


Learning that the year is 1980, Arthur is already excited for the age of heroes. Punching Cree ships with "Captain Marvel", which will come about 15 years later, has definitely been added to the list of things to do.

Of course, he still has a whole 15 years ahead of him. During this time, he must improve himself and constantly work to become stronger and more knowledgeable.

The Marvel universe is a universe where all kinds of craziness can happen. It's not a universe where he can afford to be negligent, even if he trusts his power too much. It's a universe where aliens, gods and monsters appear on the scene every day and keep fighting each other.

4 years later

As the sun rose, Arthur slowly opened his eyes.

It had been nearly five years since he had arrived in this universe. Now his days were truly peaceful. The immense power he possessed continued to grow. He tried to use the meditation method he had read about in his past life to train his divinity. He was able to make a little progress. He can cover his entire body with his energy and can enter 3x mode with his strength, speed, perception. Thanks to the Viltrum powers, his strength is growing every day. Although it is a little difficult to get used to the slow farm life, once you get used to it, you realise that it is great.

Athur brushed his teeth and went down the stairs. When he saw his mother in the kitchen preparing breakfast, he smiled and said "good morning mum".

Maria looked at Arthura with a smile and said "good morning to you too dear, breakfast will be ready soon".

Arthur pov

After a nice breakfast, we chat with the family. As time passes slowly, I can't help thinking about what I will do in the future, although they are very young, my family are ordinary people. The thought of losing them one day scares me a lot. But I know that everything is possible in this universe. Maybe I should work hard in the field of biology and make some kind of longevity serum. It would benefit all humans. But for that I would have to learn a lot of complex information about human anatomy, genes, cells, etc. at a very advanced level. The easier way would be to give them a ready-made serum. I could give them a SSS or a regulated extermis. Or I could ask Odin for a pair of golden apples if I'm ever in Asgar. It's not like he's going to die if he gives me two, stories tell that golden apples can give immortality (not literally) even to ordinary mortals. Of course, it is too early to think about these things, they are both happy people in the spring of their youth.

I am about to turn 5 years old, I don't know exactly how strong I am anymore. I can uproot the biggest tree in the neighbourhood with one hand without difficulty. I can run or fly at the speed of sound, but I can't measure exactly how fast I am travelling. The fact that I have to go to primary school in two years gives me a headache. In an environment where there are 20-30 children aged 6-7, there can be only one thing, absolute chaos. I'm already starting to worry about my future. I'm in for a hard time. Anyway, what I mean is that I don't have a life goal at the moment, I'm just learning martial arts on my own to pass the time. And I'm practising the saitama routine 100x. I don't know if it will help, but it doesn't hurt to try.

1 year later Arthur started primary school. Even though he was an adult in spirit, in the eyes of other people he had already learnt everything he was taught in his previous life. School life would be an easy adventure, at least in terms of exams.

Arthur started drawing as a hobby last year. Although he was not so good at first, he was now able to make amateur drawings that were pleasing to the eye. When his family realised his talent for drawing, they began to encourage him to pursue it.

Maria pov

Time goes by so fast, I remember the first time I held Arthur, the first time I breastfed him, his first steps, the first time he said mummy, the first time he lifted his dad's truck, the funny look on his face when he flew for the first time...

Okay, he is definitely not an ordinary child, but he is my only son. These moments are very special for me. On the day my little son went to school for the first time, I couldn't help but cry. In the future, I may become a big man and go to other cities for university, I may not see him for months or even years. Of course, he can come to see me whenever he wants with his talents. Sometimes I witness his training and I am surprised every time when my son lifts tens of tonnes of objects as if they were nothing. Even "Captain America", whom I know as the peak in terms of strength, is no different from a fragile human being next to my son.

Although this makes me happy as a mother, it worries me that there is no one who can stop Arthur when he gets angry. Don't get me wrong, I trust my son, I realise that he is compassionate enough not to hurt a fly, but we live in a cruel world. A world that could turn Arthur into someone he doesn't want to be. Arthur is a very smart boy, he's never used his powers in front of other people. We're doing everything we can to keep his secret in our family.

Dave was suspicious of Arthur at first. But slowly, over the months, he came to see him as his real son. We're not sure what to do about telling him about his origins.

His absence from this world may frighten him and put distance between him and people. I'm worried that he'll be alone in the big world and find no one to share his feelings with. Maybe my worries are unnecessary. Arthur has a big heart, everyone in the town loves him, he has always been the calmest and smartest of his peers. Ever since he was a child, Arthur has exuded a relaxed and calm aura around him. He has always been a self-confident child in communicating with people.

I am thinking of waiting until adulthood to tell him the truth. I hope he will accept this truth easily and realise that my love for him will never change.

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