

Location: Echo Realm

Date: Second Age

The Neoscience of DI or deliberate improvement, devised by Drake Tempo, a lantern-class cultic master of the patron Emzeser was utilized by that gentleman aboard the mausoleum ship Actual Folk to draw back the dimensional curtain concealing the Faril system in Pole sector. That system contains three worlds. The first is Sycamore Detour, and over various continents there are individual bubble-like atmospheres, the Quasicrystal Aura. Despite Tempo's warnings the first settlers on Detour were transformed into a race of quasicrystal people, and had to be hunted down and destroyed. Tempo was mostly successful, but the remnant of that population went underground and lived in caverns. After the initial terraforming procedure, the Formative Tear-Basin of the main continent Kromoman-Drape became the site of the colony city. During one night in the home of the colonist family Daniels-Rule, the father was replacing a light-bulb. He left the room. The daughter, Sarah Daniels-Rule climbed up into the opening and vanished. The quasicrystal aura over Kromoman-Drape lifted and formed into the entity Lightbulb of Quintessence that left the Faril system. Thereafter the colonists had no issues. As for the habitat, the planet hosts almost perfect sycamore trees. It hosts four hundred Earth-Detour hybrid varieties of garlic. From this, a new generation of artists took inspiration and became garlic artists. The space platform above Detour contains Institution Sativum, a grand garlic art museum that beckons visitors from across the galaxy. Tourism from the museum is a large part of Detour's economy. The scope of the territory of Sycamore Detour is much greater than a simple analysis of its physical dimensions would suggest. There is a process called Turquoise Parallel Defragmentation that greatly increases the spatial regions of the world. This process is mainly caused by the Wobble-Bumkins, purple deer like beasts with legs three times the length of normal deer. They can fold these legs up underneath themselves when they fly. The Wobble-Bumkins travel around Detour and place holes with their antlers in the ground and holes within the sides of the rock and surfaces of the floating sky-islands. During a full moon lunar light will fill the holes, and from them are cast poles of turquoise light known as the Turquoise Parallels. Forests of the parallels emerge, and if one watches, they can see the parallels stretch space, creating new environments. The Wobble-Bumkins are named so because they do so when they walk.

The second world of the Faril system is named Decadent Thesis, and was originally a prison planet of Sycamore Detour, the main center being the prison-city of Banish-People until a prison riot. Banish-People is now the capital. When the prisoner Mei Zoe Ulomara was freed, she became a historian and the author of the historical book "The Unquenchable Annals of History". The book was used by Ulomara to summon a sequence of energies from Timecurrent to Ruin to Valco and formed them together. Through the power of the book, Thesis became an extension of the Sublime Landscape, with Ulomara as its master. She evolved into the noble Zoe Thesis, and scattered the paper pages of the book. The pages planted themselves into the ground, and became great tall and thick walls that contained in certain regions the essence of the sublime landscape on Thesis. Outside of Zoe's main city of Banish-People, the settlements of mortals on the world are contained within floating stone cylinders, the Rajarayatran. Within the oceans of the sublime landscape on Thesis, there is a layer of oil over the water, and within it is a dimension in which mortals live as well. That world is called Wioa-Emeva, and its capital is named Iota-Trace. The most significant danger to the colonists living on Thesis are the Tosso. These small hamster-like animals, when they approach a person, carry a tiny hammer which will drift through the air, and continue to grow until it is of great size and will trail a person, and smash them. The Tosso will then eat about a quarter pound of meat, and rip off the hair, leaving the lifeless body hairless, but only if it is considerably smashed.

The third world is Nauseous Gaia. It is mostly a desert world. There are geysers that spill forth seltzer onto the surface. Living within the seltzer geysers are colonies of naked, semi porous people that are released whenever there is a spurt. They congregate together and lick the seltzer off of themselves with their tongues, purifying themselves. The semi porous people can hover as well. When the cleaning is complete they hover away into the wastelands of the desert. If a semi porous person is completely pure, it blossoms into a giant orchid that casts a light projection onto the ground, a projection of an oasis. As far as the human body and psyche is concerned, the waters, vegetation, animals and fruits of these projected oases are equivalent to the real thing. If a semi porous person is incompletely pure, it will blossom into a palm tree, and around it more vegetation will arise. If the semi porous person is still very messy and covered in seltzer, it will bury itself under the sands. They eventually return to the geysers, although some of them explode while they are buried, sending up bursts of sand. Besides that, they are almost completely simpleminded. The planet Nauseous Gaia is infested with Umpereo snakes, as the deserts of the Extreme were. There is a third native variety of Umpereo snake that is a female that gives birth to litters of Dall, reptilian, almost alligator-like bats. The Dall are vicious carnivores and predators of the desert, attacking any humans they encounter. During the first colonization of Gaia a wealthy hedonist by the name of Plymouth Chrome had a pleasure mansion built in the desert. The interior walls of Chrome Mansion were all painted. During an invasion by Umpereo snakes, the humans under their will broke free but became the Removers, a race of humanoids. As the mansion was defended, they were chased back into a mine, from which the colonists discovered a trove of cylindrical rocks called Bayarma that followed them back en-mass. They roll along the walls of the mansion, removing the paint. The Umpereo were also eventually repelled, and due to this new nuisance Plymouth hired countless workers to constantly repaint his mansion. More Bayarma arrived from the mine, and their rotations are endless. The mansion could never truly be entirely repainted, and Plymouth eventually returned to the SOTA The denizens of Gaia continue to tend to the rocks, as they produce a type of paint, Omech-paint, which the workers will collect in bowls. The Omech-paint is placed as lines on the sand and protects the settlements from incursions by many of the beasts of Gaia, most notably the Amebet, which is like a moray eel with spikes that spin as fast as drills, and a mouth that fires a replica of an exploding head of whoever it is is fighting.

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