
Talking To Mr Freeze

After a while of walking I get to my office door sigh and look back down at the clipboard just to see that name again ''Why the fuck do I have to deal with the love struck man who can't get over the fact that their wife might die''

With another sigh escaping my lips I open my office door and I get inside and look around the room

''Hmm it's pretty nice I guess but i've seen better now then what should I do while waiting for Mr Freeze I know i'll convince him to stay here like in the comics fuck I might be able to find a cure while i'm at it as well''

After muttering that to myself I sat down on my chair while I contemplated if there was a cure for his wife in the comics

''Hmmm.... I could tell him about the pit but no that's a very dumb idea it would not be smart of me if I used that thing

I got it there was the sub zero movie but what did he do in it again i'll tell him what rebirth him did to bring her back I can also tell him about how poison ivy can cure her as well''

After saying that I leaned back into my chair and waited for Freeze to come into my office so I can get this over with

2 Hours Later


While I was waiting for him I fell asleep and I was jolted out of sleep by a nock on the door ''Ugh you may come in the door is unlocked'' after I said that the door was pushed open by some guards as they led Mr Freeze in I looked at the guards and told them ''Could you leave I would like to talk to them in peace if you don't mind of course''

They just nodded and left while I got up from my chair and I stretched out my hand and I said ''Hello Mr Freeze or would you prefer that I call you Victor Fries I am Basil Brusil nice to meet you i'll be your therapist for the foreseeable future''

He just looked at my hand and shook it while telling me ''You can just call me Freeze or Victor and might I ask why are there so many stitch marks littered throughout your body'' I simply smiled at him while I said

''It's nothing really just a freak accident that happened in the lab'' after I said that he looked at me with a knowing look before sitting down and as soon as he did I did as well

1 Hour 30 Minutes Later


I looked at him and said ''From what I can tell you have CBD, OCD, and PGD while you also have

• Intense denial over a loved one's death

• Numbness

• Severe depression

• Bitterness over the loss

And difficulty with carrying out normal routines

( A/N tell me if I missed anything please)

I would recommend you sirtin medications but do to your excuse me if i'm too blunt lack of certain body functions they will do very little for you but since I know what is making you feel this way and

I also can tell why you became a villain I shall let you know that your late wife has a cure more like I have already come up with a cure for her a while ago would you like to hear about it''

After I told him that he looked at me in shock and begged me to tell him how to cure her so I proceeded to tell him how the cure was made in the comics and the specifics of it ( A/N before the New 52 age she did get cured not by Mr Freeze but by another man)





''*Sigh* what a hectic day this has turned out to be but even though it was hectic I at least convicted Mr Freeze not to break out and to just stay while I get the things I need the cure his wife''

After saying that I unlocked the door to my lab/house and proceeded to close and lock it behind me while laying down on the couch after getting comfortable I turned on the tv to see what was on

''Let's see ooh there is something about an invasion alien all around the world wait a fucking alien invasion all around the world the fuck is happening here!?'' after shouting that I decided to take of the skin suit and after doing so I made some fog around myself and after that I shot out into the air at my max speed Mach 20

After doing so I could see fleets from Apokolips ''So that's what I felt was missing fucking hell man you know what i'm not a pussy so i'll help out the Justice League with this after all I have invulnerability

( A/N When I wrote the first chapter I forgot that Blackout was already immune to any and all mental attacks no matter how powerful so uhh my main mc is really op)

Now then where was the watchtower oh I remember now it's 22,300 miles above the equator alright let's go''

After around 11 mins of flying I remembered something very important ''I'm basically a green lantern right if

I remember correctly I can turn my mist into whatever I want it to so why don't I just make a thin line of fog and then place it at the equator then teleport through my for to reach my destination'

After doing that rather easily because Blackout did not have any restrictions placed on his powers I in like 3 seconds reached the equator and then after that I moved 22,300 miles above the ground to reach the tower after that I made light mist in the shadows of the tower and I waited for the League to arrive

1 Hour 21 Minutes Later


'Hmm so they have finally arrived I was getting bored' after thinking that I waited for the rest to show up and once they did I stepped out of the shadow's and said

''Took you guys long enough I have been waiting here for like an hour or even more you know it's mean to keep a girl waiting'' after I said that flash ran towards me and knocked me to Wonder Woman who proceeded to tie me up and shout

''The power of the rope compels you tell me who you are and how you got in here!'' after she said that I looked at her with a smile ( A/N you don't have a face) and proceeded to say ''ooo how kinky you are Wonder Woman to try me up at first sight it really is an honor but sadly i'm not in to that so no''

With that said I shadow teleported out of there and replaced her with me while saying ''Oops got your rope my bad did not mean to do that'' and after I said that I threw her to superman while saying

''Anyway I would like to introduce myself my name is Blackout nice to meet you all and I just came here because I don't really want the planet that I live on to be enslaved by Apokolips and that's really all''

( A/N and Cliff hanger kun strikes once more and yes I will be giving Wonder Woman her og weakness the only reason it was removed was because some of the female writers did not like that Wonder Woman's only weakness was being tied up by a man so yeah deal with it have a good rest of your day and bye)

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