
Hanging Out With Death And Killing Some Reincarnators Part 2

( A/N did you know that I hate high school can't wait to go to college anyway real fact of the day did you know Shiki Ryougi can casually travel to other verses when ever she wants I know op but she has done it once)

After he said that I simply grabbed him by the face and after I did so I used the vapor that was left over from the failed invasion of Darkseid to proceed to completely restrict his body so he could not move and after I did so I suddenly started hearing a eerily familiar chant and as I looked over to that direction I realized why that chant was so familiar

''I am the bone of my Sword.

Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood.

I have created over a Thousand Blades, Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life.

So I Pray Unlimited Blade works..''

After he was done chanting I finally realized how fucked I was 'Shit shit shit! this is really bad I should have realized who this guy was I mean he is a literal copy paste of Shirou Emiya and Archer fuck i need to kill this guy and once he's dead i'll get to the other trash'

Once I was done thinking that in a half of a second I immediately shot towards them at full speed rearing my hand back as I was ready to cleave them in half with the sword that I created 

I was already too late as a sword shot at me and blasted me back to the other side of his reality marble and as he did so I simply reconstructed my blade into a shield so I can block some of his incoming attacks 

( A/N He made it so the shield would absorb all the force that would affect him from the swords being literally thrown and exploded at them)

And right after I created my shield about a billion swords were thrown at my direction and once they were near me they exploded creating an explosion with the power of the bomb fat man that was dropped on Nagasaki 

( A/N The explosion would be about 21,000 tons of TNT)

'Shit if that hit me it would have blown me back a few kilometers good thing a made this wait why do I see a bunch of golden particles floating around wait Unlimited Blade Works golden particles that's Excalibur!?'

once I noticed that I was Excalibur I immediately coded myself with a shield and making it as dense as I could and I use some and after that I use some runes to make sure that I really would not die from this 

( A/N If you're wondering why he's afraid of Excalibur is because the Fate Excalibur can slay the primordial white Titan and it is one of the most powerful swords in the Fate verse if you say something about Ea... Ea... is not the strongest sword in the verse because it's not even a sword it's a conceptual weapon it's in no way a sword it is simply in the form of one because Ea was created before Humanity even existed)

Once I was done with that the biggest Excalibur beam that I've ever seen in my two lives was shot towards me and once it came in contact with something and exploded the entirety of his reality marble shattered

And after that happened he was on the ground huffing and puffing thinking he had one because I was nowhere to be seen and I can see him smile and say ''Unkillable my ass it only took my an Excalibur beam to completely erase him anyway I should be getting my Assassin Emiya noble phantasm anytime now and after that i'l-'' 

But before he can finish his sentence I immediately appeared behind him and cut off his head and after I did that I said ''One little nuisance down three more to go'' then after I said that I immediately crushed the guy that was still in my vapor trap and just for good measure I used my vapor to accelerate all the molecules and atoms in him to immediately erases his body

''Now then it just leaves you to...'' and after I said that one of them cast a spell on me and after they cash that spell on me with a confident face they said ''You will not be able to have access to at least 90% of your strength no stand there like a good little boy as we resurrect our teammates''

And after he said that I just stared at him for a while while releasing some of my vapor into the air to create an artificial black hole


 Me being a nerd

( A/N before you say bogis i'll tell you how to artificially create one but only in my main mc's case he simply needs to know how it was made so let me tell you how one is made *cough* *cough*

Stellar Evolution: A black hole's formation begins with the life cycle of a massive star, typically one many times more massive than our Sun. Throughout its life, a star generates energy through nuclear fusion in its core, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium and release a tremendous amount of energy.

Depletion of Nuclear Fuel: Over millions of years, the star consumes its nuclear fuel, converting hydrogen into helium, then helium into heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and so on through a series of fusion reactions. Eventually, the star exhausts its nuclear fuel.

Core Collapse: With the depletion of nuclear fuel, the outward pressure generated by nuclear fusion diminishes, and the force of gravity overwhelms it. The star's core begins to collapse under its own gravitational pull.

Supernova Explosion: As the core collapses, the outer layers of the star undergo a dramatic explosion known as a supernova. The core's collapse causes an intense release of energy, expelling the outer layers into space. This explosion is one of the most energetic events in the universe, temporarily outshining an entire galaxy.

Formation of a Neutron Star or Black Hole: The fate of the collapsing core depends on its mass. If the core's mass is below a certain threshold (approximately 3 times the mass of the Sun), it will become a dense remnant called a neutron star. Neutron stars are incredibly dense and primarily composed of closely packed neutrons.

Black Hole Formation: If the core's mass exceeds the neutron star threshold, the gravitational forces become so intense that no known force can counteract them. The core collapses further, forming a singularity—a region of infinite density—at its center. The collapsing core also creates an event horizon, a boundary beyond which nothing, including light, can escape. This marks the formation of a black hole.

The size of the black hole's event horizon—the boundary surrounding the singularity—depends on the mass of the collapsing core. The more massive the core, the larger the event horizon.

It's important to note that this explanation is a simplified overview of the process man my hands feel like shit now anyway let's get back to the chapter)


And after Gathering a sufficient amount of vapor I immediately created is a black hole and they were simply erased from existence once that was done I stopped stopped creating the black hole and I dispersed all of the vapor and after I was done with that I simply flew back over to my place to finish watching Breaking Bad.

But once I arrived back at my place I noticed she was going through my entire search history I freaked out for like a few seconds before remembering that this body was a huge nerd and didn't look up anything except scientific facts

I could not help but think 'thank God that me and this guy do not share the same search history or else you would have seen the most I mean the amount of porn stored on my computer is astonishing'

Anyway what she was done looking through my computer she looked at me with the most sorrowful expression and she said ''you know what I would have thought I'd be disgusted to see porn on your computer but now seeing your search history I'm just sad for your Weiner hut jr anyway you want to continue watching Breaking Bad''

To that I just nodded ignoring her comment for earlier and as we sat down she unpaused it on the next fucking episode before I could say anything she simply looked over to me saying ''I was going to prank You by pretending that I already watched the next episode but seeing your search history I'm just going to continue where we left off''

I nodded to that and I sat down on the couch relaxing thinking nothing else can possibly happen today

( A/N sorry for all the author notes I'm just making everything as detailed as possible for the people who think that I just bullshited my way through everything and think that I don't know what I'm talking about so here here's an unedited chapter with all of my author notes still in it)

if you want to know what happens to matter read here When matter crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it is believed to be irretrievably pulled into the black hole's gravitational well. The fate of matter falling into a black hole is currently described by general relativity, although a complete understanding requires the incorporation of quantum mechanics, which is an ongoing area of research.

As matter approaches the event horizon, the gravitational pull becomes increasingly stronger. The immense tidal forces experienced near the black hole cause the matter to be stretched and compressed in a process known as spaghettification. This gravitational stretching occurs because the gravitational force on the side of the object closer to the black hole is significantly stronger than the force on the side farther away.

Once matter passes the event horizon, it is believed to enter the region known as the black hole's singularity—a point of infinite density at the center. However, the singularity is hidden from our view, as it is surrounded by the event horizon, beyond which no information can escape.

According to general relativity, matter that enters the singularity is crushed to infinite density, creating what is known as a gravitational singularity. At this point, our current understanding breaks down, as the laws of physics, as we know them, cannot accurately describe the conditions within a singularity. Quantum effects are expected to become significant at such extreme scales, but a complete theory of quantum gravity is still elusive.

It's important to note that the process by which matter is ultimately treated within the singularity is an area of active research and subject to ongoing theoretical investigations. The exact nature of what occurs at the singularity and the fate of matter within it are still open questions in physics.

DeadCat5757creators' thoughts
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