
73. Amelia (lll)

"Susan. Can I have some moments with your aunty alone." Harry said and sent Susan away.

"So what do you want to talk about? Sending susan away." Amelia asked.

"Nothing, just wanted some alone time with a beautiful lady like you." Harry said with a flair.

"Don't you think you are too young and too bold to flirt with me." Amelia said amused.

" Ah what are you talking about Amelia. We merely have 8-9 years of age difference and haven't you heard, age is just a number in the matter of love..

As for boldness, I never miss amazing opportunities and you are simply amazing.."

" Flattery with not take you anywhere Harry.. Is it what they are teaching in Hogwarts these days? Should I be worried about Susan? " Amelia realised she was really enjoying this talk. She had never thought she would enjoy a conversation with any man this much and Harry Potter was not even a 'man' yet. He was only 11 after all.

'But seriously he doesn't feel like 11 years old at all. It is amusing when he behaves like this.' She thought.

"Oh you wound me Amelia. Susan is such a pure, innocent soul having such a beautifull, gorgeous and amazing aunt. How can I let anything happen to her.

As for Hogwarts teaching it, hah, they have stopped teaching the truth since decades ago." Amelia was simply blown away by his skills with the words.

'If only he was a little older. Come on Amelia, what the fuck are you thinking about. He is just a kid. Even if his words really make me happy and excited. Ughh.'

"Um, by the way, I want to ask if I can commission you to make more of those rings, bracelets and that ring you are wearing." Amelia decided to change the topic to stop her thoughts from going heywire.

"And for whom do you want to commission it for?"

"For the auror force, of course." Amelia replied as a matter of fact making Harry sigh.

"Tell me Amelia. How would you ensure that my crafts will not be misused? How will you ensure that only those loyal to you get these when you don't even know who is really loyal to you.." Harry said leaning back.

"They will not be loyal to me, but to the ministry.." Amelia said in a correcting tone.

"Amelia, have you ever get checked for something like loyalty Potion or something. I mean seriously, are you naive or stupid or just plain blind. Can't you see that the laws that you consider sacred were made by men, men who followed pure-blood bigotry, leaving obvious loop-holes to benefit themselves and their descendants.

I understand your point, I really do. That it took you a lot of hard work, blood and sweat to reach where you are and you don't want to give people the opportunity to make you loose everything. Being where you are , you are able to at least help some people and keep the position of DMLE head away from their dirty claws." Harry sighed again before taking a sip of water.

" You are right Harry. I am not blind and I can see everything perfectly. Afterall I reached where I'm today without anyone's support.

But leaving things just because things are not going your way will only let those bad guys get even a bigger share of the cake.

So while I admire your abilities, you don't have any right to talk to me like that." Amelia said, her face cold.

" What if I say I can help you, if you help me?" Harry said as if he didn't hear the clodness in her voice, making her frown.

" What do you mean? What can you help me with? "

" hmm, I can tell you clearly who is loyal to you, the ministry, minister, Dark Faction, Dumbledore supporters, or those who are not loyal to anyone.

And, this is only one thing among the long list of things I can help you with.." Harry said casually. Amelia just couldn't believe his information network was strong enough to do something that. Just that one thing would help her immensely.

" what other things? " she asked wanting to hear it.

Instead of answering her questions, Harry took out a magical contract and passed it to Amelia.

"I trust that you are a fair woman but I have seen best friends turning into traitors, and don't want to take such a risk.

Read the contract carefully, and then sign it if you want my help. Just know that you will not lose anything and instead gain much more and I'm not talking about money." Harry said and then started to silently munch on the snacks. He was 90% sure that Amelia would sign it, so he was not worried.

Around half an hour later, just like he had thought Amelia signed the contract, sealing the deal between them. The contract was not only a secrecy contract, it was also in alliance contract between Amelia and Harry. Along with the condition that Harry would ensure Susan's safety as long as both Amelia and Susan, don't go against him and Harry knew that was what sealed the deal. Amelia had not been acting as boldly as she normally would have because Susan was her weak point and all her enemies knew that.

" Thanks for the trust Amelia. You will never regret this."

" I am banking on it" Amelia said and shook hands with Harry.

" So what are the things you can help me with? Now you can tell me.." Amelia asked somewhat impatiently.

" You can give me a target and I will tell you where that person has hidden the evidences of their crimes.

I can train those aurors who are truly and completely loyal to you.

I can arrange funds in the form of gold for you.

I can tell you some secrets of Dumbledore that will shake the foundation of magical Britain.

I can tell you something else, that will make you realise how vulnerable we truly are.

Other than that, I can also go on a date with you, you know, just you and me." Harry finished, wriggling his eyebrows.

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