
Are You Afraid?

Elsa and the others waited for Chris to respond after receiving the potion, but he remained unconscious. She removed his metal cuffs, suspecting they might be the reason he wasn't waking, as she had cast a weakening and sleeping spell on them.

Even after some time, there was still no sign of him regaining consciousness. Growing worried, she began pacing the room, contemplating the possible reasons for his continued unconsciousness.

"I don't understand. It doesn't have poisons or toxins, so why is it not working?" Elsa asked herself loudly.

"Perhaps you could try waking him up?" Rylie suggested hesitatingly.

"Right…" Elsa walked up to the bed and began patting Chris' shoulder. When nothing happened, she shook his shoulder vigorously and impatiently, causing everyone to widen their eyes in surprise.

"Chris wake up! Just freaking open your eyes!" Elsa exclaimed fiercely.

"Argh…" Chris moaned, causing Elsa to gasp.

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