

Luciana could not seem to get what the prince had told her out of her mind. She had a lot of anger in her. Anger? That was an understatement. It should be more like rage, the pressing need to avenge her family. If she was going to live, she would kill Lord Kruger and his minions. She didn't know how or when, but she knew she was going to figure out a way. Her heart had been filled with hatred, and she was going to hold on to it. It was better than the pain.

Her mind went back to the prince? Even though she didn't know his real purpose of buying them, he doesn't treat them badly. He even granted her most of her request. She wondered if he would grant her one more request? She wondered if he could find her sister and buy her too since he likes buying slaves. Maybe they would be able to escape together. She sighed tiredly, knowing that plan was almost impossible.

She wasn't sure her sister was alive. It was also very likely that the prince would not do that. And she still worried about the fate of the girls here. What if they all ended badly, she would have to put her sister through that.

The door was suddenly pushed open unceremoniously, and Rebecca stepped in. Luciana groaned in annoyance.

"The dog again." She muttered under her breath, forgetting that werewolves have sharp hearing.

"What did you say?" Rebecca asked, annoyed. She walked to the worthless human.

"I was thinking of drawing a dog." Luciana lied, but then she smiled. "I should draw you instead. The same thing anyway."

"I will let the prince know of your ill behaviour." Rebecca threatened.

"You are going to tell him that you feel oppressed by a weak human, and you cannot do anything about it?"

"You... you just stay away from him." Rebecca said, and Luciana wondered where that came from.

"You like him, don't you?" Luciana asked with a mocking smile. She noticed how Rebecca always seemed angry anytime she sees her with the prince. She didn't read much meaning into it before, but it was becoming too obvious. "You tell me to stay away from him, but you'd do anything to jump on his bed."

"Not everyone are whores like you humans." Rebecca said, and Luciana gave her a knowing smile, nodding to herself. "The prince is here." She then said in a more reduced voice than before. "He requested to see you all."

The girls stood up and went to see the prince. They guessed that he probably wanted to take a few girls with him. He had done that twice since they came, taking two girls each time.

As usual, he was just standing in the center of the living room with his general. The girls lined themselves up, facing him. Each hoping they would not be the next, even Luciana. But Luciana hoped for a different reason. She had access to the library here, and she was hoping she could use the laboratory soon.

"You, you and you, come with me." The prince said, pointing at Rosaline, Monica and Annalise who was standing beside Luciana.

Monica burst into tears, while Annalise squeezed Luciana's hand. Luciana could tell that she was afraid, and she too could not stop the awful feeling that began to bloom in her heart.

Raziel and his general turned to leave, and Luciana watched as the girls went after them. She didn't know she would feel this awful if Annalise should leave her, but she worried most about what would become of her.

"Your highness." She didn't know when she called for the prince, but he didn't answer. The girls looked at her like something was wrong with her.

"You really think he will answer you?" Rebecca asked mockingly from behind her. "Your friend is gone, you should forget abou..."

Before Rebecca could complete her statement, Luciana took off, running after the prince. She met them close to the castle's gates.

"Your highness." She yelled, but when he didn't answer, she shouted, "Prince Raziel!"

Raziel stopped, and turned to her. By then guards have ran to attack her for her disrespect. Even though she added his title, she wasn't supposed to mention his name.

Luciana was roughly kicked to the ground by the vampire and werewolves soldiers. She knew she would sustain injuries from the kick, and more from her rough landing on the ground.

"Stop!" Raziel ordered them, and they let her go at once. He zoomed over there with his vampiric speed. He could smell her blood strongly in the air, and he knew she would have sustained a serious injury, but the human was not even winching at all. It was as if she was used to wounds.

"What did I say about hurting them?" He asked the soldiers.

They bowed. "Your highness... she disrespected you."

"Then you let me punish her."

They went on their knees.

"We are sorry your highness."

"Take yourselves to the dungeons, lock yourselves up and throw the key away."

"Your highness?"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Yes your highness." They said in unison, before getting up to do as he had ordered.

"And you." He turned to the human who had continued to surprise him, both with words and actions.

"I didn't mean to be disrespectful your highness, but please take me in place of Annalise." She pleaded. In case it comes to the worst case scenario, at least Annalise still had a lot to live for. She was just living for revenge, and hoping to find a sister she whom wasn't sure was alive.

"Why?" Raziel asked.

"I want her to be safe, but you can take me."

He frowned. "Who told you that she would not be safe?"

He glanced at Lorenzo who was waiting for him, and gave him the signal to take the girls away.

Luciana couldn't peel her gaze off Annalise as they walked away. Annalise too couldn't resist turning back to look at her, her eyes welled with tears.

"Your highness please. Let her stay." She pleaded again without looking at him.

Annalise then mouth a 'goodbye' to her as they got close to the gates. Just before she stepped out, she turned to Luciana.

"We will see each other again." She burst into tears, and just like that, she was gone.

Luciana's hand had unconsciously reached for her wound, and she began to untie the bandage.

Raziel noticed it. He guessed that she usually hurt herself when she was emotionally stressed.

"Don't assume the worst. Your friend would appreciate the life she would be given more than what she has here." He said to her, and Luciana looked up at him, doubt in her eyes. "Stop doing that to yourself." He said, looking at her hand which she had began to hurt.

Luciana breathed hard, the heavy feeling in her chest becoming heavier. She felt the dreadful feeling of losing someone again, and she wasn't sure she was strong enough to take it. She suddenly realized how lonely she had become.

"Come with me." He ordered, and began to walk away. But he stopped when he noticed that Luciana was not coming with him. He turned to see her in the same kneeling position the guards had put her. He looked miserable.

He walked back to her and gave her his hand, and the human looked up at him, surprised.


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