
Introduced to an ‘Horndog’s’ World {R-18}

Wraithic Phasing proved to be a trusty tool once again as Evian employed it for a change in scenery. Precisely the bed in his room and only when they found themselves lying on the soft foams on either side of Evian's body did both Ember and Carleine realize the change had occurred.

The cold Eldritch chill that passed through them to render them intangible had been very weak compared to the pleasure they were receiving at Evian's hands and the 'lack of feeling' that should have been the case when they sank through the floor at the bottom of the bath, did not really exist because their minds were much too engrossed in sensations.

It didn't take long at all for the two ladies to get used to the change and Ember seized Evian's lips again while Carleine straddled his body, running her hand all over his chest and moving back occasionally to smack her asscheeks into his long and large rod standing proudly right behind her.

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