
Chapter 22 - Make Sure You Won't Regret It

A few seconds after Ron drank the potion, he felt as if he had consumed an entire bag of pure sugar. A surge of energy coursed through his body, and his eyes widened in surprise at the rapid change in mood. Suddenly all the exhaustion was gone, replaced by a feeling of euphoria and excitement.

"Hello, Hello, Hello! Welcome to the Weasley Tent! Can I help you?"

Ron approached a customer, talking fast and excited.

"Oh my. You look excited. What do you have?"

A kindly old lady asked.

"We have the Sleep Well Potion, which helps you fall asleep easier when you have insomnia! The Light Healing Potion, which heals minor wounds and minor injuries in a few seconds! And we also have the Monster Potion! It leaves you with a lot of energy so you can do your tasks better."

Ron said very quickly with a smile on his face.

"I believe you took the last potion haha."

The old lady said laughing.

"Yes yes yes, it's great. Do you want to buy one from us? You can buy more than one. You can buy as many as you want."

Ron said euphorically. He was very excited about the sales.

"Thanks, dear, but I'll just have the Sleep Well potion."

The little lady said, in a calm and smiling voice.

Quickly, Ron took the Sleep Well potion and handed it to the woman, tucking the payment into one of the boxes.

He was so full of energy that he was like a hurricane in the tent. His hands worked quickly, and his thoughts were quick and clear. Incoming customers were served with astonishing speed, and speech was fast-paced and lively.

Fred and George watched with mixed admiration and concern. While they were happy to see that Ron was no longer looking like a zombie, they knew that the Monster Potion was not a sustainable solution to the core problem. They also feared the possible long-term side effects of the potion.

"I think we should put more warnings on the potion's label."

George said to Fred as they watched Ron.

He had already tasted the Monster Potion once, but he hadn't been as euphoric as Ron. Perhaps, because Ron was younger than the twin brothers, the effect of the potion was even stronger.

As the day wore on, Ron continued with his incredible energy. He wasn't hungry, he didn't need rest breaks, and he looked unstoppable. However, as time passed, the effects of the Monster Potion began to wane.

Due to how tired Ron was the day before, taking the potion started to have bad side effects as it wore off. Ron began to feel sudden fatigue and a severe headache.

"Here. I bought you some cookies. Eat this and get some rest. We've already sold out most of the potions. You don't have to worry anymore."

Fred said, handing over a paper bag with some strawberry shortcakes inside.

Ron sat down on one of the boxes and quickly ate the muffins. He didn't know if it was because of the hunger he was feeling, but those seemed to be the tastiest cookies he had ever tasted in his life.

'So, if you drink the Monster Potion when you're already very tired, do you have the munchies? How interesting...'

Ron thought.

Later, Molly arrived to help the children clear the tent.

Ron saw the gnome entering the Leaky Cauldron restaurant and decided it was time to talk to him.

Now that the gnome had a better income, Ron always saw him walking around Diagon Alley in nice clothes, eating in the common restaurants, buying better things for himself. Now Ron didn't need to go to Knockturn Alley to find the little thing.

"You can go. I'm going to stop by the ingredient shop to buy some more items for the potions."

Ron said, throwing his family off.

He was certain of the decision to end the partnership with the gnome. He didn't need that anymore. Continuing this could only kill the business.

Upon entering the restaurant, he noticed that there were several tables displayed next to each other in two long rows. Ron found it a little uncomfortable to eat so close to other people, so he found the environment a little strange.

All the walls were stone, with pictures and huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling as if they were going to fall down at any moment.

At the back of the room, Ron managed to find the gnome sitting at a table, scanning the menu over a glass of Butterbeer. He was alone, but he had a contented expression on his face.

"You are welcome, Mr. Grimbark. How are you today? Did it solve the back pain?"

A waiter was talking to the gnome intimately.

"I'm doing great. That medicine you gave me really worked!"

Apparently, the gnome frequented that place a lot, becoming well known.

The gnome began to make a name for himself in Diagon Alley. Getting rid of him would be more difficult now, plus it might cause a nasty tantrum. It could give Diagon Alley a bad reputation as a dangerous place to hang out and that could hurt sales.

"We need to talk!"

Ron sat on the gnome's table, facing him.

"Oh, my great friend. What brings you here?"

The gnome said, putting the menu down.

"Do you want to order something? We never had lunch together. It is a great happiness for me to have you here. How's business going at the tent?"

The gnome continued. He was too receptive to Ron.

"I want to end our partnership."

Ron said seriously.


The gnome yelled, slamming his glass of Butterbeer down on the table, causing everyone in the restaurant to stare at them.

"You can't do that! Our business is doing great!"

The gnome whispered, trying to lose the wizards' attention.

"I found something better. I'm working on potions right now. I don't need you anymore."

Ron snapped.

"No longer need me? You can't just decide to abandon the business. Have you forgotten our agreement?"

The gnome said, starting to get irritated.

"I am no longer working with repairs. I can't get any more items."

Ron replied, staring at the gnome but not expressing any emotion.

"It doesn't matter to me that you can't. Do it, anyway!"

The gnome replied.

"Our business agreement is over. I will not continue working for you."

Ron answered.

"You are throwing away everything I built!"

The gnome said angrily.

"Listen here, garden dwarf. I helped YOU get where you are TODAY. You would NEVER have this lifestyle without ME."

Ron responded menacingly.

"The MINIMUM you have to do is accept that I am ending the partnership with you."

He continued.

"And what about our agreement? Did you forget that I can report you to the merchant? He would finish you off in seconds."

The gnome threatened.

Ron was preparing for the worst, learning protection spells to at least get away from the merchant, in case the gnome betrayed his trust, but the gnome didn't know that.

"Do you really think you would get away with it? You betrayed the merchant's trust in HIS community for your own reasons. You hid this secret and caused a huge loss to the merchant. Do you really think that kind of wizard will forgive you? That he'll give you mercy just because you betrayed me?"

Ron questioned.

The gnome stared at him for a few seconds in silence, his brows furrowed.

"Right. I will end our partnership. But know that it won't come cheap for you.

The gnome said laughing, taking a sip of his drink.

"How much do you want?"

Ron asked, wanting to get it over with.

"Just as I thought. Not going to let the family down, are you? Aww, what a responsible little boy."

The gnome said, teasing Ron.

"Enough of your jokes. Tell me so we can wrap this up."

Ron answered.

"I want 400 Galleons!"

The gnome stopped having the ironically friendly tone and started to respond with coldness.

"400 gallons? Are you crazy?

Ron asked in disbelief.

"Take it or leave it. Either that or keep working with me!"

The gnome replied.

Ron only had a portion of that money saved. He still needed more. The only way out he could find was to create the beautifying potion right away to get the quick money together.

"How much time do I have?"

Ron asked.

"I'll give you 1 week. If you manage to get me all the money, I won't interfere in your life anymore."

The gnome replied.

"Right. I don't think we have anything else to talk about."

Ron said, getting up from the table to leave.

"I believe you will regret this choice, Weasley. I have many other plans that will guarantee me success."

The gnome sneered, before Ron turned away.

"I don't care about your threats. Do whatever you want. Just make sure you won't regret it later."

Ron replied, fixing his coat and getting up to leave.

"Yeah… We'll see."

The gnome whispered softly, giving a small chuckle, and went back to drinking his butterbeer.

Before leaving for home, Ron decided to stop by the ingredient store to buy some items for the test.

This time, he wasn't accompanied by Percy, so the fear of being kicked out again took over his mind.

Ron entered the shop timidly, trying not to cause too much fanfare. He grabbed the ingredients he needed and headed to the register.

The only way for the man to not kick him out before he even spoke was to act like a cute and gentle child. Maybe the man wouldn't be so bothered by his presence that way.

"Excuse me, can you help me? I would like to take these items."

Ron approached the counter, rising on tiptoe as he lowered his voice slightly and placed the items gently on top of the counter. He looked down, as if he were ashamed.

"A customer! What do you…."

Before the man could finish his speech, he noticed who was trying to shop with him.

"A Weasley… Welcome!"

The man said with a big smile.

Ron looked up, confused by the man's reaction.

"Aren't you going to kick me out?"

Ron asked genuinely.

"Kick you out? Of course, not! You are a mature man now, aren't you? I heard about your tent. It's been a hit!"

The man said, taking the ingredients from the counter and putting them in a bag.


Ron was surprised by the change in the man. So really Molly was right. The rumors really were true and they were starting to spread all over Diagon Alley.

That was great. Ron Weasley's reputation was finally starting to change for the better.


[ Toru's notes ]

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[Chapter edited by: Roku]

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