
Gods among us (part 1)

After multiple extinction events, the Earth was entering the golden age of life. Various groups of rational beings were gathering, forming settlements around the world, giving birth to the beginnings of future human society. Among them, a select group of beings called Homo Magi stood out. They acquired their supernatural powers after the God Wave.

The Homo Magi evolved rapidly, and together they decided to establish their own settlement on the continent of Atlantis, quickly thriving and surpassing all others, reaching the forefront of humanity.

In other parts of the world, beings with great powers emerged, endowed with the power of creation and destruction. These groups were regarded as deities by humanity and were called Titans, who proclaimed themselves the masters of the sky, earth, and sea.

They soon divided into different pantheons and divided the Earth into different domains. Among them, one of the strongest was the Greek pantheon, with Cronus as its leader. He acquired his position after killing his father Uranus. This act not only earned him the title of king of the Titans but also bestowed upon him a terrible prophetic curse that he would be overthrown by his own children. Tormented by this curse, Cronus began to fear his children, and he devoured them as soon as they were born.

Rhea, Cronus' wife, was desperate to see her children being devoured by her husband. Witnessing each offspring she bore meet the same fate, she revolted. Together with Gaia, the ancient queen of the Titans and mother of Cronus, they devised a plan to save one of Rhea's children.

The new goddess of the Titans gave birth to another child, but this time she managed to save him. She handed the child to Gaia to protect and conceal him. This child was named Zeus.

Zeus was raised by nymphs to survive without his father knowing of his existence. Later, when he was older, Zeus disguised himself and managed to make his father drink a potion that made him regurgitate all the children he had swallowed before, now adults. It was at this moment that the Titanomachy began. With the support of all his liberated siblings, Zeus declared war against Cronus.

This war spread throughout the world, causing other pantheons to take sides. Incessant battles raged across the globe, destroying everything in their path. Meanwhile, humanity could only flee and pray for mercy. However, these creatures never cared about ants; to them, humanity was an inferior race meant to be dominated by them. That's how they thought, until...

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