
Chapter 171: Amy and Snape

When Sherlock left the Ministry of Magic, it was already dawn of the following day. Instead of apparating directly back to the Leaky Cauldron, he ambled along the streets of London, purchased three breakfasts from a restaurant, and sauntered back. Having Scrimgeour's word gave him a sense of achievement – the first part of his goal was fulfilled. Even if Madam Selwyn disapproved of his entry to the Department of Mysteries, he could still consider falling back to becoming an Auror.

Although not directly in liaison with the Department of Mysteries, at least his encounter with Madam Selwyn had made him appear familiar enough for any future dealings. Returning to the Leaky Cauldron, it looked just as it had when he left, but then again, he hadn't been gone for even three days. Greeting old Tom downstairs and reading nothing unusual from his words and expressions, Sherlock ascended to the second floor and stepped into room number 11 – his abode thus far. 

The room was barren and deserted. On both beds, the covers were neatly spread without a trace of Amy. Sherlock frowned slightly, sensing an ominous feeling. His eyes scanned the empty room as he whispered, "Amy, are you there?"

However, there was no response. Considering Amy's character, she would definitely not play such tricks if she were still in the room. Her absence was the only explanation. Sherlock felt a sudden sinking feeling in his heart. Leaving the three portions of breakfast on the table, he hurried out of the room, stopping in front of room number 12 – Snape's room. Just as he was about to knock, he faintly heard a conversation from within. 

"I think you should put three of these leaves in the pot."

"As I've said before, if you want to stay here, shut up while I'm brewing potions!"

"But what I said is correct."


"Look! It's too thick because you put in four leaves."

"If you hadn't said anything I would only have put in three instead of four!"

"Why would you put in four because I said you should put in three?"

"Shut up! Go play with your windmill!"

As the conversation inside began to unravel, Sherlock's furrowed brows gradually relaxed. A repressed grin appeared on his face. Making his way back to room number 11, he picked up the breakfasts he had bought earlier and lightly knocked on the door of room number 12.

Inside, the silence stretched for a moment, followed by the suggestion of a small stir. Under Sherlock's control magic, he could "see" Snape with his grim face, draping an invisibility cloak over Amy and instructing her to hide under the bed. A small gap in the door appeared about five seconds later. Behind it, a cold countenance found itself meeting Sherlock's sly grin. Recognizing his visitor, Snape grudgingly swung the door wide open, allowing Sherlock to enter.

"You've been gone long enough. Now, get this little imp out of here! She's been driving me crazy for these past two days!" Snape fumed. 

Despite the resentment on Snape's face, Sherlock, familiar with his ways, knew well enough that he wasn't genuinely angry. He was simply being his usual contradictory self.

"How has Amy been bothering you?" Sherlock joked, "Has she been correcting your potions recipe and now you're throwing a tantrum because you refused to do it her way?"

Upon hearing his quip, Snape scowled and fell silent. Amy, hiding beneath the bed, recognized Sherlock's voice and crawled out from her hiding place, discarding the invisibility cloak onto the floor. Still clutching her pinwheel toy, her brilliant, clear eyes met Sherlock's.

"Did John have good luck this time?"

Sherlock removed the amulet he wore around his neck and secured it back onto Amy. "Its powers may exceed your expectations, Amy. It's not only brought me good fortune, but it also led me to meet your father." 

Amy's lips straightened, which is as close as her face could get to a smile. "I knew Daddy would be fine because when he left, I didn't have a bad feeling!" 

Sherlock affectionately patted her head and placed breakfast on the table.

"Let's eat, I've finished my business. Tomorrow, I can take you to a muggle amusement park, just like I promised," said Sherlock. Amy didn't know what to make of the amusement park, but she was thrilled at the prospect of going out with Sherlock. "Is Tobias coming too?"

Sherlock paused, only remembering then that Tobias was Snape's pseudonym. He glanced at Snape who was currently attempting to salvage a batch of spoiled potion. "Is Tobias coming too? You can't stay cooped up in here forever, can you?"

Snape frowned at them and took the breakfast Sherlock had bought him. "Is this is how you intend to spend your days from now on? Babysitting a bratty girl you have no connection to, taking her to amusement parks and spoiling her? What happened to your master plan?"

Amy blinked, "Does Tobias not like amusement parks?"

With a scornful snort, Snape barked, "Amusement parks are for dimwitted little children who know no better way to spend their time."

"But John said that amusement parks are lots of fun."

"Therein lies the reason you two get along so well. He's just as naïve and ignorant as you are!"

"But Tobias and Amy get along well too, Tobias is always nice to Amy."

"Nonsense! I wish for nothing more than to be freed of your incessant nagging voice!"  Snape's voice held a hint of exasperation.

Sherlock grimaced as he ate his sandwich, hearing his name dragged into their quarrel. "I'm the one wasting my time? You have done nothing but hide away in this stuffy, gloomy room brewing your little concoctions! What do you think I've been up to these past days? I may not have any breakthroughs concerning Lily, but at least I have direction."

Snape looked sharply at Sherlock. "Are you serious? Do you really have an idea?"

Sherlock assisted Amy in unwrapping her sandwich. "What reason would I have to lie to you?"

Snape's eyes were gleaming as he clenched his fists slightly. "You don't remember how you'd lecture me about how history cannot be changed over and over again?"

"Indeed, history is immutable. However, there is no harm in adding our own personal touch to it. Immutable is only that which has undeniably occurred, events known and recognized by those from the future. Such happenstances should not, nor can they be altered in the slightest."

Sherlock wiped off the mayonnaise from Amy's mouth with a napkin. "I actually got this idea thanks to Amy here."

Although Amy did not fully comprehend Sherlock's words, the undertone of praise was palpable. Unable to contain a sense of pride, a small grin emerged on her face.

"So don't you think you owe it to her to accompany us to an amusement park?"  Sherlock asked, his gaze firmly on Snape as he raised an eyebrow. 

After a moment of silence, Snape's response emerged, as though squeezed through the grit of his teeth, "I'll go."

Satisfied, Sherlock gave Snape's shoulder a comforting pat, "That's more like it! Uncle Tobias."

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