
Part 23 - Back to the Future? Don‘t mess with the Lion

281 AC

(Omni POV)

The 'plan' that Tywin was talking about and Escanor wanted to create was the plan he had thought of and already talked about with his Father. They had already talked about the rough layout and the goal of said plan.

The idea was to whisper words of deception into the ears of certain houses and people to have them betray their overlord houses when the time comes.

However, the plan was more complex than that. Escanor had ideas that would go beyond simple betrayal and he was in no way interested in allying House Lannister with these people/houses.

(Escanor POV)

"As you already know Father, I planned to use the duration of the tourney, when everyone is distracted, to sow some discord among the different regions. I told you about House Bolton."

"Yes, your idea had merit. But why would a Lannister ally himself with those flaying lunatics?"

"Ah, but we would never do that. You are correct why would a lion care about them? And the truth is ... we don't. We are going to use them and then discard them when the time is right.", I explained to my father.


"Alright let us speak about the Boltons for now. We know that House Bolton has a feud with House Stark for generations. We will use that feud that they have and …"

(Omni POV)

Escanor stopped talking abruptly and looked in a certain direction. Two people had just appeared in the room and were looking at him and Tywin. Escanor stood up and narrowed his eyes. He had a suspicion about who these two were and he didn't like it one bit.

The two people were two men. An old man who looked like he might die any moment and a young man who was no older than five and ten name days.

„Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop on others? You might portray the image of perverts that way. Who are you?", he asked.

Both of the intruders looked surprised at his question. This should not have happened. How could this boy see them? They weren't even in the same ti…

„I asked you a question! Answer before I introduce you to the sun!"

Escanor was not happy. The old man was the prime pervert and he would gladly reduce him to ash while the young one ... he was a good boy and would normally not deserve to die. But those that stand in his and his family's way shall be destroyed.

Tywin was confused. Who was Escanor talking to? Did he finally go crazy?

"Escanor! What are you doing? Tell me this instance what is going on here!"


"We have visitors here. They are not supposed to be here. Greenseers is the name I believe."

"What? What nonsense ..."

"Father, you can believe me that I would never lie to you. Greenseers are able to view almost everything that happens and they're not even restricted to things that happen in the present ... they can also view things from the past."

"... You have never lied to me, so I will try to believe you. Then how are we going to deal with them?"

"Allow me."

Escanor looked at the two trespassers again. He narrowed his eyes and for the first time, he let his magic power loose. Only a small fraction though as he would incinerate and melt all the stone in the surroundings.

Heat and pressure started to attack the two men that had frightened looks on their faces. The old man was perplexed. This had never happened before. This was not possible. How could this boy see them whilst they were 'dreaming'? It made no sense.

This ... boy or monster more like, was so powerful that he could see them and even pressure them from the past. He must have enormous magical power to do something like that.

The heat and pressure increased up to a point where the old man started to take damage. The boy was also not doing any better. More and more the pressure and heat increased until it became too much and both intruders were expelled from the room ...

(Escanor POV)

Finally ... they are gone. It would have been a problem had they not left then. The temperature and pressure were getting so high that it was beginning to do visible damage to the surroundings. And I really like this solar.

I look back at my father and wait for him to say something. This was the first time he had seen me use my magic or magic power and he was ... knocked out. It seemed like I would have a lot of explaining to do when he woke up ... *Sigh*

(Brynden POV)

"Haaaah ... Haaaah ... Haaaah ... what ... haaah ... what was that? Haaah ..."

I could not fathom what that was. Once again I was dumbfounded. But apart from being dumbfounded, I was also hurt ... badly. It seems this ... monster had pressured us with nothing but his magical power and given us internal injuries of the highest degrees.

"L-leaf ... *cough* ... please ... h-help us..."

I called Leaf. She might be the only one that can help us right now. Even though she and the other children's magic was diminishing since Bran the ducking Builder had built that wall.

Ironically the children of the forest were the ones that helped build it as too. It seemed like the logical thing to do at that time, according to Leaf and I had to agree with them. He would probably have returned sooner than he was going to now.

Leaf appeared in front of me and looked at me weirdly. She touched me in different places of my body. I was not able to do anything about it as I was pretty much a part of this tree now.

I could see her eyes widen. They gained a ... light. After all the years that I know Leaf, she has never looked like that. She was always hopeless and bitter. Her guilt weighed on her heavily. She saw herself as the reason for her race's extinction but her hate towards the cold ones and also humans kept her going all this time.

"W-what is ... the problem ... L-leaf?", I asked the little creature. She was behaving strangely and I did not like that in the slightest.

"What happened to you three-eyed crow? Where did you dream to? Who did this? Tell us now!"

She seemed very excited about this. But why?

"Why? W-what is i-it? C-can y-you heal m-me?"

"Yes, Leaf can heal you. But Leaf must know where three-eyed crow got this much magic from ... and so bright too ... L-like the sun ..."

Leaf had a distant look on her face. Like the sun???? What was she talking about? The sun, why the sun? Wait ... the heat ... The boy was making the surroundings heat up and then the pressure ... do not tell me ...

Before I could say anything though, Leaf put both of her hands on me and called the remaining children to do the same. They all put their hands on me and then I could feel it ... the pain was leaving my body.

Slowly I was getting better and I could almost feel my injuries receding to nothingness. When I looked at the children of the forest I noticed something that should have been impossible as well ... they were getting ... brighter? Or younger? They started to have more life in them, they looked more vibrant.

"What is happening?"

"Three-eyed crow had lots of magic inside him that did damage to his ... inside thing. For you humans this is dangerous, but the energy you had inside felt like ... the sun. Very nourishing for me and my sisters. We are now feeling almost like the days when magic was still present in the world...

Who gave you this three-eyed crow? Tell Leaf!"

"There was ... this boy ... I was showing Bran about the 'Lion sin of Pride' also called the 'bloody Lion', Escanor Lannister. He wanted to know about his childhood and so we went to have a look but the moment we appeared there ... the boy noticed us..."

"Impossible. No one can see another whilst he is greenseeing. That is not possible.", Leaf said strongly.

"I know that. And yet he saw us and talked to us. He said that it was rude to spy on others like that and called me a pervert. Then he pressured us with his magic power and made the air scorching hot and hard to breathe.

At one point we could no longer take it and were thrown out of our dream and brought back here with our injuries..."

"A human with magic like the sun ... what did you say this human's name was?", asked Leaf.

"He is called ... Lion's sin Escanor. Escanor Lannister, the most powerful and dangerous man in Westeros at the moment and probably in history."

First time showing someone who's boss. We'll get many more such scenes and some even better than this.

This was like the aparetiv.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts
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