
Helping others?

Damari felt bad for walking in on them, so he found work around the village to make up for it when Tighnari walked up with Cyno. "Thank you, Sir Tignari The help you sent was amazing. He fixed my roof and helped me fish." a man said. A child ran up. "Tighnari, your friend fixed my doll, and he played with me," she said. Tighari was so confused. "Little one can you take me to my friend," he asks. She nodded and grabbed his hand, and took him Damari was repairing the boats. "Damari," she said and waved. Damari walks over. "I umm, sorry about walking in on you guys," he said. "You did all this just to say sorry," Tighnari said. Damari nods. "I felt bad, so I wanted fo help somehow," he said. Cyno rolled his eyes. "It's fine. Thanks for the help," he mumbled. "Kuki said you're a good person," Cyno said. Damari's eyes widen. "You know Kuki," he said excitedly. Cyno backs up. "Yeah, we are friends," he said. Tighari laughs. "I guess you like her due to your reaction to this," he said. Damari nods. "Yeah, but I turn into an idiot when we talk," he said. Cyno sighs. "She said the date you took her on was perfect, and you spoke perfectly," he said. Cyno sighs and looks away. "She also said she wanted to jump you due to your body and how well you fight," he said. Damari smiles, hearing him. "Sweet glad she likes me," he said, lying on the sand. Tighnari smiles, seeing it. "Take a break. Me and Cyno can finish," he said. Cyano tossed him some wine and walked off with Tighari. Cyno looks back at Damari. "He seems familiar," he said and shook his head. Tighari looks. "Like a relative or something like that," he asks. Cyno nods. "Just feel close to him like family," he sighed. Tighnari nods. "We can look into it, love," he said. Cyno nods.

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