto functions in the same fashion. The original cryptocurrencies were backed by the technology. As the government got more involved, that credibility began to fade. 


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