

Sin clutched his head in astonishment, taken aback by the profound sense of weakness that had suddenly overwhelmed his body. Despite having the capability to evade the impending assault, he consciously chose to endure it, given that the attacker was none other than his own mother. Consequently, he allowed her to deliver a resounding smack, a decision driven by complex emotions and a desire to maintain a delicate family dynamic.

His gaze fell upon Sin's mother with a keen, discerning eye. She possessed undeniable beauty, yet it was impossible to overlook her somewhat generous physique. She was, without a doubt, a robust and well-rounded woman, exuding a vibrant aura of health and vitality. In rude words, she was a fat woman.

"Apologies, Mom," Sin offered sincerely. "I was growing excessively bored, and I thought it might be a good idea to explore new ways to occupy my time."

Sin told her.

"I'm not so much concerned about you going there," Sin's mother responded, her tone tinged with frustration, "but I'm upset that you chose to deceive me. Even if you had been honest about it, I would have needed some time to contemplate whether or not I would allow you to go there."

Sin appealed to his mother, saying, "But Mom, this opportunity is crucial for my personal development."

A somber tone entered the conversation as Sin's mother raised a poignant question. "You're aware of what happened to your late brother in that very place, aren't you?"

Sin's memory vividly recalled the tragedy that had befallen his elder brother in the dungeon several years ago, casting a shadow over the ongoing debate. Realizing the futility of further argument, he silently resolved to utilize his Kamui ability to teleport to the dungeon in the future, bypassing any further objections or concerns.

"Ah, Rubi dear," a voice emanated from behind, startling those present. It was none other than Sin's father, Judge Abraham, who had joined the conversation. "If you keep him bound here, he may never have the chance to grow into a fine man capable of inheriting my position." His words carried a weight of wisdom and a fatherly concern for his son's future.

Upon seeing his father, Johan couldn't help but wonder why Sin was the only one who seemed to have a slimmer physique when his father, Judge Abraham, was also a robust individual. Approaching Sin, Johan stepped in front of him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, a gesture loaded with curiosity. In rude words, his father is also fat like his mother.

"I'm pleased that he's made this decision," Sir Judge remarked with a sense of relief. "I've been worried about the future of our family, especially since he represents our last hope." His words conveyed a mixture of approval and a recognition of the responsibility resting on Sin's shoulders.

"You always seem more preoccupied with our family's reputation than with the well-being of its members," Madam Rubi asserted, her tone tinged with reproach. Then, she furrowed her brows and continued, "Alright, I'll grant him permission to go if he can defeat Ira."

Upon hearing this, Judge burst into laughter, his amusement evident.

"You're assigning him an almost impossible challenge. He's just a level one youngster; how can he be expected to defeat a level 21 young lady?" His words carried a note of skepticism regarding the feasibility of the task.

As Sin pondered her identity, he recollected that Ira Tazzel was, in fact, his cousin from his mother's side. While they were of the same age, Ira had earned a reputation as one of the prodigious minds of their generation, adding a layer of complexity to the challenge ahead.

Sin attempted to calculate the odds of defeating Ira, relying on his usual approach of assessing his chances in every match. However, he soon realized that his calculations were futile in this world due to the myriad variables and unpredictable power dynamics at play, making it impossible to determine a reliable outcome.

Nevertheless, drawing upon his experience as a former World Champion, Sin was willing to take the risk. It was the indomitable spirit of a champion that drove him forward, undeterred by the uncertainty and determined to face the challenge head-on.

"Alright, Mother, I accept your condition," Sin responded, a hint of determination in his voice. "But you must allow me to spend three days in the dungeon first to prepare myself physically and mentally for the encounter with Ira. If I emerge victorious, so be it. If I fail, I won't return there until you give the word." He had laid out his terms with a sense of conviction and readiness to face whatever lay ahead.

Upon hearing Sin's request, Madam Rubi took a moment to contemplate and ultimately agreed to grant him permission. Sin let out a sigh of relief, while his father observed a transformation in his son. Aware of his son's previous lackadaisical tendencies, he couldn't help but notice the drastic change in Sin's willingness to face Ira Tazzel, the prodigious child of the Tazzel family, without displaying surprise.

In the end, he held respect for both his wife and son's decisions and conveyed, "Very well. Just ensure you both don't venture too far. I'll be away for a business meeting in our neighboring country and won't be available here." With that, he affectionately patted Sin on the shoulder before making his exit. Sin's mother followed suit, leaving the room accompanied by her attendants.

As Sin observed his mother's maidservants, he couldn't help but notice a common characteristic among them – they were all on the heavier side. While he pondered this, someone called his name.

"Brother Sin, I thought you had gone to our house," it was Jack, a presence Sin hadn't considered until now. Reacting impulsively, Sin playfully kicked Jack on the rear end and inquired, "Why did your timing have to be so perfect that you showed up right now?" His tone carried a blend of irritation and amusement, reflecting their somewhat contentious relationship.

"Ah, spare me, Brother Sin," Jack pleaded with teary eyes, but Sin was unimpressed and followed up with a second kick to his rear.

"Don't act like a sissy in my presence. Now, why did you come here?" Sin inquired, his patience waning as he pressed Jack for an explanation.

"I don't really have a specific reason, Brother," Jack replied to Sin with a warm smile. "I simply decided to pay you a visit and spend some time together." His words were accompanied by a friendly demeanor, conveying his intention to enjoy some quality time with Sin.

Upon hearing Jack's explanation, Sin's frustration only grew, leading him to deliver an even more emphatic kick.

"Rather than just hanging out, why don't you head back home and engage in some physical fitness activities?" he scolded with exasperation, his words carrying a sharp edge as he addressed Jack's lack of attention to his health.

Sin, recognizing Jack as one of his unsavory acquaintances from the past, sternly told him to leave. Jack had a history of wrongdoing, and Sin believed that he should face severe consequences for his past transgressions. It was this knowledge that motivated Sin to treat him with such disdain and frustration.

As Sin watched Jack depart and left alone with his thoughts, he couldn't help but ponder his current situation. Recollections flooded his mind, and the realization struck him that in the real world, he had met an untimely demise. He vividly remembered being crushed by a stone wall—the very same wall he had purchased at a significant cost, a grim memory that left him with a sense of foreboding and uncertainty about his present circumstances.

Sin's reflections led him to the stark realization that he had severed ties with most of the people in his real-world existence due to the toxicity that had permeated his life. This had been a significant factor in his decision to retire from the sport he once pursued passionately.

Despite the discomfort caused by his intense workout, he was well aware that overexertion could prove fatal in his present situation. Recognizing the importance of balance, he decided to rest for the remainder of the day, acknowledging that physical growth required time and proper nutrition. It was then that he recalled an unusual aspect of his existence in this new world—he never experienced hunger, a peculiarity that added to the enigma of his current circumstances.

Sin contemplated the intriguing phenomenon of not experiencing hunger, attributing it to the mysterious influence of the wood cells. While food was considered one of the fundamental necessities of life on Earth, the absence of hunger served as a weight lifted from his shoulders, relieving him of one of his concerns. This enigmatic aspect of his new existence continued to perplex him, adding to the layers of mystery surrounding his current circumstances.

After having his solitary dinner, a familiar routine for Original Sin, he retreated to his bed. To his surprise, the sleep he experienced was of a quality he had long yearned for over the past half-decade. It was a deep, restful slumber that offered him a respite from the turmoil of his previous life, a welcome change in his newfound existence.


In another location, a voice emerged from the shadows, its tone carrying a hint of frustration. "It appears that your plan to eliminate him in the dungeon did not succeed." The speaker's words hinted at an undisclosed scheme that had fallen short of its intended outcome.

The second voice responded with a sense of bewilderment, "I'm not sure what went wrong either. I had even deployed four Orcs as a failsafe measure. They were supposed to be more formidable than anyone in that party." The exchange hinted at a plan gone awry, leaving both speakers puzzled by the unexpected turn of events.

"Very well," he replied, his voice taking on a chilling tone. "Let's conduct a thorough investigation into all the individuals who were members of his hired party." The resolve in their voices suggested a determination to unravel the mystery surrounding the failed plan and those involved in it.

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